Hamas Wants Guarantees Israel Won’t Assassinate Its Leaders Abroad

Israel is supposed to have great spy networks. I am sure that they have paid Gaza informants. Yet it was a big surprise if it was.
It's no surprise. Gaza did not attack Israel. Iran attacked Israel. Iran and Qatar knew about the attack whereas Gazans did not. Israel needed to have paid informants in the Al Qassam brigades, but they did not.
It's no surprise. Gaza did not attack Israel. Iran attacked Israel. Iran and Qatar knew about the attack whereas Gazans did not. Israel needed to have paid informants in the Al Qassam brigades, but they did not.
Sybil, global military strategist. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Earth to Sybil: Hamas, although funded by Iran, are Gazans/Palestinians.
It's no surprise. Gaza did not attack Israel. Iran attacked Israel. Iran and Qatar knew about the attack whereas Gazans did not. Israel needed to have paid informants in the Al Qassam brigades, but they did not.

Are you crazy?

Iranians are not Arabs. Their language is more similar to English than Arabic. Iranians would have a hard time passing as Arabs. Iranians would also have a hard time getting 3,000 terrorists to Gaza without anyone noticing.

Many of the Gazans that attacked Israel were known by Israel. They retreated back into Gaza, or were killed. None of them have been discovered to be Iranians. They were all Gaza natives... 3,000 Gaza natives.

There is no way Gazan could not have known about the attack they were doing.

We can not be sure whether Iran or Hamas in Qatar knew, that is a maybe. There is a lot of evidence they were caught by surprise. Maybe that was just surprise at the success.

Everyone assumed Israel had a strong defense around Gaza. As it turns out, Netanyahu skimped. Hamas had diversionary attacks by people scaling walls, and a main attack that was done by gliders and small boats. As it turns out the diversionary attack met no military resistance, and was wildly successful. Hamas did not know that would happen.
Guno צְבִי;5887574 said:

Arab sources told News14’s Baruch Yadid on Thursday that Hamas demands guarantees to ensure that Israel will refrain from killing senior members of the terrorist organization abroad.

Osama Hamdan, the new senior Hamas official in Lebanon (he took over for Saleh al-Arouri who was assassinated in early January), on Wednesday, denied reports that on Saturday there will be an announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza. Hamdan claimed: “We have substantial comments regarding the proposal submitted to us.”

That's cute. They perpetrate the heinous acts of Oct. 7 and they think they won't all eventually be killed?

I thought these leaders are supposed to be martyrs?

Let them be martyrs
That's cute. They perpetrate the heinous acts of Oct. 7 and they think they won't all eventually be killed?

I thought these leaders are supposed to be martyrs?

Let them be martyrs
Agreed. Help all of them become martyrs.
Iranians are not Arabs.
Are you just now figuring this out?

Their language is more similar to English than Arabic.
Farsi (Iranian), and Dari (Tajik) have ancient Greek roots from Alexander the Great's conquests. The verb conjugations are similar to that of Spanish, French and Italian.

Iranians would have a hard time passing as Arabs.
In fact, it would be almost impossible, hence Iran's close partnership with Qatar to manage the Al Qassam brigades (Hamas) and with Syria to manage Hezbollah.

Many of the Gazans that attacked Israel were known by Israel.
You don't get to speak for Israel and you don't get to revise history. Al Qassam attacked Israel on Oct 7th, not "Gazans". The attack was authorized, coordinated and funded by Iran in partnership with Qatar. Israel had no idea the attack was coming because nobody in Gaza was involved, to keep it a complete secret. Israel has so many spies under deep cover throughout Gaza that if any word of anything makes its way into Gaza, Israel knows about it. Everything about this attack was external, and thus a total surprise.

There is no way Gazan could not have known about the attack they were doing.
Iran attacked Israel, not Gaza, and in the first couple of weeks after Oct 7th, Israel was not silent about Iran's involvement. However, as Israel's genocide of Arabs snowballed into Holocaust 2.0, Israel began downplaying Iran's involvement and hoping everyone would just forget about it.

We can not be sure whether Iran or Hamas in Qatar knew, that is a maybe.
Yes, we are certain that Iran. Qatar and Al Qassam new every detail of the attack they perpetrated.
Farsi (Iranian), and Dari (Tajik) have ancient Greek roots from Alexander the Great's conquests.

