
Like I said, You're a fascist. When you create money explicitly for use by certain peope, it creates a kind of governement back totalitarianism where actual private corporations CANNOT win. And then there's the harm to all working people who see their life savings devalue overnight due to the rampant inflation caused by irresponsibility of this calibre. Damn, you really ara a simpleton, and a fascist to boot.

For someone who believes we have leaders who are reptilian hybrids to call someone else a simpleton is almost laughable.

And when I have asked you for answers for economic problems yours answers have been "let them sell drugs and be whores" or "let them have a victory garden".

Asshat, I'll say it again. You are either a troll or a lunatic.
For someone who believes we have leaders who are reptilian hybrids to call someone else a simpleton is almost laughable.
Don't change the subject, are you that mentally weak?
And when I have asked you for answers for economic problems yours answers have been "let them sell drugs and be whores" or "let them have a victory garden".

Asshat, I'll say it again. You are either a troll or a lunatic.

Now you're a pathetic liar. I didn't say let them sell drugs and be whores.

There are always alternatives to fascism, like letting the market correct instead of facilitating even more irresponsibility by providing a consequence free environment to abusers of the economic system.
I don't think this bail out is fascist--I think it is 100% communist. The government now has 1/2 the control of your home loans--officially.

The government with Bush forced the banks to give loans to people who could not pay.

He wanted 5.5 million more homeowners by 2010. The irresponsible funding was done through their control of fanny and freddy. The benificaries (Obama being the 4th highest beinficarry--and Hillery there also--with a host of Dem and rep politicians).

They failed, and now officially seized the companies, but not to disolve them into smaller private companies--but to control the housing market--that they fucked up!!


I am going to my bank, to find out if I am under fanny and freddy (I am sure I am), and I will look for a private mortage business, and refinance the switch over.
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Don't change the subject, are you that mentally weak?

Now you're a pathetic liar. I didn't say let them sell drugs and be whores.

There are always alternatives to fascism, like letting the market correct instead of facilitating even more irresponsibility by providing a consequence free environment to abusers of the economic system.

I don't think this bail out is fascist--I think it is 100% communist. The government now has 1/2 the control of your home loans--officially.

The government with Bush forced the banks to give loans to people who could not pay.
But they turned around and securitized the mess and resold it as an invstment product. They are not blameless. And they all still got their bonuses. It is fascism.
He wanted 5.5 million more homeowners by 2010. The irresponsible funding was done through their control of fanny and freddy. The benificaries (Obama being the 4th highest beinficarry--and Hillery there also--with a host of Dem and rep politicians).

They failed, and now officially seized the companies, but not to disolve them into smaller private companies--but to control the housing market--that they fucked up!!


I am going to my bank, to find out if I am under fanny and freddy (I am sure I am), and I will look for a private mortage business, and refinance the switch over.
It is fascism because there are investors who will do well if there are no more problems. Privatized profit and socialized losses is their goal. It's a total racket.

I know you want to pretend it's just government that is the problem, but that's too simplistic.
That is our reality AHZ.

Why are they scared of Palin? Because she won't accept a answer like that to a very valid concern.

Ok Majority, exactly what VALID concern was I posting that towards? The fact that I didn't take the time to answer his trolling?

This thread was about hate, and the nature of this election. Asshat wants to go back and rehash another topic, and I have already handed him his head on that topic.

No, its not that others don't give a fuck.

In fact, I would submit that we DO give a fuck. We give a fuck about things that we believe matter.

We give a fuck that outlawing gay marriages is unconstitutional.

We give a fuck that damages to the environment are irreparable.

We give a fuck that too many kids are graduating from high school without an education.

We give a fuck that our military is being used to play some political game and costing us far too many lives in situations we never should have been in.

We give a fuck that conservatives want to regulate our lives as much as the liberals. All while CLAIMING to be about smaller government and less intrusion.

We give a fuck about having the money to take care of our families. And the republicans have been on an 8 year spending spree like a redneck who won the lottery.

We give a fuck that the separation of church and state is not just a slogan but is vital for the freedoms of this great nation.

We give a fuck that "No child left behind" turned out to be a debacle of epic proportions.

We give a fuck that, instead of whining about no prayer in schools or how the sex ed should be taught by parents, we should be focusing our youth on getting a QUALITY education.

