Hello new here

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Hi everyone! And, no, I'm not Doctor Nick from the Simpsons...

Anyway, new member. Politically, I'm independent leaning slightly conservative but certainly not a "Right-winger." I have several longtime friends that are the TEA party type, and most of their politics make me cringe. On the other hand, I know some pretty hardcore Progressives / Leftists and we just agree to disagree and don't bother discussing things at all.

I will add that I try to be excruciatingly polite in my posts. I also tend to point out regularly the logical fallacies in other posts so, you can expect that from me.

Some areas I have considerable knowledge (I hate the word "expert") in include military history, engineering, technology, and science. On things like the Green movement, I want what works and that almost entirely excludes the Left's version of what I call Gorebal Warming and the New Green Agenda. You can expect in those subjects to get hit with lots of science and math sort of answers.

I shouldn't ramble on too long though. So that's at least a bit of an introduction about me.
I'm independent leaning slightly conservative but certainly not a "Right-winger."

What is a "right winger?"

I have several longtime friends that are the TEA party type, and most of their politics make me cringe.

What part of Taxed Enough Already makes you cringe?

I will add that I try to be excruciatingly polite in my posts. I also tend to point out regularly the logical fallacies in other posts so, you can expect that from me.

We shall see. ;)

So that's at least a bit of an introduction about me.

Welcome aboard!
Hi everyone! And, no, I'm not Doctor Nick from the Simpsons...

Anyway, new member. Politically, I'm independent leaning slightly conservative but certainly not a "Right-winger." I have several longtime friends that are the TEA party type, and most of their politics make me cringe. On the other hand, I know some pretty hardcore Progressives / Leftists and we just agree to disagree and don't bother discussing things at all.

I will add that I try to be excruciatingly polite in my posts. I also tend to point out regularly the logical fallacies in other posts so, you can expect that from me.

Some areas I have considerable knowledge (I hate the word "expert") in include military history, engineering, technology, and science. On things like the Green movement, I want what works and that almost entirely excludes the Left's version of what I call Gorebal Warming and the New Green Agenda. You can expect in those subjects to get hit with lots of science and math sort of answers.

I shouldn't ramble on too long though. So that's at least a bit of an introduction about me.

where are you on the new world order?
where are you on the new world order?

I suppose in part it depends on what version of that you mean, but most of the use of that term is more conspiracy theory than reality. On the other hand, I do think that any version of a one-world government would end in a totalitarian dictatorship of the worst sort imaginable as it would give absolute power to a few who would become sooner or later as corrupt as corrupt can be.
Hi everyone! And, no, I'm not Doctor Nick from the Simpsons...

Anyway, new member. Politically, I'm independent leaning slightly conservative but certainly not a "Right-winger." I have several longtime friends that are the TEA party type, and most of their politics make me cringe. On the other hand, I know some pretty hardcore Progressives / Leftists and we just agree to disagree and don't bother discussing things at all.

I will add that I try to be excruciatingly polite in my posts. I also tend to point out regularly the logical fallacies in other posts so, you can expect that from me.

Some areas I have considerable knowledge (I hate the word "expert") in include military history, engineering, technology, and science. On things like the Green movement, I want what works and that almost entirely excludes the Left's version of what I call Gorebal Warming and the New Green Agenda. You can expect in those subjects to get hit with lots of science and math sort of answers.

I shouldn't ramble on too long though. So that's at least a bit of an introduction about me.

You seem intelligent, articulate, and well educated. You probably won't last very long here. :(
I suppose in part it depends on what version of that you mean, but most of the use of that term is more conspiracy theory than reality. On the other hand, I do think that any version of a one-world government would end in a totalitarian dictatorship of the worst sort imaginable as it would give absolute power to a few who would become sooner or later as corrupt as corrupt can be.

what's theoretical about bankers and large corporations controlling governments?
what's theoretical about bankers and large corporations controlling governments?

