Hello all

Rune is a fuckwit, you might as well know now it saves time. His parents sold him when he was young and he's never got over it.

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Rune is a fuckwit, you might as well know now it saves time. His parents sold him when he was young and he's never got over it.


Don't listen to the moronic limey. They leased me out. In fact I am still for hire, these fifty years later.
Nah, I am a descendant of real vikings. They were Christians, as am I. I have several of those though and I am a blacksmith so I smite things regularly. In fact, my status here is the norsk name of the hammer you pictured, and I smite conservative's banal arguments constantly.

LMAO; the only thing you smite is intelligence and common sense. Dunce.
