Hello to all

You will be forever known as Stone Ox.

And you would be forever known as a hater. My accounts here are both names trying to retrace what was lost. Jade Dragon was a reviewer account I had on Amazon that was troll doxxed. Crocodile was the first created name I used on Amazon. The only one before that was my actual name. Just like here I was attracted to some of the nicer bits. Despite the obvious nonsense within that winner's discussion a few people were chatting it up nicely there. Shortly after I've been posting there a bit the identity claims came out. Funny is that's the exact thing that happened when I came here. It was from one of the same people that started it back then. First thing I typed on JPP and supposedly I was an Owl sock. I literally had to spell it out who I was. I ended up mentioning a kidney stone just to verify the poster Birdswrath from Amazon. Not knowing the environment back on Amazon I thought I'd try changing names and maybe the nonsense would cease. As if that was ever possible. Now I've reclaimed this name.
I was more reminded of my Amazon names of Birdsong and Birdswrath. Those would never work if I wanted a sock though. I don't think Owl has time or interest for socks. She isn't here as much anymore.

Croc: "I don't think Owl has time or interest for socks."
Jack: hahahahaha ... that's funny!
And you would be forever known as a hater. My accounts here are both names trying to retrace what was lost. Jade Dragon was a reviewer account I had on Amazon that was troll doxxed. Crocodile was the first created name I used on Amazon. The only one before that was my actual name. Just like here I was attracted to some of the nicer bits. Despite the obvious nonsense within that winner's discussion a few people were chatting it up nicely there. Shortly after I've been posting there a bit the identity claims came out. Funny is that's the exact thing that happened when I came here. It was from one of the same people that started it back then. First thing I typed on JPP and supposedly I was an Owl sock. I literally had to spell it out who I was. I ended up mentioning a kidney stone just to verify the poster Birdswrath from Amazon. Not knowing the environment back on Amazon I thought I'd try changing names and maybe the nonsense would cease. As if that was ever possible. Now I've reclaimed this name.

You were Stone Ox. It is that simple. Why that bothers you so much, I don't know.

I am still laughing about something you wrote a couple of days ago. You accused RB 60 of being mean to you, a "disabled Catholic boy." Aren't you closer to 40 than 30?