Hello new here

I suppose in part it depends on what version of that you mean, but most of the use of that term is more conspiracy theory than reality. On the other hand, I do think that any version of a one-world government would end in a totalitarian dictatorship of the worst sort imaginable as it would give absolute power to a few who would become sooner or later as corrupt as corrupt can be.

This is pretty much my exact answer. There are so many different versions of this conspiracy theory. If the "one world government" version was true, that would certainly suck.
This is pretty much my exact answer. There are so many different versions of this conspiracy theory. If the "one world government" version was true, that would certainly suck.

and it was dumb when you said it. theoretically against, yet unwilling to honestly assess the situation, very dishonest and you know it.
You can expect in those subjects to get hit with lots of science and math sort of answers.
The Apocolyptic Alarmists will be sure to counter you with their own advanced mathematics: 97% of scientists , blah, blah.
Except for moon. He will post several photos of Greta that he has plastered all over his bedroom walls and have a surreal imaginary conversation with her. You will find that he's very creepy.