Headline news over at LP.org

It is beyond retarded to call this a government "overreach". There are things the government does that actually hurt people, and don't help people. This bill helps people and you guys oppose it out of ignorance.

The LP never talks about serious issues.
It is beyond retarded to call this a government "overreach". There are things the government does that actually hurt people, and don't help people. This bill helps people and you guys oppose it out of ignorance.

The LP never talks about serious issues.

I said immediately at the start of this thread that it wasn't important and wasn't worth the attention, but they are right.

It is the duty of any good citizen to keep a watchful eye on the ever-expanding powers of his/her government.

To do otherwise is to be intentionally ignorant.
I am with the government and I am here to help you. What do you mean you didn't KNOW you needed help? Well you do! You use light bulbs that are bad so we are going to MAKE you use light bulbs that are more expensive. ANd when lower income families have to replace the bulbs with more expensive bulbs we will set up a fund to help them BUY those bulbs. THEN, we know you people are eating to much fatty foods so we are going to ban the use of fat in foods. You will benefit from it so we are going to do it whether you like it or not. Next, skin cancer is a problem so we are going to ban tanning. There will be no more TANNING products sold only sun block with FPS 50 or higher. And if you send your kids out in the sun without Sunscreen we are going to prosecute you for child abuse. We are setting up committees to figure out ALL the things that are bad for you and then how to stop them. We are with the government. We are here to HELP you.
I am with the government and I am here to help you. What do you mean you didn't KNOW you needed help? Well you do! You use light bulbs that are bad so we are going to MAKE you use light bulbs that are more expensive. ANd when lower income families have to replace the bulbs with more expensive bulbs we will set up a fund to help them BUY those bulbs. THEN, we know you people are eating to much fatty foods so we are going to ban the use of fat in foods. You will benefit from it so we are going to do it whether you like it or not. Next, skin cancer is a problem so we are going to ban tanning. There will be no more TANNING products sold only sun block with FPS 50 or higher. And if you send your kids out in the sun without Sunscreen we are going to prosecute you for child abuse. We are setting up committees to figure out ALL the things that are bad for you and then how to stop them. We are with the government. We are here to HELP you.

That is a much more reasonable and likely extrapolation than Watermark's theory about black booted stormtroops raiding houses over incandescent bulbs.
I am with the government and I am here to help you. What do you mean you didn't KNOW you needed help? Well you do! You use light bulbs that are bad so we are going to MAKE you use light bulbs that are more expensive. ANd when lower income families have to replace the bulbs with more expensive bulbs we will set up a fund to help them BUY those bulbs. THEN, we know you people are eating to much fatty foods so we are going to ban the use of fat in foods. You will benefit from it so we are going to do it whether you like it or not. Next, skin cancer is a problem so we are going to ban tanning. There will be no more TANNING products sold only sun block with FPS 50 or higher. And if you send your kids out in the sun without Sunscreen we are going to prosecute you for child abuse. We are setting up committees to figure out ALL the things that are bad for you and then how to stop them. We are with the government. We are here to HELP you.

I think WM is not efficient, and regulations should be passed that regulate a phasing-out of his vital signs.
You're sentiment, while noble, is honestly grounded in neo-ludditism.

Complete nonsense. No one is against the bill for the sake of preventing "progress".

It is a political argument. Congress simply should not be mandating what can and cannot be produced and sold based on efficiency. Should we also ban CRT monitors, because they aren't as efficient as LCDs?
Complete nonsense. No one is against the bill for the sake of preventing "progress".

It is a political argument. Congress simply should not be mandating what can and cannot be produced and sold based on efficiency. Should we also ban CRT monitors, because they aren't as efficient as LCDs?

CRT monitors are basically dead. They died in 2007. No major company produces them anymore. They are still useful for CAD's and that's why they're used. But unlike incandescents, there are uses for CRT's, and they faded out of the market very quickly, within a year.
There is a real oppurtunity cost there, AC. The money we waste on power plants supplying innefecient incandescents could be spent on food, on a better quality of life, on charity, on fighting cancer.

Should the government ban selling meat products? Meat production causes far greater CO2 production, as well as water pollution, than incandescent bulbs do.

We've spent trillions of dollars and thousands of lives on wars for oil. We're damaging the atmosphere, with greenhouse emissions.

Nearly every developed country on the planet is banning incandenscent light bulbs. It was save energy, reduce our dependence on mideast oil, and reduce greenhouse emmissions. And it will be relatively simple for GE and other corps to covert to other forms of light bulbs over the course of ten years.

Its common sense.

No one complained when the government banned CFCs, which were harming the ozone layer. Hating government, does not mean you have to hate every sensible public policy, which has a significant public benefit.