Helicopter Carrying Iran’s President Has Crashed, State Media Reports

Mossad had to have done it. Gotta say,....they are REALLY good at this sort of thing. When they want someone gone....they gone! Just like when they got Epstein. ;)

I doubt it. President Ebrahim Raisi is just a figure head and more moderate than the real ruler, Sayyid Ali Khamenei. Khamenei would be the most likely to kill him.

Last year, I was lucky enough to spend some time with Iranain Minsiter of Foreign Affairs, Hossein Amir-AbdollahianHe died yesterday alongside the Iranian President and several others in tragic circumstances. Condolences to his family and friends. He was a scholar and gentleman who strived for a just peace. His knowledge of Irish history would shame many Irish so-called "politicians" His death is a great loss to his family, to Iran and the region.
Alexander Mercouris makes the point that regardless of what happened, and we currently have no idea, using 50 year old copters to transport heads of state is straight up negligence...Iran would have no trouble getting high quality new copters from either Russia or China.

IRAN: WHAT REALLY MATTERSAmidst all the sadness and grief, let’s cut to the chase.Eurasia integration and the drive towards multipolarity is being fundamentally conducted by three major actors:Russia, China - and Iran.Which happen to be the three top “existential threats” to Exceptionalistan.The heart of the matter: Putin essentially invited Iranian ambassador to Russia, Jalali, to be on the table at an impromptu Sunday, 10 pm meeting of the cream of the crop of Russia’s Defense Team.That reaches way beyond the realm of discussion between "accidental crash" or targeted downing of the Iranian presidential helicopter.Everyone was there: Defence Minister Belousov; Secretary of the Security Council Shoigu; Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov; Emergencies Minister Kurenkov; Special Assistant to the President, Levitin.The message: Russia’s got Iran’s back.And Russia completely supports stability and continuity of government in Iran - which is anyway already fully guaranteed by Iran’s constitution.We are deep into total Hybrid War mode, bordering on Hot, on most of the planet.Three civilization-states shaping a new world cannot be more clear.Interlinked as they are via bilateral strategic partnerships, plus membership of BRICS and SCO, and following up on Putin-Xi in Beijing last week, none of the three will allow the other partners to be destabilized by the usual suspects.

IRANIAN PRESIDENT RAISI HELICOPTER CRASH DESCRIBED BY CHEIF OF STAFF PRESENT IN THE 3RD CHOPPER“After our noon prayers, we departed towards the direction of Tabriz. The weather was clear, there was no weather condition to be worried about. After half an hour being in the air, prior to reaching the Sungun copper mine, there was a small patch of clouds; interviewer asks: “So there was no fog?” He replied, not at all. There was fog on the ground, but not in up the air where we were advancing with the helicopters. However in one small compacted area, there was a small patch of clouds above a cliff. In terms of height, this cloud was on the same height as our flight’s height. It was there when the now-martyred helicopter pilot, who was also the commander of the fleet, that told the rest of the pilots to ascend above the clouds. We were the 3rd pilot, behind the president’s helicopter. We came above the clouds, we advanced for approximately 30 seconds. Our pilot suddenly realised that the main helicopter carrying the president is missing. Interviewer asks: “You didn’t see the helicopter anymore after ascending?”He replied, yes exactly, after ascending above the clouds, we didn’t see the main helicopter. The ascension itself didn’t feel difficult or hard. Sometimes, when we use the plane we feel turbulence but we didn’t feel anything at all inside the helicopter this time, when ascending. And after we ascended there were no other clouds.Interviewer asks: “So beyond this, there were no weather forecasts mentioning any disturbances in the weather to make it unsafe?” He replied, no there wasn’t any. Shortly after, we were able to see beneath us and there were no clouds anymore and we had reached the area of the copper mine. We realised however that our pilot is making an U-turn suddenly so I asked him why? He said that one of our helicopters is missing. We estimate that they made an emergency landing, because we also have no radio contact with it anymore. So I asked him when was the last time contact was made? The pilot answered: “A minute and 30 seconds ago, when the pilot told us to ascend above the clouds.”Our pilot circled around the area a couple of times, but the area with the cloud patch was also invisible to us and it was too risky to enter that area. We failed several times to make any radio contact. We were forced to make a landing after 30 seconds at the Sungun copper mine to investigate. During the flight, we had continuous cell phone calls with the passengers, including the bodyguard, Mr. Abdollahian, the governor of East-Azerbaijan and the Friday imam of Tabriz. However we tried calling all of them without luck.After some tries, calling the cellphone of the captain accompanying the president, someone picked the phone. It was Ayatollah Hashem, the friday imam of Tabriz. He told us that I’m not feeling well. He didn’t tell us anything special. I asked him what exactly has happened? He told us that he didn’t know what has happened, when asked on his whereabouts, he said that he didn’t know. He only described what he could see, described to us what he saw, e.g. surrounded by trees. I asked him about the condition of the others, the Ayatollah replied that he’s alone and couldn’t see anyone else and he’s alone.The copper mine had good facilities such as ambulances and the necessary vehicles. We formed a team to go and search for them. We requested for immediate emergency help as well.”


Interesting... Iran is a signatory to the ICC. Bet they won't be arresting Putin when he arrives...
Of course not, Iran and Russia are founding members of the New Chinese Empire....and they are coming for America....they are done taking our abuse.

Buckle Up.
Good thing this guy didn't learn from his mistakes...

June 2013...

There is no information on my grapevine about what happened, though the timing is very suspicious....and this is absolutely something that the Abusive America and/or our Zionist Bastard Chucky Doll would do.
For the degenerates applauding Raeisi's death.
You are but poor, ignorant trolls, on a backwater forum.
Fortunately, spending your time here keeps you from offending decent folk in the real world.


Najafabadi went on to say that during the term of President Raeisi, ”remarkable” support was provided for Jewish schools in Tehran that had various problems, adding that these problems have been solved through the cooperation and support provided by the government.

The lawmaker also noted that President Raeisi managed to prepare the ground for a Jewish charity hospital in Iran to resume its operation after it was forced to close following the coronavirus pandemic.

He further said the Jewish community received “remarkable funds” from the government for social, cultural and sports issues in Tehran and other cities across the country, adding that “President Raeisi will be remembered among the Jewish community.”

Najafabadi also stated that the Jewish community lives comfortably and peacefully with other groups of society in Iran, stressing that there is no sign of anti-Semitism in the country against members of the Jewish community and that they are respected by all government officials.
