heres an Idea


a separate thread category for people who don't ban anyone.

if its in that category you cant ban people?

or the opposite.

if your in that thread category banning people from talking to you is fine.

would that make it easier?
why do you want less people to discuss things with?

it is the same reason you want fewer Americans to be allowed to vote?

you cant win normally?
nobody is being censored, everyone is still free to say whatever they like. if you get threadbanned, start your own thread and say whatever you want to your hearts content. no one has an obligation to listen to you though.

To address your OP, you have to understand very few people don't use the threadban feature. I am not sure it would be worth a whole subforum for that. In APP though, we do stress not to threadban people and to give everyone a chance (unless you absolutely know someone will just troll your thread).
nobody is being censored, everyone is still free to say whatever they like. if you get threadbanned, start your own thread and say whatever you want to your hearts content. no one has an obligation to listen to you though.

To address your OP, you have to understand very few people don't use the threadban feature. I am not sure it would be worth a whole subforum for that. In APP though, we do stress not to threadban people and to give everyone a chance (unless you absolutely know someone will just troll your thread).

Maybe you should make a Desh subforum where she can ramble on to her heart's content.
Maybe you should make a Desh subforum where she can ramble on to her heart's content.

Only if she is thread banned from every other. It does no good if she can shit every thread up with her nonsense.

I personally think she is hilarious. What is annoying as fuck is her annoying habits

1) never using the quote feature so you never know who she is directing her nonsense too
2) her posting a succession of posts in a thread with her random nonsense
3) taking EVERY thread down the road of her "the GOP cheats" nonsense
yeah because all that PROOF from the courts that PROOVE your fucking right wing hacks CHEAT people in elections just cant be true huh?

I know exactly why you ban me.

because once your party cant cheat and get away with it your party is DEAD
I just keep reminding you your a pack of cheating traitorous assholes to support anything republican.

You look at my facts to prove it and can not assail them so you don't want to EVER see them again so you can keep lying to yourselves that you are not traitorous assholes for cheating to gain power in democracy.

BTW you fools we are a democracy no matter how much you lie about that one too.

you would think you might start questioning why your right wing party wants you to hate the word democracy?

because they plan on NOT being democratic ever
some day they will nullify YOUR vote.

one day they came for the black votes but I was not black so.......

one day they came for the latino vote but Im not latino so...................

You fight for your own future slave masters fools

Posts 10, 11, and 12 are why I am thread banning you. You fuck up a thread and make it virtually unreadable.

Why can't you consolidate your thought into one coherent post? Why do you need to post successive posts one after another with seemingly random thoughts?

Also, why don't you use the quote feature?

Do those two things and I will consider unthread banning you. Continue your nonsense and you can stay in Siberia

Posts 10, 11, and 12 are why I am thread banning you. You fuck up a thread and make it virtually unreadable.

Why can't you consolidate your thought into one coherent post? Why do you need to post successive posts one after another with seemingly random thoughts?

Also, why don't you use the quote feature?

Do those two things and I will consider unthread banning you. Continue your nonsense and you can stay in Siberia

I don't care about you idiot.

your a fucking lair and a racist.

fuck you very much
I don't care about you idiot.

your a fucking lair and a racist.

fuck you very much

Actually, Deshy Dearest, you do care about me and Big Money. You see from what I can see, we are the only two who consistently thread ban you along with Grind. There are a whole host of threads you can post on til little hearts content. But, you have started no less than three threads regarding thread bans. So your actions belie your words by little psychotic leftie friend