You are wrong. Farsi is Indo-European, just like English, and most of the other languages of Europe. Arabic and Hebrew are Semitic languages. The Indo-European languages go back to Ukraine (and the area East of Ukraine) about 4,000 to 6,000 years ago.

Al Qassam attacked Israel on Oct 7th, not "Gazans".

Where do you think the members of Al Qassam come from? Could it be Gaza?

Israel had no idea the attack was coming because nobody in Gaza was involved, to keep it a complete secret.

Somehow the attack came from Gaza into Israel, but nobody in Gaza was involved? Did they teleport to the border? Put another way, to get to the border, they must have come from one side or another. Did they come from the Israeli side, or the Gazan side?

Israel has so many spies under deep cover throughout Gaza

Mossad can try to get informants among the people of Gaza, but cannot really add in spies under deep cover. It would be exceptionally deep cover for an Israeli to be able to convince the people of Gaza that he was their cousin they had known all their lives.
You are wrong.
You still haven't gotten anything right.

Farsi is Indo-European, just like English,
It struck me that you would have to be twice as stupid as fuck to say this, and it got me thinking that you are probably pulling a Cypress and just regurgitating something erroneous that you read somewhere on the internet, that you believe is accurate, just so you can say "Hey everybody, look at me! Look at me! I'm a thuper-thmart perthon!" So I checked ChatGPT and sure enough, you are copy-pasting from that.

This is yet another thing that ChatGPT got terribly wrong. Farsi/Dari are like Urdu and Pashto, regional languages that were offshoots of the old Indian empire, except that Farsi/Dari had an infusion of Greek from Alexander the Great. Persia was never in Europe; you should have called booooolsch't immediately. When I was explaining the structure of the language to you, you should have set your total ignorance aside and deferred to my vastly superior knowledge of the language as compared to your own need to copy paste the first thing you find on the internet, Cypress.

... but you just couldn't, could you. Too stupid to learn. I pity you.

Arabic and Hebrew are Semitic languages.
... because both Arabs and Jews are Semites, and it is stupid to refer to Arabs as antisemitic.

The Indo-European languages go back to Ukraine (and the area East of Ukraine) about 4,000 to 6,000 years ago.
Farsi has no relationship to Ukraine or to any language in the vacinity of Ukraine.

Where do you think the members of Al Qassam come from? Could it be Gaza?
Absolutely, but you don't get to expand the responsibility of the attack on Israel beyond those who actually perpetrated the attack. You don't get to say that Palestinians attacked Israel ... and then conclude that Palestinians somehow deserve a death sentence. It is dishonest to say that Israel was attacked by any party/group beyond the Al Qassam brigades, and the overall responsibility belongs to Iran who funded/coordinated/authorized the attack. Gazan civilians did not attack anyone. Gazans' only crime is being Arab, and Israelis are racist mother-fuckers who want to wipe Arabs off the face of the earth. Commence Holocaust 2.0

Somehow the attack came from Gaza into Israel, but nobody in Gaza was involved?
Al Qassam was involved; they perpetrated the attack.

Mossad can try to get informants among the people of Gaza, but cannot really add in spies under deep cover.
False. Mossad has many agents under deep cover in Gaza.
You still haven't gotten anything right.

Your "two minute expertise" is showing again. You have gotten everything wrong.

Indo-European is a language family that includes most European languages, and most northern Indian languages. Which is why it is called "INDO-European." One does not need to be in Europe to speak an Indo-European language.

Its origin is almost certainly the Caspian Steps and extending into Ukraine. It has nothing to do with Alexander the Great, having spread thousands of years before him. It extends into parts of India that Alexander the Great never touched. In fact, he never went as far as the borders of modern India.


because both Arabs and Jews are Semites, and it is stupid to refer to Arabs as antisemitic.

You are confusing etymology with definition.

Absolutely, but you don't get to expand the responsibility of the attack on Israel beyond those who actually perpetrated the attack.

War is a blunt instrument. When Japan attacked the USA, America attacked back. They did not make sure to only attack Japanese who has been directly involved with Pearl Harbor.

Well, this was a far worse attack. Pearl Harbor was an act of war, where a military was attacked. October 7th was an attack on civilians. Hamas (the government of Gaza) targeted and killed children.

Mossad has many agents under deep cover in Gaza.

Hamas, and Gaza in general, has strong family bonds. People do not just appear and are added to the social group. Everyone knows everyone's relatives, and everyone's ancestors have been known for generations. Even if an Israeli could learn Palestinian Arabic perfectly (which some have done), it would be impossible to infiltrate Gazan society.

