Hello Texas Meg.............!


We see ya sneaking around the threads...say something already...or I willbe forced to dedicate a song to you in now playing...Maybe 'Run around Sue'...:cof1:
:) Thanks for the welcome!! I'm just getting a feel for all of you right now. But you can count on seeing more of me...:p
You know, I really don’t care if this drooling old fool wants to desperately hit on any poster he thinks might be a woman. What really galls me is that because I call him what he is, an old trolling perv, he tells people that I am delusional and think everyone is “after me”.

As if I, am hoping to convince everybody that a retired, alcoholic, incoherent, old fart wants me.

Wow, that would be quite a feather in my cyber resume.

You know, I really don’t care if this drooling old fool wants to desperately hit on any poster he thinks might be a woman. What really galls me is that because I call him what he is, an old trolling perv, he tells people that I am delusional and think everyone is “after me”.

As if I, am hoping to convince everybody that a retired, alcoholic, incoherent, old fart wants me.

Wow, that would be quite a feather in my cyber resume.

The femme nazi speaks again...without a clue as usual...get a life Ms.Code Pink...kay!

Side note: There is a oldies song you should really listen too...it sums me up...'Dance with the Guitar Man'... Duane Eddy Ya are in my sights and I will crush you...Ms...'Oh everybody loves me'...Not!
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it is nice to have female prerogative on this board... you all do represent 51% of the population.

Shit - does that remark make me a sexist?
Only to the spinster darla...........

it is nice to have female prerogative on this board... you all do represent 51% of the population.

Shit - does that remark make me a sexist?

she is a real loser from the get go...femme nazi without a clue!;)

hmmm...seems i have some catching up to do..and some opinions of my own to form lol.

and I am absolutely postive that darla will be pm'ing you and and saying how much of a jerk I am...let common sense be your judge...click on my sig about who and what I am...I am open...darla cowers to who she really is...except being Ms.'Code Pink'...lol...What I post and list is the real me...Liberals always cower from reality...:cof1: