Hello All, I am Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
For sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address I have been, banned, slandered and discriminated likely more than everyone else on the planet combined.

In recent years before and after the titled Syrian refugee crisis I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appoint and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions. Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field, they not only ban me from hundreds of sites with slander to try and hide them being exposed from the public, but they have also managed to place limitations on my email accounts while they have tyrants and traitors of several countries turn their backs on democracy, turn their backs on citizens and instead cater to lobbyist / globalist crime organization dictatorship.

I bring a world of experience of 19 years actively fighting the good fight and stand strong.
For sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address I have been, banned, slandered and discriminated likely more than everyone else on the planet combined.

In recent years before and after the titled Syrian refugee crisis I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appoint and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions. Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field, they not only ban me from hundreds of sites with slander to try and hide them being exposed from the public, but they have also managed to place limitations on my email accounts while they have tyrants and traitors of several countries turn their backs on democracy, turn their backs on citizens and instead cater to lobbyist / globalist crime organization dictatorship.

I bring a world of experience of 19 years actively fighting the good fight and stand strong.

Do you......eat a lot of cocoa puffs?

Well, you've certainly come to the right place. Welcome!

For sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address I have been, banned, slandered and discriminated likely more than everyone else on the planet combined.

In recent years before and after the titled Syrian refugee crisis I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appoint and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions. Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field, they not only ban me from hundreds of sites with slander to try and hide them being exposed from the public, but they have also managed to place limitations on my email accounts while they have tyrants and traitors of several countries turn their backs on democracy, turn their backs on citizens and instead cater to lobbyist / globalist crime organization dictatorship.

I bring a world of experience of 19 years actively fighting the good fight and stand strong.
No, I back my claims on especially the foundations of primary issues I address with facts and if you are implying that this qualifies me as kookoo, then it only sums up that much about yourself.


I don't know you well enough to call you kookoo, but your opening post sounds a little cuckoo. Anyway, I was just messing with ya. Welcome aboard, I look forward to seeing what ya got.

Virtually impossible to get banned here. Pay special attention to rule 12b.
For sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address I have been, banned, slandered and discriminated likely more than everyone else on the planet combined.

In recent years before and after the titled Syrian refugee crisis I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appoint and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions. Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field, they not only ban me from hundreds of sites with slander to try and hide them being exposed from the public, but they have also managed to place limitations on my email accounts while they have tyrants and traitors of several countries turn their backs on democracy, turn their backs on citizens and instead cater to lobbyist / globalist crime organization dictatorship.

I bring a world of experience of 19 years actively fighting the good fight and stand strong.

Me? I'm just a simple white guy with 58 years experience in life. I have my interests, opinions, beliefs, etc. I share and defend them here, sometimes even take a jab at the stupid posters here.
I am in no way some self professed internet professional "actively fighting the good fight," hell, the worse ban I ever had on an internet forum was 2 weeks here for a 12B, so you must think I'd
be no "competition" since I don't have your extensive internet adventures or experience. Be nice and I'll try to.
As for the "good fight," what do you consider the "good fight"? Me? Let me alone and if you don't try to change my lifestyle or take what's mine, all is good. If you do, that's when the real fight begins :)
For sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address I have been, banned, slandered and discriminated likely more than everyone else on the planet combined.

In recent years before and after the titled Syrian refugee crisis I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appoint and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions. Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field, they not only ban me from hundreds of sites with slander to try and hide them being exposed from the public, but they have also managed to place limitations on my email accounts while they have tyrants and traitors of several countries turn their backs on democracy, turn their backs on citizens and instead cater to lobbyist / globalist crime organization dictatorship.

I bring a world of experience of 19 years actively fighting the good fight and stand strong.
Welcome, be sure to review our rules, especially 12b which snags a lot of people.
For sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address I have been, banned, slandered and discriminated likely more than everyone else on the planet combined.

In recent years before and after the titled Syrian refugee crisis I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appoint and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions. Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field, they not only ban me from hundreds of sites with slander to try and hide them being exposed from the public, but they have also managed to place limitations on my email accounts while they have tyrants and traitors of several countries turn their backs on democracy, turn their backs on citizens and instead cater to lobbyist / globalist crime organization dictatorship.

I bring a world of experience of 19 years actively fighting the good fight and stand strong.

What does Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist mean?
I don't know you well enough to call you kookoo, but your opening post sounds a little cuckoo. Anyway, I was just messing with ya. Welcome aboard, I look forward to seeing what ya got.

