Here comes Keating

Yep until the past couple of months McCain has made a career of supporting deregulation of the finiancial industry. That is fact.
But now he is suddenly a maverick ;)
I have been waiting for it to come back up to haunt McCain.

His connections to the Keating mess is far closer than Obama's connection to Ayers, but Ayers continues to be a battle cry for the right.
this is what I have been waiting for, lets have an hour special on CNN. What was the Keating 5 scandal. And why did John Mcain admit to a grave mistake in his involvment.
This is NOT the guy to get us out.
21st Centruy regulations for a new wall street scoundral, not McKeating5 wink and a nod.
Yes lets bring it up,

Charles Keating ran a savings and loan that eventually collapsed, along with many others. Keating was politically connected (though that didn't save him from going to jail) and five Senators were brought up on ethics charges for improperly pressuring regulators on his behalf.

One of them was John McCain. The other four were…Democrats. I hear one of them, John Glenn was out stumping for Obama this week.

Interview transcript

Bob Bennett Reacts to New York Times Story on John McCain

Thursday, February 21, 2008

You know, I'm in a pretty unique position to talk about John McCain. First, I should tell your listeners, you know, I'm a registered Democrat, so I'm not on his side of a lot of issues. But I investigated John McCain for a year and a half, at least, when I was special counsel to the Senate Ethics Committee in the Keating Five, which, by the way, this New York Times article goes back to and discusses, goes back years and years.

And if there is one thing I am absolutely confident of, it is John McCain is an honest and honest man. I recommended to the Senate Ethics Committee that he be cut out of the case, that there was no evidence against him, and I think for the New York Times to dig this up just shows that Senator McCain's public statement about this is correct. It's a smear job. I'm sorry.

If your listeners want to know about the Keating Five case, I have a whole chapter on it. And what happened was that I had recommended that John McCain be cut out of it and not go forward. And, you know, I call it the way I see it. As I said, I'm a Democrat. And I recommended they go forward against Senators DeConcini, Senator Cranston and Senator Riegle.

NY Times -
Even so, this is not the first case of partisanship in the Senate committee. During the Keating Five scandal, committee Democrats resisted dropping the case against John McCain, the Arizona Republican, because that would have left only Democrats accused of improper dealings with Charles Keating, the savings and loan executive.
Actually, of the two scandals, Obama's should be seen as the more dangerous.

Keating was not thought of as a criminal when he & McCain began their friendship.

William Ayers was already a criminal when he and Obama began their associations.

To quote an article I read "If you buddy up with someone who later turns out to be a crook, that's one thing. If you begin an association with someone known to already be a crook that's quite another."
he served on boards with Ayers.

These boards were designed to help the community with programs to improve education.

Anyone who thinks Obama should have not served on these boards because he was included has their priorities mixed up.
he served on boards with Ayers.

These boards were designed to help the community with programs to improve education.

Anyone who thinks Obama should have not served on these boards because he was included has their priorities mixed up.

Its not the accuracy that I was referring to. The scandal exists regardless of the accuracy of the story.

McCain was cleared of any wrongdoing in the Keaty 5 case too. But the scandal exists.
Keating 5 seems so small compared to fannie and freedy mac and Barny franks crew. Now there is a man that should be in jail.

current leadership in the house = (worst ever)
Keating 5 seems so small compared to fannie and fredie mac and Barny franks crew. Now there is a man that should be in jail.

current leadership in the house = (worst ever)
Its not the accuracy that I was referring to. The scandal exists regardless of the accuracy of the story.

McCain was cleared of any wrongdoing in the Keaty 5 case too. But the scandal exists.

Well then you're merely politiking in a less than entirely forthcoming manner. There are other words for this, but I'm trying to do you right.
Well then you're merely politiking in a less than entirely forthcoming manner. There are other words for this, but I'm trying to do you right.

No, just looking at the scandals and which one would be the more serious charge. I gave up on who was actually guilty a long time ago, because guilt is rarely what matters.

I have wondered when McCain's connection to the Keating disastor would come back up. But I have also read that McCain was cleared of any wrongdoing.
McCain's a corrupt piece of shit, and you'd better believe that with whats going on right now in the financial industry, that the public will be soundly reminded of his efforts in the 80s encourage the very behaviour that now has many, many people worried about losing everything.

He can go fuck himself. Maverick? Unbelievable that there's still lemmings out there willing to follow this jackass off the cliff.

PAUL '08!!
McCain's a corrupt piece of shit, and you'd better believe that with whats going on right now in the financial industry, that the public will be soundly reminded of his efforts in the 80s encourage the very behaviour that now has many, many people worried about losing everything.

He can go fuck himself. Maverick? Unbelievable that there's still lemmings out there willing to follow this jackass off the cliff.

PAUL '08!!

They are ALL corrupt pieces of shit. Thats how they got where they are.

Ron Paul actually seemed the least coorupt of any politician I have seen in a while, and he was almost completely ignored by the media.

And you see where that got him.
but I think they were right to at least rebuke him for talking free trips to a private get awy tropical island as well as having bunisness connections to a guy who he went to bat for with regulators.

He had a very good laywer at the time via Cindys family
but I think they were right to at least rebuke him for talking free trips to a private get awy tropical island as well as having bunisness connections to a guy who he went to bat for with regulators.

He had a very good laywer at the time via Cindys family

If Congress gave out rebukes for every wasteful Junket to beautiful tropical places, they would get even less done than they do now.

Look at the congressional junkets taken in the last few years. Its funny that so much must be seen that is in a vacation paradise, but so little in an ugly place.