Healthcare in America.


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Providing Healthcare in America.

Providing medical services is not as easy as the government makes out.

There are just so many doctors ,nurses ,hospitals and surgeons.

The real problem stems from the fact that the population of this country is rapidly taking on all the characteristics of a third world nation ,and with it all the debilitating and desperate medical conditions usually associated with these places.

With the various third world people living here it is not surprising that the many diseases and plagues that effect these folks in their homelands will be found here as well.

Diabetes , and all forms of blood diseases , diseases caused by malnutrition ,inherited illnesses and many stds not found anywhere in the western world are slowly taxing our own medical services to the point of bankruptcy .

no nation on earth can provide a huge population ,numbering in the tens of millions of primitive and savage peoples, currently living here with adequate healthcare services ,without neglecting the needs of all those who will be financing such a system.
Providing Healthcare in America.

Providing medical services is not as easy as the government makes out.

There are just so many doctors ,nurses ,hospitals and surgeons.

The real problem stems from the fact that the population of this country is rapidly taking on all the characteristics of a third world nation ,and with it all the debilitating and desperate medical conditions usually associated with these places.

With the various third world people living here it is not surprising that the many diseases and plagues that effect these folks in their homelands will be found here as well.

Diabetes , and all forms of blood diseases , diseases caused by malnutrition ,inherited illnesses and many stds not found anywhere in the western world are slowly taxing our own medical services to the point of bankruptcy .

no nation on earth can provide a huge population ,numbering in the tens of millions of primitive and savage peoples, currently living here with adequate healthcare services ,without neglecting the needs of all those who will be financing such a system.

There are a number of ways to address that problem. First, the government needs to implement a program where newly arrived doctors from other countries are tested and admitted to an intern program. The costs could be recouped by having the doctors work at free clinics after completion of the program. The talents of many immigrants are wasted due to the "closed" medical profession.

Who better to treat immigrants from third world countries than doctors from those countries?

It's time for the government to step up to the plate where medical care is concerned.
Or we could blame the Jews, that's so much easier and means we don't have to think of actual solutions to problems. *whew*...
There are a number of ways to address that problem. First, the government needs to implement a program where newly arrived doctors from other countries are tested and admitted to an intern program. The costs could be recouped by having the doctors work at free clinics after completion of the program. The talents of many immigrants are wasted due to the "closed" medical profession.

Who better to treat immigrants from third world countries than doctors from those countries?

It's time for the government to step up to the plate where medical care is concerned.

At least you're thinking ,which is more than I can so for some others.

But the problems we face run far deeper than a lack of doctors. The problem stems from the fact that Blacks ,Latinos and other primitives suffer from hereditary diseases , and severe chronic ailments that require more than quick doctor's visits.

Blacks are at greater risk from diabetes, mental disorders, neurological problems , severe obesity and related diseases ;Along with problems arising from addictions and from STDS . one of which is the hiv/aids virus and in some black cities is the major cause of sickness and death after
drive by shootings.

The latinos also suffer from illnesses they bring over with them, and transfer to their children.

The puertorican community is especially notable here :suffering from stds that have no known cures.

It gets worse when you factor the high crime rates , the depravity that exists in these communities and the inability to comprehend the need to adjust to civilized norms of behavior.

My company did away with health insurance at the end of last year.

My boss said that we really couldn't keep paying higher, and higher costs with business so down.

He also blamed it on Obamacare.

Actually, he blames most of the bad economy on Obama.

Wonder why?
My company did away with health insurance at the end of last year.

My boss said that we really couldn't keep paying higher, and higher costs with business so down.

He also blamed it on Obamacare.

Actually, he blames most of the bad economy on Obama.

Wonder why?

America's castle of cards is crumbling and there's nothing that can prevent it. I wouldn't put the blame on any one person,rather ,it's the change in demographics that is proving to be our untergang .
Wolfie, do you believe there are reptilian hybrids ruling our world?

Or maybe that the earth is hollow and people live inside?
Wolfie, do you believe there are reptilian hybrids ruling our world?

Or maybe that the earth is hollow and people live inside?

There's a theory if some dinosaurs were to have survived the disaster of 65 million years ago the Antarctic regions may conceal the remains or actual presence of their descendants and dinosaurs could have eventually acquired the human-like physical form.

Maybe they are the reptilian "aliens" people have seen.
My company did away with health insurance at the end of last year.

My boss said that we really couldn't keep paying higher, and higher costs with business so down.