Bankers and large corporations don't "control" governments. They can influence them. They can exert significant influence. But they don't control them. Neither can place their people in positions of power within a government. They can donate to influence politicians but that's different from a politician being nothing but an employee who does their bidding.
Of course, political action groups, unions, various special interests, and even the rich can do exactly the same. That is, they all use money to buy access and influence politicians.
What you imply is that these groups actually control a politician by that politician being what might be called "their man." That is, they can tell the politician what to do and how to vote and that will happen.
That's nonsense. Instead, politicians pander to a wide variety of groups that align with their own party politics and positions. They get money as influence to vote a particular way on a particular bill. The ability of various groups to assert that influence depends on a number of factors involving the personality and personal position of the politician. That is to say, some politicians can be more readily bought or influenced than others. Some are more corrupt, some less.

Your vague position is largely an ill-defined irrelevance.
Bankers and large corporations don't "control" governments. They can influence them. They can exert significant influence. But they don't control them. Neither can place their people in positions of power within a government. They can donate to influence politicians but that's different from a politician being nothing but an employee who does their bidding.
Of course, political action groups, unions, various special interests, and even the rich can do exactly the same. That is, they all use money to buy access and influence politicians.
What you imply is that these groups actually control a politician by that politician being what might be called "their man." That is, they can tell the politician what to do and how to vote and that will happen.
That's nonsense. Instead, politicians pander to a wide variety of groups that align with their own party politics and positions. They get money as influence to vote a particular way on a particular bill. The ability of various groups to assert that influence depends on a number of factors involving the personality and personal position of the politician. That is to say, some politicians can be more readily bought or influenced than others. Some are more corrupt, some less.

Your vague position is largely an ill-defined irrelevance.

but really its just your opposition to it that's theoretical. you refuse to acknowledge its reality even when it staring you in the face. theoretically you WOULD give a damn, but in reality you don't.

you're full of shit. you're globalist anti human trash. game. set. match.
but really its just your opposition to it that's theoretical. you refuse to acknowledge its reality even when it staring you in the face. theoretically you WOULD give a damn, but in reality you don't.

you're full of shit. you're globalist anti human trash. game. set. match.

Thank you for the gratuitous ad hominem
Hi everyone! And, no, I'm not Doctor Nick from the Simpsons...

Anyway, new member. Politically, I'm independent leaning slightly conservative but certainly not a "Right-winger." I have several longtime friends that are the TEA party type, and most of their politics make me cringe. On the other hand, I know some pretty hardcore Progressives / Leftists and we just agree to disagree and don't bother discussing things at all.

I will add that I try to be excruciatingly polite in my posts. I also tend to point out regularly the logical fallacies in other posts so, you can expect that from me.

Some areas I have considerable knowledge (I hate the word "expert") in include military history, engineering, technology, and science. On things like the Green movement, I want what works and that almost entirely excludes the Left's version of what I call Gorebal Warming and the New Green Agenda. You can expect in those subjects to get hit with lots of science and math sort of answers.

I shouldn't ramble on too long though. So that's at least a bit of an introduction about me.

Expect trolls and insults. Truth Detector for example.

Welcome aboard!
Buy a mirror dumbass. :palm:

Oh come on now! There's plenty of room elsewhere on this board for your petty squabbles to take place...


Hi everyone! And, no, I'm not Doctor Nick from the Simpsons...

Anyway, new member. Politically, I'm independent leaning slightly conservative but certainly not a "Right-winger." I have several longtime friends that are the TEA party type, and most of their politics make me cringe. On the other hand, I know some pretty hardcore Progressives / Leftists and we just agree to disagree and don't bother discussing things at all.

I will add that I try to be excruciatingly polite in my posts. I also tend to point out regularly the logical fallacies in other posts so, you can expect that from me.

Some areas I have considerable knowledge (I hate the word "expert") in include military history, engineering, technology, and science. On things like the Green movement, I want what works and that almost entirely excludes the Left's version of what I call Gorebal Warming and the New Green Agenda. You can expect in those subjects to get hit with lots of science and math sort of answers.

I shouldn't ramble on too long though. So that's at least a bit of an introduction about me.

Welcome to the site T.A., have fun on here. And there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with being a "right-winger". We ARE the intelligent and enlightened ones, proud to be fiercely patriotic, and happy to be on the WINNING side.
Oh come on now! There's plenty of room elsewhere on this board for your petty squabbles to take place...



Exactly. We're not SUPPOSED to squabble on someone's introduction thread. It's in VERY poor taste, not to mention it most likely smells bad, as well. (Yes, I AM a bit nuts, but that's what helps me cope with life. At least THAT'S what my psychiatrist tells me.)