What Mossad can do is get informants. They can convince someone already in Gazan society to give Israel information. Informants are sometimes double agents, and feeding bad information. Also sometimes the informants are just lying. And anyone who would put themselves in a situation where they would become an informant would generally not be trusted by Hamas.
Your "two minute expertise" is showing again.
Your reliance on error-filled ChatGPT is showing again. You are doubling down on stupid.

Indo-European is a language family that includes most European languages, ...
Whatever. Explain linguistically whatever error you are claiming that I made.

Its origin is almost certainly the Caspian Steps and extending into Ukraine.
Nope. Its roots are close to modern-day India. You have no idea why you are regurgitating what you are regurgitating.

It has nothing to do with Alexander the Great,
Alexander the Great has everything to do with the introduction of the Greek form of verb conjugation. Beyond that, the Tajiks got nothing from Europe, and much from the Pashtuns (Taliban, etc.) and the Waziri and others of the region, as well as some from the Ordu-speakers in what is now Pakistan.

Can you even read Dari? What groups of words are you claiming share the same roots between, say, Ukranian and Dari?

War is a blunt instrument.
After WWII, the world signed the Geneva Conventions. That includes Israel.

When Japan attacked the USA, America attacked back.
That was prior to the end of WWII and the Geneva Conventions. Fast forward to every country, including Israel, signing (and ratifying) the Geneva Conventions.

October 7th was an attack on civilians. Hamas (the government of Gaza) targeted and killed children.
Nope. Iran attacked Israel via the Al Qassam Brigades. However, the IDF did not invade Iran. Israel's design is transparent; they were just waiting for Iran to make its next attack, and to use it as a pretense to perpetrate Holocaust 2.0 on the Arabs that they HATE.

Hamas, and Gaza in general, has strong family bonds.
Irrelevant. Only those who attacked Israel can be rightfully attacked. Collective punishment is illegal; Israel signed up to adhere to the Geneva Conventions.

Per the Geneva Conventions, whenever an invading force, such as the IDF, enters a foreign land, that force becomes instantly obligated to protect all civilian noncombatants, to protect all property except for direct military targets, to provide special protections for women and children 14 years of age and younger, and to ensure the civilian population has plenty of food, clean water, fuel/electricity and medical facilities. The IDF was strictly prohibited from mowing down the civilian population and later pretending that they were terrorists, from leveling Gaza and claiming that everything was a military stronghold, from launching airstrikes indiscriminantly where there were large groups of women and children, and blockading food, water, fuel/electricity from the population while systematically destroying all the hospitals and medical facilities.

.. it would be impossible to infiltrate Gazan society.
Israelis do it all the time ... ALL the time. The Mossad, Shin Bet and Aman all have agents under cover in Gaza.

What Mossad can do is get informants.
I see that you greatly underestimate what the Mossad can do.

They can convince someone already in Gazan society to give Israel information.
That's certainly an option. All intelligence agencies do that as well.
Its roots are close to modern-day India.

The claim that Proto Indo-European came out of modern day India is a discredited Nazi theory. No expert believes it today.

Alexander the Great has everything to do with the introduction of the Greek form of verb conjugation. Beyond that, the Tajiks got nothing from Europe, and much from the Pashtuns (Taliban, etc.) and the Waziri and others of the region, as well as some from the Ordu-speakers in what is now Pakistan.

How about ancient Persian, or Sanskrit? There are Indo-European languages that predate Alexander the Great, so he could not be the source of them.
After WWII, the world signed the Geneva Conventions. That includes Israel.

The US did not ratify any part of the Geneva Convention until the 1950's. Israel has not signed or ratified Protocol I and II of the Geneva Convention.

Even with the Geneva Convention, war is hell.

Only those who attacked Israel can be rightfully attacked. Collective punishment is illegal; Israel signed up to adhere to the Geneva Conventions.

It is impossible to only kill those who have attacked you in a war. The Geneva Convention allows for a declaration of war against an entire country, or other division.
The US did not ratify any part of the Geneva Convention until the 1950's.
Fine. Start at that point.

