heres an Idea

fuck off pretzel brain

Deshy Dearest, if you don't care about it why are you starting threads about it?

And while you are answering questions, why do you crapflood threads? Do you know how fucking annoying that is? Is that why you do it? If you want to be unthread banned, stop the annoying shit

1) Use the quote feature so people know who you are responding to
2) Stop crapflooding threads
I don't care about you idiot.

your a fucking lair and a racist.

fuck you very much

What's hysterical is ILA's need to spam the forum with multiple threads all dealing with the same topic.

Just like your typical thin-skinned Rightie, ILA whines when you do to him what he does to everyone else.
The lefties really seem to have their panties in a wad over thread banning. Ironically they claim to hate our posts and ignore us so it seems odd that they are upset.

I guess you can never figure out a liberal
yeah because all that PROOF from the courts that PROOVE your fucking right wing hacks CHEAT people in elections just cant be true huh?

I know exactly why you ban me.

because once your party cant cheat and get away with it your party is DEAD

I think, for the record, and with any luck at all, their party is already "DEAD" whether they ban you from their idiotic threads or not!

I did manage to get "Big Dummy" to remove one of his idiotic posts just by drawing attention to it even though the people who are intent on letting everyone do everything around here except those on the left, have me on permanent ignore of all his and "I Hate American Women's" posts
Hey, Dancing Panda aka Watermark aka god knows what else; why was someone closing off all those threads that had you confused and hyperventilating yesterday? And what was the purpose of that?
