Here is a genuine expert Middle East affairs not some jumped up fools

That's nice. Here are some reasons why folk of your mindset would by into this hook, line and sinker:

Here is some information/comment about two of the main people behind the journal, Daniel Pipes and Martin Kramer:

1 Pipes was one of those reviewers who favorably received From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab–Jewish Conflict Over Palestine, a book which was so egregiously wrong that even the Zionist historian Yehoshua Porath had this to say about it:"I am reluctant to bore the reader and myself with further examples of Mrs. Peters's highly tendentious use—or neglect—of the available source material. ... Everyone familiar with the writing of the extreme nationalists ... would immediately recognize the tired and discredited arguments in Mrs. Peters's book. I had mistakenly thought them long forgotten. It is a pity that they have been given new life.("Mrs. Peters's Palestine", New York Review of Books, January 16, 1986).See Porath's review in the New York Review of Books and the subsequent correspondence between Porath and Pipes which appeared in the same journal.

That was nearly 40 years ago ffs, here is something that's a tad more contemporary.

That was nearly 40 years ago ffs, here is something that's a tad more contemporary.

:rolleyes: And he's just as full of it then as he is now! As the old saying goes, a leopard cannot change his spots. Who gives a flying fuck about his personal revision of a word definition? Oct. 7th was a nasty terrorist act, BUT there was no continuous bombings by tanks, drones and planes throughout Israel. No more than the periodic killings by the illegal "settlers" in the West Bank. Two examples that are not systematic genocide actions by a large gov't.

Maybe Pipes should write his own dictionary? Meanwhile, the rest of the world will stick with this:
Here is one of the most profound commentaries by a true scholar.

An incredible letter written by a non-Jewish Scottish professor to his students who voted to boycott Israel

It's a response from Dr. Denis MacEoin to the motion put forward by The Edinburgh Student's Association to boycott all things Israeli, in which they claim Israel is under an apartheid regime.

Denis is an expert in Middle Eastern affairs and was a senior editor of the Middle East Quarterly. Here's his letter to the students.

Very very good letter.
You keep doubling down on your myopic viewpoints in order to justify your assertions. Pity for you that history (as shown in my links) tells a different tale.

The Writing is on the Wall: Annexation Past and Present​

Jimmy Carter Defends 'Peace Not Apartheid'​

That's just a bullshit answer. You don't offer any supporting evidence that your articles are accurate in the least.

Then you offer two new articles, one by the UN on graffiti on the wall Israel erected to limit travel from the West Bank into Israel. This one is nothing but subjective opinion based on that graffiti. It is effectively meaningless and a useless appeal to emotion.

The other is a secondhand opinion piece of equal worthlessness. It is a reporter's opinion of an interview with Jimmy Carter, getting his opinion on the subject. At best it's an irrelevant Appeal to Authority fallacy, at worst it is just random thoughts on the subject.
That's just a bullshit answer. You don't offer any supporting evidence that your articles are accurate in the least.

Then you offer two new articles, one by the UN on graffiti on the wall Israel erected to limit travel from the West Bank into Israel. This one is nothing but subjective opinion based on that graffiti. It is effectively meaningless and a useless appeal to emotion.

The other is a secondhand opinion piece of equal worthlessness. It is a reporter's opinion of an interview with Jimmy Carter, getting his opinion on the subject. At best it's an irrelevant Appeal to Authority fallacy, at worst it is just random thoughts on the subject.
And as the objective reader can clearly see, T.A. denies testimony from Israelis, a former MASAD head, a Jimmy Carter interview (all quotes and such easily verified) and documentation that takes apart the assessment of a "scholar".

In short, T.A. is just another intellectually impotent troll the MAGA/christo-fascist/zionist factions.
And as the objective reader can clearly see, T.A. denies testimony from Israelis, a former MASAD head, a Jimmy Carter interview (all quotes and such easily verified) and documentation that takes apart the assessment of a "scholar".

In short, T.A. is just another intellectually impotent troll the MAGA/christo-fascist/zionist factions.
As you should have figured out, I don't give a shit about how many casualties there are, nada, zip-point-shit care. I WANT A WINNER! I want Israel and the Palestinians to fight THIS war to a point where the two never have another war again. If the Palestinians are so stubborn and stupid as to want to be exterminated in a war with Israel sobeit. I WANT A WINNER. No more wars between the Palestinians and Israel, whatever that takes.

Do you get it now? If the Palestinians can overrun Israel, fine by me. But as it stands right now it is 100% incumbent on the Palestinians to wake up, realize they can't win, and negotiate a permanent and lasting peace.
As you should have figured out, I don't give a shit about how many casualties there are, nada, zip-point-shit care. I WANT A WINNER! I want Israel and the Palestinians to fight THIS war to a point where the two never have another war again. If the Palestinians are so stubborn and stupid as to want to be exterminated in a war with Israel sobeit. I WANT A WINNER. No more wars between the Palestinians and Israel, whatever that takes.

Do you get it now? If the Palestinians can overrun Israel, fine by me. But as it stands right now it is 100% incumbent on the Palestinians to wake up, realize they can't win, and negotiate a permanent and lasting peace.
Ahhh, so you can no longer logically defend your scholarly expert, so you just have a meltdown and babble christo/fascist via MAGA intellectual impotent mush. Yahoo and the Likund would be proud. Carry on.
Here is one of the most profound commentaries by a true scholar.

An incredible letter written by a non-Jewish Scottish professor to his students who voted to boycott Israel

It's a response from Dr. Denis MacEoin to the motion put forward by The Edinburgh Student's Association to boycott all things Israeli, in which they claim Israel is under an apartheid regime.

Denis is an expert in Middle Eastern affairs and was a senior editor of the Middle East Quarterly. Here's his letter to the students.

It's way too long for low IQ leftists whose attention span and memories are like a lemmings.
He's barking in the wind. The Left (the people he wrote that letter to) don't give a shit what words mean. They make up a definition and then use those words how they want. For them, if they say Israel is "an apartheid state" then it's an apartheid state. If they say Israel is committing "genocide" then Israel is committing genocide.

Words have little or no meaning for the Left. They are simply political tools to use against their enemies and in support of their friends.


That's the Left in a nutshell.

Sad, but true.
Ahh, yes the "intellectual" expert to explain away horrendous actions of a government. I believe you had something similar prior to WWII regarding the rise of the Nazi Party. And yet, reality tells a different story:

Survey: A quarter of US Jews agree that Israel ‘is an apartheid state’

Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity

A former Mossad chief says Israel is enforcing an apartheid system in the West Bank

:lolup: Nazi whining about Nazis. Ironic. :laugh:
So you state 3 moot points out of history and then totally ignore/deny the valid, documented information in my previous links....all on your worthless OPINION. Got it.

Your previous link was nothing more than useless terrorist propaganda.

It takes a special level of stupid to defend what Hamas is doing and how they are using their population as human shields while continuing to torture and murder of the innocents they abducted.

If you had a brain, which you and MoonBat obviously do not, you would be embarrassed.