He also blamed it on Obamacare.

Actually, he blames most of the bad economy on Obama.

Wonder why?

Because he has an IQ less than his shoe size?
America's castle of cards is crumbling and there's nothing that can prevent it. I wouldn't put the blame on any one person,rather ,it's the change in demographics that is proving to be our untergang .

I blame the republican & democrat party.

I've been saying for decades that they're the biggest threat to the USA, and national security,,,,,,, hands down.
At least you're thinking ,which is more than I can so for some others.

But the problems we face run far deeper than a lack of doctors. The problem stems from the fact that Blacks ,Latinos and other primitives suffer from hereditary diseases , and severe chronic ailments that require more than quick doctor's visits.

Blacks are at greater risk from diabetes, mental disorders, neurological problems , severe obesity and related diseases ;Along with problems arising from addictions and from STDS . one of which is the hiv/aids virus and in some black cities is the major cause of sickness and death after
drive by shootings.

The latinos also suffer from illnesses they bring over with them, and transfer to their children.

The puertorican community is especially notable here :suffering from stds that have no known cures.

It gets worse when you factor the high crime rates , the depravity that exists in these communities and the inability to comprehend the need to adjust to civilized norms of behavior.


The only 'primitives' left on this planet are ignorant racists and bigots like YOU. We have known for decades now that the only difference between ANY human being on this planet is blood type. The life of a racist bigot like you could be saved with the transplanted organ from ANY black, Latino, oriental or Indian with your blood type. But they can't transplant what you need...a BRAIN
I'm simply NOT a racist..Is the subject of race taboo ? maybe you're a primitive jew.

rac·ism   /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ Show Spelled
[rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

That pretty much pegs you. Yep, you ARE a racist.
Republicans' Medicare blunder

(CNN) -- In town hall meetings being held across the country during Congress' two-week recess, American citizens are filling the ears of Republican legislators with objections to the party's budget plan, particularly proposed changes to Medicare that would replace direct coverage with subsidies for private insurance.

Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Pennsylvania, quoted in a New York Times article Tuesday, tried to play down the objections, but his explanation inadvertently exposed the flaw in his party's political strategy.

"I am not sensing the general public is angered over Medicare reform," he insisted. "When I explain that people over 55 are not affected there is almost a sigh of relief."

In other words, Barletta believes his constituents will only tolerate "reform" that does not personally affect them.

This offhand acknowledgement belies the obvious truth that Republicans are loath to admit: Americans actually like their supposedly bloated, inefficient, bureaucratic, government health insurance, and they do not trust for-profit insurance companies to do it better. They like their socialized medicine so much that they're willing to give hell to anyone who threatens to take it away.

The over-55 proviso only serves to validate citizens' objections. Even if the exception pacifies seniors, by emphasizing it Republicans implicitly acknowledge that the proposed subsidy plan is not equivalent to Medicare as we know it. They underscore the fact that Americans under 55 will get screwed.

If Republicans had been honest about their message of shared sacrifice to address the national debt, they might have had a shot. But in combining Medicare cuts with tax breaks for the rich, they have run afoul of the most basic rule of democratic politics: People vote for themselves. They cannot bear for something they value to be taken away and given to someone else.

A few weeks ago, Republicans' attempts to gut federal programs like Head Start and Planned Parenthood provoked little outrage from the average American voter. That's because most Americans do not perceive themselves to benefit from the programs. Similarly, President George W. Bush's attempt to slash Medicaid while extending tax cuts for the rich did not ignite much town hall fervor, because Medicaid assists people below the poverty line.

In a battle for resources between the rich and poor, middle-class Americans might take one side or the other, but they won't shout at town hall meetings because they view themselves as neither rich nor poor; they have no dog in the fight.

But Medicare belongs to all Americans. Most of us who do not have it now are counting on its support in our old age. When Republicans proposed to cut Medicare while reducing taxes for the rich, they expressed intent to take something away from us and give it to the other guy. And so, the Republican budget proposal is already a dead plan walking.

There is some poetic justice in the Republicans' miscalculation. Ever since President Reagan, they have exploited Americans' aversion to sacrifice for someone else's sake by arguing that middle-class taxes benefit the allegedly undeserving poor.

But now that Republicans have set their sights on Medicare, the great white whale of the welfare state, they have discovered that Americans still oppose sacrifice for someone else's sake, especially the sake of the undeserving rich.

By Michael Wolraich