Hello All, I am Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist

For sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address I have been, banned, slandered and discriminated likely more than everyone else on the planet combined.

In recent years before and after the titled Syrian refugee crisis I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appoint and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions. Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field, they not only ban me from hundreds of sites with slander to try and hide them being exposed from the public, but they have also managed to place limitations on my email accounts while they have tyrants and traitors of several countries turn their backs on democracy, turn their backs on citizens and instead cater to lobbyist / globalist crime organization dictatorship.

I bring a world of experience of 19 years actively fighting the good fight and stand strong.

Don't fuck up.
For sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address I have been, banned, slandered and discriminated likely more than everyone else on the planet combined.

In recent years before and after the titled Syrian refugee crisis I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appoint and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions. Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field, they not only ban me from hundreds of sites with slander to try and hide them being exposed from the public, but they have also managed to place limitations on my email accounts while they have tyrants and traitors of several countries turn their backs on democracy, turn their backs on citizens and instead cater to lobbyist / globalist crime organization dictatorship.

I bring a world of experience of 19 years actively fighting the good fight and stand strong.

So you're only 19 years old???

If so, you should get along fine with the immature, adolescent rwnj and Trumptard crowd around here.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist summed up in a nut shell means I share facts backing my claims on the foundations of primary issues I address which reveal a slew of lies and deceptions forced upon society and usually are simple matters of deduction that none or very few are able to see and or figure out on their own. The world class activist part in a nut shell can be deducted by simply reading the opening post to this thread.
You sound like Evince. She’s been banned from most of the internet too and she makes similar claims.
You go ahead and contest this video with so much as a shred of validity to find out how real I am for example.

I haven't even been on youtube for months because they want me to acknowledge that they banned my video but because they lied about my video I never accepted therefor I can't even change my cover let alone access my account aside from viewing my own videos. If you copy and paste this link from bitchute you will find the video they deleted fyi


and yeah after about 16 - 17 years of fighting the good fight and being slandered and banned by intllectual cowards I declared no more Mr. nice guy and again my pleasure. From the google plus page you can see a community calld public awareness no mor deceptions where you can find out allot about what I have endured and even when I had enough a couple of years ago.

Like what about the singularity man? Doesn’t that explain cycles of birth and destruction yet obeys the law of conservation?

Also...without the singularity how do you explain Watermark?
For sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address I have been, banned, slandered and discriminated likely more than everyone else on the planet combined.

In recent years before and after the titled Syrian refugee crisis I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appoint and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions. Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field, they not only ban me from hundreds of sites with slander to try and hide them being exposed from the public, but they have also managed to place limitations on my email accounts while they have tyrants and traitors of several countries turn their backs on democracy, turn their backs on citizens and instead cater to lobbyist / globalist crime organization dictatorship.

I bring a world of experience of 19 years actively fighting the good fight and stand strong.

Weird shit. Sounds like we may be on the same side of the war, but you are fucking weird. It is not uncommon to be banned from everywhere, glad you finally arrived here where you can speak freely.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist summed up in a nut shell means blah, blah, blah...

There are only two sides fighting the current political war. Lefties and righties. Weird ass hybrid political identifiers sound trendy at your local lefty coffee shop, but you are either a lefty or a righty. I can usually pick out what you are based upon what voting action you took in regard to the only two relevant candidates in 2016 to ensure that Hillary could not pick the Scotus.
There are only two sides fighting the current political war. Lefties and righties. Weird ass hybrid political identifiers sound trendy at your local lefty coffee shop, but you are either a lefty or a righty. I can usually pick out what you are based upon what voting action you took in regard to the only two relevant candidates in 2016 to ensure that Hillary could not pick the Scotus.
DJ Dont listen to EVmetro. Mrs. Clinton had his daddy hanged in Arkansas for stealing horses and he just ain’t got over it.
Oh so you bring up intellectual cowards of rabble into it, because they couldn't contest facts that reveal them for the sick and filthy liars they prov to be, they banned me and slandered me after I couldn't defend myself because I was banned much like I suspect of your character having seen you post this and yeah after bing banned and slandered for years, no more mr nice guy was declared in the past and my pleasure.

Don't mind Jade Dragon. She's just a big troll. Emphasis on BIG.
Don't mind Jade Dragon. She's just a big troll. Emphasis on BIG.

I dealt with thousands of different types over the years, all kinds. Technically trolling derived from sharing porn online and as it turns out is sharing a message anywhere when those you easily best don't like you raising awareness but not in every instance such as here as you mention on this thread ;). companies troll their commercials all the time, doesn't bother me lol

Years ago I took on thousands online at a time. I came up with a system as an activist raising awareness that worked but because it worked I was labeled a troll and kicked. I would release my initial compositions to forums I was raising awareness on. I noticed the LGBT types for example would always respond on the different forums with the same bs. So I would respond to one forum to the many of responders on that thread, and then copy that response and paste the response everywhere else that people stated the same rhetoric. It was brilliant and worked like a charm until the troll / spammer bullshit was being used to describe me. As I recall such references as spammer, spam bot and troll were circulated online in the early 2000's and even late 90's to describe people sharing porn sites everywhere.

Jade wasn't that bad really ... I've seen far far worse ...
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For sharing facts exposing lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address I have been, banned, slandered and discriminated likely more than everyone else on the planet combined.

In recent years before and after the titled Syrian refugee crisis I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appoint and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions. Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field, they not only ban me from hundreds of sites with slander to try and hide them being exposed from the public, but they have also managed to place limitations on my email accounts while they have tyrants and traitors of several countries turn their backs on democracy, turn their backs on citizens and instead cater to lobbyist / globalist crime organization dictatorship.

I bring a world of experience of 19 years actively fighting the good fight and stand strong.

Because the globalist crime organization doesn't like that they do not stand a chance against the facts I share on a level playing field,

Sounds like a pretty wimpy crime organization if what you say is true and you are still walking around.
All and all, I am glad Jade brought that up because it gave me a chance to clear up anyone else's misunderstandings about me. So for that, thanks Jade and to Sirthinksalot thanks for being supportive in your own way ...

You are a fake. You should take the word "factual" out of your description.

You started this thread and even the title is factually incorrect. Here we go again Canada, catholics abuse children and tax payers are made to compensate for it