I have never voted democrat in my entire adult life. But the way the republicans have fucked things up, I am ready for just about ANY sort of change. And the Libertarian party is just a republican in sheep's clothing this election.

No Maj, you may like to THINK no one but you and your ilk give a shit. But that just means you aren't paying attention.
Ok Majority, exactly what VALID concern was I posting that towards? The fact that I didn't take the time to answer his trolling?

This thread was about hate, and the nature of this election. Asshat wants to go back and rehash another topic, and I have already handed him his head on that topic.

No, its not that others don't give a fuck.

In fact, I would submit that we DO give a fuck. We give a fuck about things that we believe matter.

We give a fuck that outlawing gay marriages is unconstitutional.

We give a fuck that damages to the environment are irreparable.

We give a fuck that too many kids are graduating from high school without an education.

We give a fuck that our military is being used to play some political game and costing us far too many lives in situations we never should have been in.

We give a fuck that conservatives want to regulate our lives as much as the liberals. All while CLAIMING to be about smaller government and less intrusion.

We give a fuck about having the money to take care of our families. And the republicans have been on an 8 year spending spree like a redneck who won the lottery.

We give a fuck that the separation of church and state is not just a slogan but is vital for the freedoms of this great nation.

We give a fuck that "No child left behind" turned out to be a debacle of epic proportions.

We give a fuck that, instead of whining about no prayer in schools or how the sex ed should be taught by parents, we should be focusing our youth on getting a QUALITY education.

I have never voted democrat in my entire adult life. But the way the republicans have fucked things up, I am ready for just about ANY fort of change. And the Libertarian party is just a republican in sheep's clothing this election.

No Maj, you may like to THINK no one but you and your ilk give a shit. But that just means you aren't paying attention.

You should also care about being a fascist.
That makes you irrelevant to the entire process.

I agree. If you cannot see a difference something is missing in you.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
You should also care about being a fascist.

I care about making sure our freedoms are preserved and not eaten away little by little.

I care about having the economy not tank completely, so I can afford to keep my kids in college and keep supporting my wife and step-daughter.

I care about making sure my daughters never live in a place where they are second class citizens.

I care about a lot of things.

But your bullshit and claims of fascism just ain't gonna make the list today, asshat. Try again next week.
I agree. If you cannot see a difference something is missing in you.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

So someone can't vote third party? Would you like the government to 'interfere' and require people vote for only Democrats or Republicans?
Reality? ten fat lesbians that say they won't vote for Palin as a female sample is reality? Global warming is reality? Biden being a fresh face for change is reality? Obama being a leader is reality?
(shit--Obama is nothing but a empty vessel for Marksism/communisum here and around the world--he has no ability to think for himself)

Reality is not represented by these people.

the real reality is---there are more of us--and we can take them.

AHZ--a visionary question for you---beecause I value your opinion.---What do you think will happen to this progressive movement and washington/media/wallstreet corruption if Palin is the person I think she is, and only gets 2/3 (compaired to 80% of Alaska) of the total population behind her (because she is behind them)?

Personally, I think she will be successfull, because she has the real population behind her. IMO, even though the citizens of any coutry are broke today (and we know money is power), I think it is the people who really have the power--no matter what country it is.

I think soon there will be some kind of unity movement and the two parties will be folded into one. They agree on the things that hurt the people most. And it will simply be considered wrong or illegal to disagree, because after all, "if both parties agree it must be sound thinking". Actually, the things they agree on are what hurt us most.
A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Depends on which area of your life you are talking about as to which candidate would interfere the most. I suspect, no I'm pretty sure that I know, that Obama will interfere much more with my life than McCain will. Regardless I will vote for neither.
I think soon there will be some kind of unity movement and the two parties will be folded into one. They agree on the things that hurt the people most. And it will simply be considered wrong or illegal to disagree, because after all, "if both parties agree it must be sound thinking". Actually, the things they agree on are what hurt us most.

I was intertaining a thought like that about a month ago. The two parites officially joining as one party (it is just unofficial at this time IMO), since they seem to have the same socialistic pholosophies. I feel, this move would force a actually apposing view point--and American view point party.
I was intertaining a thought like that about a month ago. The two parites officially joining as one party (it is just unofficial at this time IMO), since they seem to have the same socialistic pholosophies. I feel, this move would force a actually apposing view point--and American view point party.

Those points of view will be labelled as terrorist or anti-social, and criminalized and censored.