Harris will make your life suck and everything expensive here's how

Why don't you sober up and just deal with the fact that when proven wrong, you're not obligated to try and blow smoke up everyone's butt? Just take the lesson and move on. Makes you look less pathetic.
Prices are high because of shit like Harris wanting to do. Government cannot control prices on almost anything and end up making it cheaper, certainly not consumer goods.

In Venezuela, the government set the price of bread below the cost of manufacturing it. When bakers refused to make bread and made cakes and pastries instead that were profitable, the government moved in, arrested the owners and put them in prison. They replaced the bakers with political cronies that would make bread. The bakeries lost money, the employees quit because they weren't being paid, and everybody got to starve equally except for the rich and powerful.

What bullshit are you talking? The Democrats put in all sorts of squirrelly mortgages to supposedly help low-income people like interest only, zero down, and the like. People in the Middle and Upper Middle classes took advantage of these to become property owners beyond their own home, and that drove the market frenzy.
HUD had lots of homes for sale at the end of the 80's and into the early 90's for a dollar down. Who decided that policy?
The housing market is being destroyed by government interference, not one party.

Imposing rent controls only ensures limited rental availability. Who would rent anything in a market where you know that the rent won't cover the cost of the property? It also ensures that properties don't improve over time because the owners won't invest in a losing proposition.
OH and you are okay with Trump wanting to put a 100% tariff on goods from China and a hefty tariff on all other goods form other countries.
you do understand it is NOT the country that is exporting the goods to the US that pays that tariff it is the consumer who ends up paying it.
Have you looked and seen just how much of the stuff that is on our shelves comes from China and other countries?
Yea put Trump back in and we will see some prices double
have a nice day
OH and you are okay with Trump wanting to put a 100% tariff on goods from China and a hefty tariff on all other goods form other countries.
you do understand it is NOT the country that is exporting the goods to the US that pays that tariff it is the consumer who ends up paying it.
Have you looked and seen just how much of the stuff that is on our shelves comes from China and other countries?
Yea put Trump back in and we will see some prices double
have a nice day
What do you do all day, watch the radical Leftist equivalent of InfoWars all day? Change the channel and stop watching the insaneos over at MSNBC and TYT.
Proven wrong? By what, your inane, rambling, fact free, posts?
Again, you're babbling like a drunk asshole? Any adult with a G.E.D. who follows the chronology of the posts can clearly see you being "owned" once again. You're denial and subsequent dodgy, stubborn BS non-withstanding.

Say goodnight, Gracie.
Harris has proposed punishing corporations for price gouging on food. Grocery chain corporations run on a 1% profit margin, how much lower can they go?

Venezuela tried this shit fixing grocery prices below the market profit margin. Can you guess what happened next?


Harris wants to punish corporations that buy houses to rent and put rent caps and controls on rental prices...

Can you guess where this will go given that places like San Francisco and New York City already do this?


Harris thinks the government can dole out billions in subsidies and get "cheap" housing...

Like subsidies have worked so well in the EV, solar, semi-conductor, markets...

All Harris is offering is the SOS not even repackaged. Stupid, unimaginative, and hacked bureaucratic bullshit offering government as the solution.

This is one of the weakest threads I've seen in months.

All based on Failed Republiclown philosophies, opinions, policies, insults, rhetoric, and, HOLIER-THAN-THOU-BULLSHIT!

Let me just say this, Every REPUBLICAN President in the last 50 years handed over economies that were diving into the dirt, and it took the incoming Democrat President to FIX IT and get everything back on track- TIME AFTER TIME- AFTER TIME- AND TIME AGAIN!

DO NOT LISTEN TO REPUBLICLOWNS! They do not speak from their own record- THEY SPEAK FROM THEIR ASS!

They can't speak from their record, as their record on the economy has all been total failures!

Just look at how the economies failed under Reagan, Bush Daddy, Bush Jr., and TRUMP!

Now compare any of those to Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's economies!
This is one of the weakest threads I've seen in months.

All based on Failed Republiclown philosophies, opinions, policies, insults, rhetoric, and, HOLIER-THAN-THOU-BULLSHIT!

Let me just say this, Every REPUBLICAN President in the last 50 years handed over economies that were diving into the dirt, and it took the incoming Democrat President to FIX IT and get everything back on track- TIME AFTER TIME- AFTER TIME- AND TIME AGAIN!

DO NOT LISTEN TO REPUBLICLOWNS! They do not speak from their own record- THEY SPEAK FROM THEIR ASS!

They can't speak from their record, as their record on the economy has all been total failures!

Just look at how the economies failed under Reagan, Bush Daddy, Bush Jr., and TRUMP!

Now compare any of those to Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's economies!

What do you do all day, watch the radical Leftist equivalent of InfoWars all day? Change the channel and stop watching the insaneos over at MSNBC and TYT.
why don't YOU turn off FOX and either read or look up your GODS speeches and ACTUALLY listen to what the moron is telling you he wants to do?
IF you did for ONCE you might see he just wants power , he IS following the 2025 project almost to a " T " .
and as he has even come right out and told you MAGA MORONS he doesn't give a shit about YOU all he wants id your VOTE and your MONEY.
it is time for you assholes to WAKE UP!
have a nice day
OH and you are okay with Trump wanting to put a 100% tariff on goods from China and a hefty tariff on all other goods form other countries.
you do understand it is NOT the country that is exporting the goods to the US that pays that tariff it is the consumer who ends up paying it.
Have you looked and seen just how much of the stuff that is on our shelves comes from China and other countries?
Yea put Trump back in and we will see some prices double
have a nice day
Wow, sounds like you are starting to figure out the tenets of capitalism.
1. If a product can be made here and sold for less, lets make it here.
2. Corporations do not pay taxes, their consumers do it in the form of higher prices.
There is proof that Heels Up Harris and Slow Joe have already made life worse for hard working Americans.

Out of control inflation, crime and borders. Wars and the threat of WWIII.

Young people can't afford to buy a home. gas or groceries. Inflation is up 19% plus since these two loons took office.
Wow, sounds like you are starting to figure out the tenets of capitalism.
1. If a product can be made here and sold for less, lets make it here.
2. Corporations do not pay taxes, their consumers do it in the form of higher prices.
I never said we should not be making more things here , but there is or will be a laps in time because we do not have the infrastructure in place to make a lot of things here, all this will drive up the cost of goods to the consumers.
and as I said it IS the CONSUMER that is the one that will be paying these tariffs, NOT the companies.
the right is crying about high prices NOW just wait , it Trump gets in and puts these tariffs in place the prices now will look like bargain basement prices.
have a nice day
It appears that she is already distancing herself from Biden's... and her own previous policies, TOP.

Not much integrity and character in this Affirmative Action hire.
Wait until jJoe finds out... I wonder if they'll let him watch... She has zero integrity or character...
Jesus Christ you moron, ALL this started days after brandon took office. There are lefties questioning how one of there friends had a $1000/mo electric bill. What part of democrat policy do you not understand? The government is not your friend.
Uh huh, and what policy exactly did he enact in that time to cause it?