Has anyone told Ron Paul he lost?

Obama does not represent "pay back time" for slavery we aboloshed in this country. Can you agree, by where you live now, and the oppertunities you have today(even if you believe your a victim, and see no oppertunity yet), that black slavery in the USA is the best thing that ever happened to black people? Where on earth do black people (just like any other citizen in the USA) do you have the kind of oppertunity that you now have here. Name one country where you would rather live--may be Africa? In retrospect--slavery was the best thing that ever happened to the black population in the USA. Don't forget--we abolished slavery, and granted the black population civil rights that (women could vote now too), to the best of my knowledge--is not matched anywhere in the world.

But--you hate this country--because Obama and his preacher reminds you of the crappy 60's. Obama is responsible for black/white racial tension that has been subsided for about 30 years now. This is not pay back time--a vote for obama is nanny time--for all. After that--no where in the world will a human being be able to enjoy the freedoms we once had. The change obama the commie talks about is what will, be left in all of our pockets. (a Obama quote--"well--we than then tax the crap out of the American public (talking about green subsidized technology) and let it all hash out!".) Government, and it's employees will be the benifactor--worse than now. That is change.

I bet you did not know that Dr. Martin Luther King--was a registered republican, who had faith in all people--unlike liberials who make us all out to be victims of government (which we are today IMO, but only because our government is too fat and expensive)--and say--socialism is the only way. A poor black person in the USA is a rich black person in Africa. Don't forget where you are. You won the lottery.

Obama is no Dr. Martin Luther King. He is a black Karl Marks.
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Do you like that brent?

I voted for the magic negro himself.

Negro...I crack up, it is still the word my 89 year old mother uses! We tell her it isn't PC anymore, but she forgets! She is so cute! And she voted for the magic negro, too!
Obama does not represent "pay back time" for slavery we aboloshed in this country. Can you agree, by where you live now, and the oppertunities you have today(even if you believe your a victim, and see no oppertunity yet), that black slavery in the USA is the best thing that ever happened to black people? Where on earth do black people (just like any other citizen in the USA) do you have the kind of oppertunity that you now have here. Name one country where you would rather live--may be Africa? In retrospect--slavery was the best thing that ever happened to the black population in the USA. Don't forget--we abolished slavery, and granted the black population civil rights that (women could vote now too), to the best of my knowledge--is not matched anywhere in the world.

But--you hate this country--because Obama reminds you of the crappy 60's. Obama is responsible for black/white racial tension that has been subsided for about 30 years now. This is not pay back time--a vote for obama is nanny time--for all. After that--no where in the world will a human being be able to enjoy the freedoms we once had. The change obama the commie talks about is what will, be left in all of our pockets. (a Obama quote--"well--we than then tax the crap out of the American public "green talk" and let it all hash out!") Government, and it's employees will be the benifactor--worse than now.

I bet you did not know that Dr. Martin Luther King--was a registered republican, who had faith in all people--unlike liberials who make us all out to be victims of government (which we are today IMO, but only because our government is too fat and expensive)--and say--socialism is the only way. A poor black person in the USA is a rich black person in Africa. Don't forget where you are. You won the lottery.

LMAO :lmao:

OMFG......Epi is he at it again??!!!
Obama does not represent "pay back time" for slavery we aboloshed in this country. Can you agree, by where you live now, and the oppertunities you have today(even if you believe your a victim, and see no oppertunity yet), that black slavery in the USA is the best thing that ever happened to black people? Where on earth do black people (just like any other citizen in the USA) do you have the kind of oppertunity that you now have here. Name one country where you would rather live--may be Africa? In retrospect--slavery was the best thing that ever happened to the black population in the USA. Don't forget--we abolished slavery, and granted the black population civil rights that (women could vote now too), to the best of my knowledge--is not matched anywhere in the world.

But--you hate this country--because Obama and his preacher reminds you of the crappy 60's. Obama is responsible for black/white racial tension that has been subsided for about 30 years now. This is not pay back time--a vote for obama is nanny time--for all. After that--no where in the world will a human being be able to enjoy the freedoms we once had. The change obama the commie talks about is what will, be left in all of our pockets. (a Obama quote--"well--we than then tax the crap out of the American public (talking about green subsidized technology) and let it all hash out!".) Government, and it's employees will be the benifactor--worse than now. That is change.

I bet you did not know that Dr. Martin Luther King--was a registered republican, who had faith in all people--unlike liberials who make us all out to be victims of government (which we are today IMO, but only because our government is too fat and expensive)--and say--socialism is the only way. A poor black person in the USA is a rich black person in Africa. Don't forget where you are. You won the lottery.

Obama is no Dr. Martin Luther King. He is a black Karl Marks.

Oh God.
May I have some of what the Maj man is smoking? I have the day off...
lmao.....SERIOUSLY.....I'm trying not to make noises in my cube. But this is too much. and he has NO clue.

Man. I'm so glad I'm not a conservative.

That has to be pretty hard reading some of this stuff!