Israel has not signed or ratified Protocol I and II of the Geneva Convention.
Irrelevant pivot on your part. Israel is a signatory and ratifier of the https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.33_GC-IV-EN.pdf and of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

It is impossible to only kill those who have attacked you in a war.
It is entirely possible to do everything in your power to protect civilian noncombatants. It is an egregious war crime to launch indiscriminant air strikes into public population areas, of which Israel is indisputably guilty of hundreds of counts, each one potentially meriting a death sentence by hanging.
The claim that Proto Indo-European came out of modern day India is a discredited Nazi theory.
You're the only one discussing "Indo-European" anything. The topic is the Dari language.

No expert believes it today.
There are no experts who would agree to let you speak for them.

How about ancient Persian, or Sanskrit?
Sanskrit is from India, and is still used in India and Nepal.

The ancient Persian empire began abut India.
You're the only one discussing "Indo-European" anything.

You responded to my mentioning that Iranians spoke an Indo-European Language by calling me a liar. You then went on to show that you have no knowledge of Indo-European Languages.

Sanskrit is from India, and is still used in India and Nepal.

Sanskrit is an Indo-European language which started outside India. It is a dead language used for religious texts.

The ancient Persian empire began abut India.

Are you terminally stupid?
You responded to my mentioning that Iranians spoke an Indo-European Language by calling me a liar.
Au contraire, mon frère. It was you who tried to jump down my throat by denying that Tajiks (Afghans) speak a language that evolved from India. Despite my providing you all the information needed to independently verify everything I wrote, you couldn't resist having ChatGPT do your thinking for you.

You then went on to show that you have no answers that are not provided to you by those who do your thinking for you.

Sanskrit is an Indo-European language which started outside India.
Sanskrit is a language that is used in India and Nepal.

It is a dead language used for religious texts.
Sanskrit is still used in India and Nepal. More than 10,000 people speak it as a first language; that means it's not dead.

Are you terminally stupid?
It was you who tried to jump down my throat by denying that Tajiks (Afghans) speak a language that evolved from India.

I did not before, but now I am.

Indo-European split into Indo-Iranian and the various European sub families. Then Indo-Iranian split into Iranian and Indo-Aryan languages. Tajik is a Persian language, and therefore in the Indo-Iranian sub family, and split off from the Indian languages sometime before the Aryans invaded India. The Tajik and the Persians went back and forth with Iran and Central Asia.

In short, Sanskrit formed during the journey to India, and Sanskrit is an ancestor of Northern Indian languages, but not of Tajik. That means Tajik could not have formed in India.

Sanskrit is a language that is used in India and Nepal.

It is the religious language for over a billion people, but it is also a dead language. That is to say that it is no longer the first language to anyone. It is much like Latin in that regard. In the Vatican, Latin is used as a language, but no one learns Latin as a first language.

You can add South Africa to the list of places where Sanskrit is used, but not as a first language.

More than 10,000 people speak it as a first language; that means it's not dead.

There really is not. There has been talk of reviving it, like what was done with Hebrew, but that has not happened yet.
I did not before, but now I am.
Bring it on!

Indo-European split into Indo-Iranian and the various European sub families.
I was talking about Dari and the Tajik's. You hijacked the topic to "Indo-European" because you think Ukraine is next to India.

Tajik is a Persian language, and therefore in the Indo-Iranian sub family,
You were going to show me what groups of words in both Ukranian and Dari share common roots.

I, on the other hand, am poised to mention that Dari speakers, Pashto speakers, and other Afghan speakers are able to communicate with each other , with much of their languages sharing the many common roots from languages of the region right next to modern day India. Please check a map and notice that it is nowhere near Ukraine.

If you are saying that the Persian empire spread westward towards what is now Turkey, and that Turkey is in Europe, that Dari is therefore a European language, ... ummm, no.

In short, Sanskrit formed during the journey to India, and Sanskrit is an ancestor of Northern Indian languages, but not of Tajik.
This is exactly what I wrote, except that Sanskrit formed in India. I never claimed that Dari had anything to do with Sanskrit.

That means Tajik could not have formed in India.
Not in it, next to it, far away from Ukraine.

It is the religious language for over a billion people, but it is also a dead language.
If there are two people who speak it as a primary language, it isn't dead. There are thousands who speak it as a first language. You don't get to call it a dead language.

That is to say that it is no longer the first language to anyone.
It's a first language to thousands of people ... not millions ... only thousands ... but that's enough for it to be alive.

