Heller Struck Down

This effects many places. Denver was trying to go there too...

I'm wondering when people will challenge the law that allows them to impound your car for driving with a handgun in your car...

Chicago is going to have to go back to the drawing board.


Gun Rights Ruling May Change Chicago Law
U.S. Supreme Court: Americans May Own Guns For Protection, Hunting
CHICAGO (CBS) ― The U.S. Supreme Court says Americans have a right to own guns for self-defense and hunting, the justices' first major pronouncement on gun rights in U.S. history.

The ruling struck down a ban on handguns in Washington, D.C., and will likely have the same impact in Chicago....

...As CBS 2's Joanie Lum reports, the decision is exepcted to have effects across the country, including in Chicago, where a ban on the sale and registration of handguns has been in place since 1982. Only police officers, aldermen and a handful of others are exempt from the ban.

While other firearms can be registered, under current law, handguns cannot be registered and are considered illegal. Several suburbs have similar restrictions...
How pervasive is the national stupidity on the gun control issue? As far as I can tell, every state (with the exception of D.C.) has laws on the books in line with the court's holding in this case.

No, similar handgun bans will be struck down as a result. The gun control crowd has been quite successful up til now in obfuscating the Second Amendment. But no longer!



This effects many places. Denver was trying to go there too...

I'm wondering when people will challenge the law that allows them to impound your car for driving with a handgun in your car...

I don' think the Court's holding would extend to protecting the right to drive with a handgun in your car. From the opinion:

”In sum, we hold that the District’s ban on handgun possession in the home violates the Second Amendment, as does its prohibition against rendering any lawful firearm in the home operable for the purpose of immediate self-defense. Assuming that Heller is not disqualified from the exercise of Second Amendment rights, the District must permit him to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home.
Isn't the above evidence that the gun control crowd has been losing for quite some time?

Not necessarily but I will certainly agree that they are losing now.

And DH, I know that the ruling won't abolish other restrictions placed on the purchase of handguns (like the prohibition for felons), but it is still a step in the right direction.

Even if you don't consider it to be the "right direction" it is still the constitutional direction, no?
I don' think the Court's holding would extend to protecting the right to drive with a handgun in your car. From the opinion:
I understand that, however they may hear it separately.

If I have a right to own it, I must also have a right to transport it from where I purchased it to home, and from there to the ranges to practice... Especially considering I have a right to 'bear' the arms as well.

Hence my "I wonder" part, I would basically assume that most people would understand that I didn't think this ruling was particularly salient in that matter.
There are few areas where the Constitution has been so egregiously violated as the 2nd Amendment.

In 80 years between the 1920s and 2000, we somehow went from "shall not be infringed" to "City-wide Handgun Ban".

To an outside observer it would be a hilarious contradiction of our principles. I'm glad we have some restored some sanity to our gun laws.
YES!!! This is the best news I have seen in a long time!!

Chapdog, as for buying a new gun for varmint control, let me recommend the best .22 autoloader out there. Get a Ruger 10/22 Target model.

I own 3 Rugers right now (sold my Mini-14) and they are all top quality, accurate guns that hold up and work great.
O.k. ill look into it. wonder how much it costs

You can still fing plain jane models for around $225, and the Target models run around $375 to $450. The 10/22 WMR (.22 Magum) runs around $475)

One of the great things about the 10/22 is the number of after-market accessories available. You can take the basic model and soup it up into a serious shooter.

One of the coolest rimfire rifles I have seen is a 10/22 in .22 magnum that was customized into a .17 HMR with a heavy fluted barrel and thumbhole stock. But that guy spent about $1200 or better on building his.

The 10/22 is one of the best values out there.
hmm thats a bit pricey for a yard gun.

This is one of the few autoloaders that I would say to look for on the used gun racks.

I would think $225 or thereabouts would be a cheap date.

I just did a quick check on one of my favorite sources, and the cheapest .22 rifles they list are about $150 or so. And most of those are single shots. They list the base model 10/22 at $210. So an extra $60 for the best semi-auto on the market (my opinion - and shared by a lot of gun writers). I think its better than guns costing upwards of $750 or so.

Go look at WalMart. I usually don't buy guns at WalMart, but this gun is going to have a basic hardwood stock anyway. (nothing fancy, just functional)

But shop around. Let me know what you end up with.
LOL Damo. You know I was just joking.

I agree with this ruling. There's no logic behind saying the 2nd ammendment is a "collective" right. I don't even know what a collective right is. If legislators don't agree with that they can always amend the constitution good and proper.
Ok now that that silliness is out of the way. Damo be patient. Several of us gun nut lawyers met today and discussed the next series of challanges to laws that restrict our rights to keep and bear arms. Guns in cars was discussed, certain aspects of the VAWA restrictions were discussed and we will be talking to some other lawyers in other states in the next couple of weeks. This was the decision we were waiting for.
I think the decision to day making the individual right to bear arms the law of the land will go a long way towards sending the anti-gun crowd packing.

Now we just need to get the CCW laws more reasonable in more states.
My suspicion is that many people who agree that living in a free society does not necessarliy mean you will live in a overly safe society. When we use that logic to speak about wiretapping and holding people without due process then you get lots of agreement but the minute you point out that it also means that minority of people will use guns illegally then THIS decision is horrible.