Have I missed it? Where is the talk of McCain destroying the "Real Conservative"?


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Have I missed it? Where is the talk of McCain destroying the "Real Conservative"?

McCain won huge and no one is talking about it. How is it Mr. Moderate won against the true conservative movement in america? Someone point me to the thread.
Uhm.... Didn't Sarah Palin campaign FOR McCAIN????

At the McCain rally on Friday, Palin proclaimed that the Republican Party isn't the party of no -- "we're the party of hell no!"

She derided "this BS coming from the lame-stream media" about "us common-sense conservatives kinda inciting violence," but added, "We know violence isn't the answer. When we take up our arms, we're talking about our vote."

The Tea Party movement, Palin declared, is "a beautiful grassroots movement that is putting government back on the side of the people. ... Everybody here today supporting John McCain, we're all part of that tea party movement."
McCain won huge and no one is talking about it. How is it Mr. Moderate won against the true conservative movement in america? Someone point me to the thread.

Great question!

I must say that I wouldn't feel bad if the dem won this election.

McCain sucks! Benedict Arnold was a patriot at one time as well.
The tea party was unsuccessful here in WA, as former state senator (and winner of the 2004 gubanatorial popular vote) Dino Rossi beat the stuffing out of two opponents. One was a former NFL player named Clint Didier and the other was a perennial GOP candidate for office named Paul Akers. I think some people just liked Didier because he's won Superbowls more than his rhetoric, but he ran a pretty amateurish campaign.
The tea party was unsuccessful here in WA, as former state senator (and winner of the 2004 gubanatorial popular vote) Dino Rossi beat the stuffing out of two opponents. One was a former NFL player named Clint Didier and the other was a perennial GOP candidate for office named Paul Akers. I think some people just liked Didier because he's won Superbowls more than his rhetoric, but he ran a pretty amateurish campaign.

:gives: :cof1:


When you engage your brain and examine the McCain/Heyworth race, it is very interesting what happened, and it demonstrates the power of the Tea Party movement. In order for the perennial favorite.. the most popular republican in America, the hero, the Maverick... John McCain, to win the election, he had to 'fundamentally transform' himself rather dramatically. He began to speak on the importance to seal our borders, as well as other conservative issues he was previously 'mavericky' on. Suddenly, McCain seems to have gotten it... we'll have to wait and see. But he really had to change his tune a bit, and become more conservative.

What is really funny is how out of touch with reality the liberals seem to be over this. ..Welp, McCain won, guess that means the tea party's over, huh, huh?
LMFAO.... dontchya wish?
I'll give the Tea Party a lot of credit, because it got behind Rand Paul in Kentucky. It might even successfully put Rubio through in Florida. But as a Rossi supporter, I had to laugh at its activity in my own state is all. Especially since the Tea Party can't win west of the Cascades here.
I'll give the Tea Party a lot of credit, because it got behind Rand Paul in Kentucky. It might even successfully put Rubio through in Florida. But as a Rossi supporter, I had to laugh at its activity in my own state is all. Especially since the Tea Party can't win west of the Cascades here.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You talk like the Tea Party is an official party competing on the ballot, and it's not. There isn't some Big Board somewhere, with all the Tea Party camp huddled around, watching to see if "their candidate" will win on election night. The group has a diverse cross-section of 'local' opinions and political sentiments, and doesn't necessarily walk in lockstep together, in spite of what sort of stereotypes you've developed for "the Tea Party" in general.

It gets me how people act like (with the reporting) the Tea Party is going around stamping politicians on the ass with a Tea Party Seal of Approval! Then they go around showing off their ass, saying... seeeee... Tea Party Approved Baby! Vote for ME! LOL... it's just insane.