You can add South Africa to the list of places where Sanskrit is used,...
Nope. India and Nepal. You can find villages where it is still spoken. Until the number falls to zero, the language isn't dead.
I was talking about Dari and the Tajik's. You hijacked the topic to "Indo-European" because you think Ukraine is next to India.

Actually, I started talking about language, and I regret it now. You did not start talking about language. You have given so much misinformation about language it is hard to process.

Proto Indo-European is not my invention. I did not invent it because I "think Ukraine is next to India." It is the prevailing understanding of how the Indo-European family of languages began.

Read about it, or don't. I really do not care.


You were going to show me what groups of words in both Ukranian and Dari share common roots.

I really was not. Ukrainian is a Slavic language, which comes from proto-Slavic. It existed thousands of years after Proto Indo-European. It is the same general land, but a different population... Sort of. In theory, some Indo-Europeans moved north became proto-Slavians, and then moved back into Ukraine.

I, on the other hand, am poised to mention that Dari speakers, Pashto speakers, and other Afghan speakers are able to communicate with each other , with much of their languages sharing the many common roots from languages of the region right next to modern day India.

Farsi and Pashto are about as related to one another as English is to German. They are about as related to Hindi as English is to Russian. There is not much communication going on between Afghanis in general. In many ways, it is like Switzerland, the mountainous region where several very different cultures meet that is unified only by the fact that the central governments of these different cultures were unable to subjugate the mountain regions. Do you want to now tell us how French, German, and Italian are the same language?

Please check a map and notice that it is nowhere near Ukraine.

One more time, the Caspian Steppes is where horses retreated to when they were almost driven to extinction everywhere else. It is where horses were domesticated. It is also one of the first places to get the wheel. Add onto that they were one of the first places outside the Middle East to have bronze tools, and you have a strong culture that invaded in three different directions: Europe, Iran, and India. That is how we get the Indo-European language family.

If you are saying that the Persian empire spread westward towards what is now Turkey, and that Turkey is in Europe, that Dari is therefore a European language, ... ummm, no.

You are stupid. This is a waste of my time. I have got to stop wasting my time with idiots like you.
Actually, I started talking about language, and I regret it now.
You and I both, probably others as well.

Proto Indo-European is not my invention.
I never presumed you to have enough creativity to invent anything, so there's been no let-down there.

It is the prevailing understanding of how the Indo-European family of languages began.
It is neither an understanding nor is it prevailing. The error-filled, geographically-confused speculation that you are regurgitating is more analogous to blindly throwing darts than to the presenting of any actual understanding. I won't repeat my request for a third time for groups of words between Ukranian and Dari that share the same roots because I know that you know that there aren't any, because you don't actually believe the crazy narrative you simply copy-pasted from ChatGPT. You pulled something off the internet like Cypress would and now your only option is to pretend that your confusion is somehow my fault.

Read about it, or don't. I really do not care.
You do care and, no, I won't waste my time. I know a lot about the subject matter and I see that you don't.

Farsi and Pashto are about as related to one another as English is to German.
Perhaps. I'm not aware of any way to measure such a relationship. English is a Germanic language.

They are about as related to Hindi as English is to Russian.
I disagree. Indian, Pakistani, Nepalese, Bangldeshi and Pashtun adults who learn English as a second language, for example, have eerily similar accents and make the same grammatical errors (in English) that Russians, Hispanics, and others do not.

There is not much communication going on between Afghanis in general.
They are Afghans. Afghanis are the currency.


Afghans communicate amongst each other. Normally they are cursing each other. Harmony is not a primary attribute of Afghanistan.

In many ways, it is like Switzerland, the mountainous region where several very different cultures meet that is unified only by the fact that the central governments of these different cultures were unable to subjugate the mountain regions.
The cultures are not unified. Western countries drew maps with their ideal outline of what "Afghanistan" should be. None of the Afghans signed up for it. None recognize any such border.

Do you want to now tell us how French, German, and Italian are the same language?
Nope. Go ahead. I want to hear this one.

I already knew that all three are Romance languages, but now you've piqued my interest. Are you telling me that you believe they are the same language? Please elucidate.

[the Caspian Steppes] is also one of the first places to get the wheel.
One of the first how many? How do you know this, exactly?

Add onto that they were one of the first places outside the Middle East to have bronze tools, and you have a strong culture that invaded in three different directions: Europe, Iran, and India.
Perhaps. What words in Dari and Ukranian share the same roots? .... ooops, I said I would ask again. Let me know when something changes and you actually want to support your assertion.