Haitian Cat Eating Witnesses

Whether it's true or not, the fact that Trumper garbage like you is happy about the idea of cats and dogs being eaten, speaks volumes as to what kind of trash you people really are.
Ra-men. To that I would only add the fact that the MAGATs gleefully jump at any chance to disparage non-white immigrants also speaks volumes about what kind of racist trash they are.
Ra-men. To that I would only add the fact that the MAGATs gleefully jump at any chance to disparage non-white immigrants also speaks volumes about what kind of racist trash they are.
And then of course, there's the fact that Trumpers are known to lie about anything and everything, so any so-called "eye-witness" or any right-wing media "news" article about such a witness, lacks credibility from the outset.
I can always tell the bias of a news source by going to their main page and looking at the list of articles. Revolver has one called "Kamala Harris just screeched like a billy goat". No serious news outlet would publish something like that.
No, they would not. That's why MAGATs have to resort to bullshit sources like this one in order to spread their hate, bigotry, lies, and propaganda.
The only FACT here, is that it's after Labor Day in an election year. Which means the right wing has to desperately try and drum up some bigoted anti-immigrant fervor. It used to be MS-13, then it was the caravan, then Venezuelan gangs and now Haitians. And they fall for it. Every. Single. Time.
Whether it's true or not, the fact that Trumper garbage like you is happy about the idea of cats and dogs being eaten, speaks volumes as to what kind of trash you people really are.
What gives you the idea that I'm happy about it?
I'm just reporting the truth as it unfolds.
The story is a lie made up by Trump's latest goofball Loomis. Rest assured if immigrants were eating dogs and cars, there would have been some of them shot. We have guns in America. Trump is susceptible to conspiracy nuts. He should be on this board. We have many who have the same problem.
The story is a lie made up by Trump's latest goofball Loomis. Rest assured if immigrants were eating dogs and cars, there would have been some of them shot. We have guns in America. Trump is susceptible to conspiracy nuts. He should be on this board. We have many who have the same problem.
As you know, it is illegal for an illegal to purchase a firearm without filling out a form 4473 besides, Haitian immigrant's weapon of choice is a machete.
Stay in your basement nordie, you will be safe.
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What gives you the idea that I'm happy about it?
I'm just reporting the truth as it unfolds.
Except you aren't reporting any truth. You are promoting conspiracy theories.

Let's examine some of the evidence.
The indicted woman that killed and ate a cat while drunk was a US citizen and over 150 miles away from Springfield.
The woman that used to have 50 cats and now only has 5 would have been in violation of city pet laws that restrict the number of cats any person can keep.
A 911 call about someone killing a goose which was not a pet.

These 3 isolated incidents are then combined together to weave some conspiracy bullshit that results in idiots like you promoting the conspiracy and bomb threats against city hall in Springfield.