Certainly, there are candidates who appeal to a large percentage of Tea Party supporters, but people all have assorted and varied reasons and justifications for their vote. The Tea Party is not 'brainwashing' people into who to vote for! That's what DEMOCRATS do! That's what REPUBLICANS do! That's even what LIBERTARIANS do! The general idea, is to get people involved, get them off their couch and researching their candidates, and finding quality people they want to be their representatives in Washington. It's as simple as that, not some far-fetched concerted effort to elect a cabal of 'extremist nuts' to go sweep Congress with some right-wing radical mandate. I know that's how Katie Couric sees it, and Rachel Madcow, but really, that's not what the Tea Party is about at all.
The Tea Party aside, wasn't one of the big excuses used by republicans for Obama's victory that many conservatives stayed home rather than vote for McCain?
John McCain is a joke. Why is anybody voting for this lying p.o.s. he was point man on bush's amnesty plan. He's a proven liar. why are people voting for him?
I'll give the Tea Party a lot of credit, because it got behind Rand Paul in Kentucky. It might even successfully put Rubio through in Florida. But as a Rossi supporter, I had to laugh at its activity in my own state is all. Especially since the Tea Party can't win west of the Cascades here.

The problem with people brandishing opinions about the TEA Party is that they do it as if it's a national organization...it just isn't.

It's a pretty unique group of people to each area. I agree that Rossi was the candidate to get behind. Didier is too cowboy for the PNW, but that's cuz he's east of the Cascades...HA!

I really like Rossi's politics. I like his record in the State Senate and I think his style, if a bit boring, shows his steadfast determination to vote for small government business friendly policies.
The problem with people brandishing opinions about the TEA Party is that they do it as if it's a national organization...it just isn't.

It's a pretty unique group of people to each area. I agree that Rossi was the candidate to get behind. Didier is too cowboy for the PNW, but that's cuz he's east of the Cascades...HA!

I really like Rossi's politics. I like his record in the State Senate and I think his style, if a bit boring, shows his steadfast determination to vote for small government business friendly policies.

I agree, and I think a lot of pinhead liberals just don't get it. They are accustomed to being told who to vote for, marching in lockstep, not thinking for themselves at all, that is completely frowned upon... you must support "the chosen" candidate, and ignore any contradictions, deflect any criticism.

TP'ers aren't being given a list of people to vote for. The general idea, is to motivate TP voters to do their homework, find the candidates who represent their values, instead of just being lazy and voting for whoever is popular, or not voting at all. I think it may go down as one of the greatest political miscalculations in history, for democrat liberals to have waged war against the Tea Party as a "group" when they are not really a "group" in the traditional sense, they are an ideology and mindset.

I am still chuckling over this thread, and the libtards thinking McCain winning Arizona for a 5th term, was some kind of indicator the TP is dead or diminished. Particularly since Sarah Palin campaigned for McCain. In Alaska, it looks like Sarah Palin backed a virtual unknown against a political dynasty in Murkowski, and came out on top... that's pretty fucking impressive, if you ask me. Also, the Florida race with Scott (Jarhead's friend), winning in an upset.... guess a LOT of people were opposed to "Obama's Mosque", eh, Jarhead?
Great question!

I must say that I wouldn't feel bad if the dem won this election.

McCain sucks! Benedict Arnold was a patriot at one time as well.
Good God! What an asinine comment Liberty. I can only imagine how much better off this nation would have been if McCain had beaten W in the 2000 primaries.
Good God! What an asinine comment Liberty. I can only imagine how much better off this nation would have been if McCain had beaten W in the 2000 primaries.

I was against Bush big time in 2000. I warned people.

Knowing what I know now, McCain would have been just as bad.
I was against Bush big time in 2000. I warned people.

Knowing what I know now, McCain would have been just as bad.

Really? You believe John McCain would have been just as bad as Obama has been?

I don't believe so. At least with McCain there would've been the possibility of him actually taking pause before shredding the constitution, instead of taking joyous pleasure in it.
Really? You believe John McCain would have been just as bad as Obama has been?

I don't believe so. At least with McCain there would've been the possibility of him actually taking pause before shredding the constitution, instead of taking joyous pleasure in it.

I don't live in a world which makes me vote for the least of two evils. It's by choice I vote in princible.