
Hoo knows what happens in that sock drawer....

An excerpt from the Toxic Diaries(tm):

Day 3394: Has it been almost 10 years since I first saw her posts on that long lost forum? She captivated me from the very first pixel. She was so fresh, so funny, so wise, so witty! I was drawn to her as a lemming to a cliff. Oh how I begged so prettily for her attention! I promised her my undying devotion if only she would forsake those other women and cling to me! I tried tough love, I tried mockery, I tried to show her the depths of my feelings by finding her social media and making new sock names from her family's names. I even brushed my teeth! Her stolen photos still adorn the peeling walls of my shanty bedroom. How can my lonely and tortured soul survive such rejection? Why won't she love me back?!? Why, Universe, why?