Virtually impossible to get banned here. Pay special attention to rule 12b.

It's all good, I can take it and as you can see I can dish it out ;) cheers and thanks for the heads up 12b. You are correct when it comes to liberalism. This first one, I think you are going to love, shows we are on the same page on this and the second one might shock even you.


wow, it would be so much easier to upload. Took me 20 minutes or so to find that. The following one I made allot more recently so was allot easier to find ...

Me? I'm just a simple white guy with 58 years experience in life. I have my interests, opinions, beliefs, etc. I share and defend them here, sometimes even take a jab at the stupid posters here.
I am in no way some self professed internet professional "actively fighting the good fight," hell, the worse ban I ever had on an internet forum was 2 weeks here for a 12B, so you must think I'd
be no "competition" since I don't have your extensive internet adventures or experience. Be nice and I'll try to.
As for the "good fight," what do you consider the "good fight"? Me? Let me alone and if you don't try to change my lifestyle or take what's mine, all is good. If you do, that's when the real fight begins :)

Then you had better have facts backing your claims on the foundations of primary issues I address if we are to butt heads otherwise you are likely to become very miserable until you understand lol wow 58, you're way up there, I just turned 48 this month ;) I just posted 2 topics in the general discussion forum but tha's just the ip of the ice berg aside from what I have shared on this thread.

Me? I'm just a simple white guy with 58 years experience in life. I have my interests, opinions, beliefs, etc. I share and defend them here, sometimes even take a jab at the stupid posters here.
I am in no way some self professed internet professional "actively fighting the good fight," hell, the worse ban I ever had on an internet forum was 2 weeks here for a 12B, so you must think I'd
be no "competition" since I don't have your extensive internet adventures or experience. Be nice and I'll try to.
As for the "good fight," what do you consider the "good fight"? Me? Let me alone and if you don't try to change my lifestyle or take what's mine, all is good. If you do, that's when the real fight begins :)

I have seen your name before..
What does Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist mean?

Primary Factual Fundamentalist summed up in a nut shell means I share facts backing my claims on the foundations of primary issues I address which reveal a slew of lies and deceptions forced upon society and usually are simple matters of deduction that none or very few are able to see and or figure out on their own. The world class activist part in a nut shell can be deducted by simply reading the opening post to this thread.
Welcome, be sure to review our rules, especially 12b which snags a lot of people.

I don't know you well enough to call you kookoo, but your opening post sounds a little cuckoo. Anyway, I was just messing with ya. Welcome aboard, I look forward to seeing what ya got.

Virtually impossible to get banned here. Pay special attention to rule 12b.

I fully support 12b, I don't want to see such creepy shit. I mean if someone were furious that someone got off charges for abusing children for the pathetic excuse of religious belief and posted it here, that I myself would understand but that is as far as that goes with me and I might even be that furious person some day here but for the well being of society I hope not because society deserves better than to have criminals getting away with such sick behavior in the first place..
For sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address I have been, banned, slandered and discriminated likely more than everyone else on the planet combined.

In recent years before and after the titled Syrian refugee crisis I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appoint and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions. Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field, they not only ban me from hundreds of sites with slander to try and hide them being exposed from the public, but they have also managed to place limitations on my email accounts while they have tyrants and traitors of several countries turn their backs on democracy, turn their backs on citizens and instead cater to lobbyist / globalist crime organization dictatorship.

I bring a world of experience of 19 years actively fighting the good fight and stand strong.

Oh, I wonder why?






Real question is; Are you real, or fake?
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Oh so you bring up intellectual cowards of rabble into it, because they couldn't contest facts that reveal them for the sick and filthy liars they prov to be, they banned me and slandered me after I couldn't defend myself because I was banned much like I suspect of your character having seen you post this and yeah after bing banned and slandered for years, no more mr nice guy was declared in the past and my pleasure.
You go ahead and contest this video with so much as a shred of validity to find out how real I am for example.

I haven't even been on youtube for months because they want me to acknowledge that they banned my video but because they lied about my video I never accepted therefor I can't even change my cover let alone access my account aside from viewing my own videos. If you copy and paste this link from bitchute you will find the video they deleted fyi


and yeah after about 16 - 17 years of fighting the good fight and being slandered and banned by intllectual cowards I declared no more Mr. nice guy and again my pleasure. From the google plus page you can see a community calld public awareness no mor deceptions where you can find out allot about what I have endured and even when I had enough a couple of years ago.