
I just wanna know can I get a sweet deal too on my mortgage or will I have to pay what I agreed to pay?

well if your responsible like me then you will not be rewarded. you will be penalized for saving your money and not blowing it like your irresponsible friends.. Your friends who were irresponsible on the other hand will catch up to you financial because all your savings will disappear and they can refinance there homes and eliminate debt.

Lesson learned: don't be responsible. live day by day paycheck to paycheck with credit.. have a great time. The govt will help you out latter.
well if your responsible like me then you will not be rewarded. you will be penalized for saving your money and not blowing it like your irresponsible friends.. Your friends who were irresponsible on the other hand will catch up to you financial because all your savings will disappear and they can refinance there homes and eliminate debt.

Lesson learned: don't be responsible. live day by day paycheck to paycheck with credit.. have a great time. The govt will help you out latter.

Yep why I say no bailout. If America is to have a future we need to learn.
No pain no gain.
It is certainly a ways from being finalized. The Congressional plan (led by Dems) is a ways off from the Bush plan. As usual, Bush is wrong on this. He needs to step back and look at the Congressional plan.... they have the right idea.
Politics in general needs to keep its ugly face hidden during this. This whole thing needs to be created as if it was a business and what is good for the new investors. That being all of us.
well if your responsible like me then you will not be rewarded. you will be penalized for saving your money and not blowing it like your irresponsible friends.. Your friends who were irresponsible on the other hand will catch up to you financial because all your savings will disappear and they can refinance there homes and eliminate debt.

Lesson learned: don't be responsible. live day by day paycheck to paycheck with credit.. have a great time. The govt will help you out latter.

I'm going to look into it. that would be sweet if I could knock off around $30 or $40k from my mortgage and a couple of basis points.

If everyone else is going to, why not me?
I'm going to look into it. that would be sweet if I could knock off around $30 or $40k from my mortgage and a couple of basis points.

If everyone else is going to, why not me?

The way I see it.... it doesn't hurt to try. The worst they can say is NO.
The way I see it.... it doesn't hurt to try. The worst they can say is NO.

I've decided, I'm getting the 2008 TL. I'm going to have to show that my finances are locked up. and I'm definitely going to spend $100k on a wedding. Credit card debt is a must.

Maybe I'll even refinance my student loans to higher rates.
I've decided, I'm getting the 2008 TL. I'm going to have to show that my finances are locked up. and I'm definitely going to spend $100k on a wedding. Credit card debt is a must.

Maybe I'll even refinance my student loans to higher rates.
For the LOVE OF GOD I hope you are kidding about 100k for a wedding! Jesus, there is no man woman or demi-god alive that I would spend 100k just to divorce later. But if you do I will give you 15% off on your divorce. Have your people call my people.
For the LOVE OF GOD I hope you are kidding about 100k for a wedding! Jesus, there is no man woman or demi-god alive that I would spend 100k just to divorce later. But if you do I will give you 15% off on your divorce. Have your people call my people.

In the northeast, the 100 thou wedding is common Soc, and not for rich people, for the middle class.

What I have found interesting recently, is that they expect you, the guest, to pay for your share of it. Like, if you give less than what they paid "per plate", they talk about you afterwards. It's amazing. My cousin actually told my aunt what he was paying per head, and then said that he better get it back, and started ranting about people cheaping out, you wouldn't believe it. So she told me and my brothers, and of course, we all made sure we gave less than what he spent. And if he hadn't said that? He woudl have ended up with more, because none of us are cheap.

But no way after that. I still can't get over it.
As a joke I suggested that we watch the wedding announcements and then send a congrats card with a smaller card inside giving the bearer 15% off our hourly rates for a divorce.

actually might work. they would get pissed off at first, but might remember 3-5 years later.