Having to ignore Desh


Sorry friend. I know your heart is in the right place but your mind isn't.

Bombing Syria (or anywhere) is not OK.

If a democrat wants to bomb people it is not OK just because he/she or it is a democrat.

Aside from these obvious statements, which you seem to have completely lost track of,

your posting has become eratic, your claims and accusations bizzare and paranoid.

I no longer find reading your posts to be palatable. Sorry
yup her posts have always been like this. liberals are just now seeing how annoying it is to be on the other side of deshs's ramblings.
Her posts aren't different, just her difference of opinion. If you liked her before, you really have no cause to ignore her.
Why are you so judgemental?
I am talking about my opinion.
In my opinion Desh is not acting normal at all.
You, however are the same obnoxous child you were all along.
Plus No More Fucking Bombing.
Was Desh a thoughtful, well-reasoned debater who made cogent, relevant arguments buttressed by credible supporting evidence until last week?
Was Desh a thoughtful, well-reasoned debater who made cogent, relevant arguments buttressed by credible supporting evidence until last week?

She is off the hook dude, but since you just joined a month ago supposedly, you wouldn't know the difference would you?
She is off the hook dude, but since you just joined a month ago supposedly, you wouldn't know the difference would you?

Supposedly you know that anyone, regardless of when they "joined" can see all her posts going back years....don't you?

Now, answer my question.
Why are you so judgemental?
I am talking about my opinion.
In my opinion Desh is not acting normal at all.
You, however are the same obnoxous child you were all along.
Plus No More Fucking Bombing.

I agree with this. Desh seems different on this issue. Not sure why she feels so strongly, but I'm not going to ignore her just for strong opinions, although I think we need to much slower into Syria - and probably shouldn't go at all.

But chemical weapons - what should we do? they're horrible. We did nothing when they were used on the Kurds. Are all the world's treaties against them meaningless?

Ok, 'nuff said. I'm avoiding most of the Syria threads and most of the Syria news. Glad I'm going to be on a lot less this week.
there are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

refusing to see what I post is your choice.

it only makes you blinder
Think about this for a moment Rune.

did we HAVE to fight the evil in WWII?

to everything turn turn turn
There is a chemical weapons cash in Syria.

there is a weapons delivery stash in Syria.

someone will own them.

today its an evil dictator who has PROVEN he is willing to gas his people.

tomorrow who will own them?

we can not in good conscience leave such DANGEROUS weapons lying around in such chaos?

yet you all just keep pretending the plan is something OTHER than taking out the delivery system.


because a republican president lied to you non stop for two terms.

Obama was elected and then re elected by the people NOT by cheating in an election.

Democracy works.

Bush was not a product of real democracy
why has not one person on either side of the isle ever commented on the fact that someone is going to own those weapons after this civil war is over.

the wind will decide who get to gas wherever the delivery system reaches to.

international gassings afoot.

yeah lets do NOTHING
I agree with this. Desh seems different on this issue. Not sure why she feels so strongly, but I'm not going to ignore her just for strong opinions, although I think we need to much slower into Syria - and probably shouldn't go at all.

But chemical weapons - what should we do? they're horrible. We did nothing when they were used on the Kurds. Are all the world's treaties against them meaningless?

We did? Pretty sure we hung the perpetrator by his neck until he was dead, after destroying the entire infra-structure of his country and killing or maiming a million of his citizens. Now, 12 years later we are still there with a 100 acre "embasy"
a bankrupt treasury and 4000 dead american children and perhaps 100s of thousands of wounded ones.

We do not need to continue this genocide any longer. We killed far more of them than they killed of us. Let's get the fuck out and stay out of the M.E. There is no good that can come of our involvement there.
I am not different I am the same.

Its now everyone who is refusing to see the facts in reality.

this has happened to me before.

everyone was mad at me for talking about and insisting Bush dropped white phosphorous on civilians in Fallughia.

No one cared about those chem weapons victims either.
they were all brown and the wrong religion.

I am still to this day haunted by the picture of a man holding a beautiful baby who was now dead with holes burned clean through her body.

please people I know Im very tuff on people who refuse facts but refusing facts requires someone getting tuff on your ass for your own sake.

Bad info in means bad decisions out.

We can NOT in good conscience leave a delivery system and a huge pile of chem weapons to the winds of war.
they were all brown and the wrong religion. I am still to this day haunted by the picture of a man holding a beautiful baby who was now dead with holes burned clean through her body. please people I know Im very tuff on people who refuse facts but refusing facts requires someone getting tuff on your ass for your own sake. Bad info in means bad decisions out. We can NOT in good conscience leave a delivery system and a huge pile of chem weapons to the winds of war.

This message is hidden because Desh is on liberal Rune & Tekkygal's ignore list