Here's what Bush should do about Iraq....

In light of the recent elections, and America's generic call for "change," I think the president should adopt the following policy regarding Iraq...

Announce the appointment of a "War Committee" comprised of three D's and three R's , headed by Joe Lieberman, and give them the full authority to form a bipartisan policy agenda regarding Iraq. They will shape a cohesive "plan" directive, which will be endorsed, in signature, by both parties, and will clearly state our objectives, strategies, and goals in Iraq, as a nation.

It is time to stop the politicizing of this war, and start leading America. Democrats have demonstrated, they will be perfectly content to pretend they are standing on the sidelines, (being cheer-leaders for the enemy, if they have to be), simply because they dislike Bush. Even with a major victory and full control of Congress, they are already slinking away from responsibility, and claiming their power is limited. I think it's time for Bush to push them into presenting America with a plan, a unified bipartisan plan, that we can all rally around and support in Iraq.
In light of the recent elections, and America's generic call for "change," I think the president should adopt the following policy regarding Iraq...

Announce the appointment of a "War Committee" comprised of three D's and three R's , headed by Joe Lieberman, and give them the full authority to form a bipartisan policy agenda regarding Iraq. They will shape a cohesive "plan" directive, which will be endorsed, in signature, by both parties, and will clearly state our objectives, strategies, and goals in Iraq, as a nation.

It is time to stop the politicizing of this war, and start leading America. Democrats have demonstrated, they will be perfectly content to pretend they are standing on the sidelines, (being cheer-leaders for the enemy, if they have to be), simply because they dislike Bush. Even with a major victory and full control of Congress, they are already slinking away from responsibility, and claiming their power is limited. I think it's time for Bush to push them into presenting America with a plan, a unified bipartisan plan, that we can all rally around and support in Iraq.

I think the first actions you have suggested here have already been taken. I think this is what the Baker group was engaged to provide. Evidently you haven't heard of them yet. Perhaps if you watched more Comedy Central/Jon Stewart you would know what was going on regarding the Iraq War. And of course the best way to stop politicizing the war is to make sure that the committe looking into the war is stacked with a majority of war-mongers. How falsely bi-partisan, sneaky and unfair of you, BILLO. You really think the rest of us here are mindless morons and you are the only person here who is "smart" don't you???

What is amazing is that after all this time even you still evidently don't know yet what our "objectives, strategies, and goals in Iraq" are. That's a thought-provoking admittance given your blind and un-qualified support for the war up to this point. Don't you agree???
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What is amazing is that after all this time even you still evidently don't know yet what our "objectives, strategies, and goals in Iraq" are. That's a thought-provoking admittance given you blind and un-qualified support for the war up to this point. Don't you agree???

Hmm, what would be those objectives & goals you speak of? And are they really something that can be classified as ours? Seriously, after pointing out the war-mongers just like the majority of tools on this site, can it really be something of a united thing?
Hmm, what would be those objectives & goals you speak of? And are they really something that can be classified as ours? Seriously, after pointing out the war-mongers just like the majority of tools on this site, can it really be something of a united thing?

You should direct this query to Dixie, the quotation is from his post. I don't know what the hell he is talking about there or what this abstract langauge refers to, my guess is he doesn't know either.
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What is amazing is that after all this time even you still evidently don't know yet what our "objectives, strategies, and goals in Iraq" are. That's a thought-provoking admittance given you blind and un-qualified support for the war up to this point. Don't you agree???

Well, get a load of this... Unlike your partisan political ass, I am an independent thinker. I actually don't care who is sitting in the chairman seat when America comes to agreement on Iraq policy, I just want to see America agree on a direction, and take it. I'm sick of hearing Liberals whine and moan about Bush, and complain that their hands are tied. I'm sick of hearing all the bashing and criticism of "the plan" as it were, and a total lack of any alternative from Democrats.

On Tuesday, the country spoke. It is fairly universal, that people believe the voters wanted change in Iraq. I am 'fair and balanced' enough, to honor the wishes of Democracy, unlike your koolaid-drinking ilk. If the people want change, and they trust the Democrats so much, let the Democrats run the fucking war! Put them in charge of it! Let's hear what the Great Democrat Plan is for Iraq! My idea of a War Committee is fairly simple, it gives us a chance to come together in a bipartisan effort, to do what is best in Iraq. Isn't that what you all want? Or do you just want to keep Iraq a partisan political hammer to bash over Bush's head?
I'm sick of hearing all the bashing and criticism of "the plan" as it were.

What exactly is "'the plan' as it were" BILLO???

On Tuesday, the country spoke. It is fairly universal, that people believe the voters wanted change in Iraq.

Well, according to the Newsweek poll I just posted Iraq is a ways down on the list of things troubling Americans post-election. The top issues are the ignorant Republican prescription drug bill that was rammed down America's throat and mostly benefitted big Pharma (75 percent). The other big issues is the minimum wage bill (67 percent) and an investigation of government contracts in Iraq (60 percent).

So I guess the Democrats have a little bit better handle on what the American people want than the Repubicans and their pro-business allies on K Street ever gave them credit for. Funny that with all this talk about Iraq the most important issue is contract fraud isn't it. Looks like the people even understand what Congress's limits are huh???

Wake up BILLO; the coffees on!!!!!
Superb point, just like it is here, no common ground to even speak of.
No, it's an obvious and rather obtuse point. No offense intended, but it's so, just the same.

"Leading" -- however you intend that word -- is not what committees are for. The orginal premis was absurd.
If the people want change, and they trust the Democrats so much, let the Democrats run the fucking war! Put them in charge of it! Let's hear what the Great Democrat Plan is for Iraq! My idea of a War Committee is fairly simple, it gives us a chance to come together in a bipartisan effort, to do what is best in Iraq. Isn't that what you all want? Or do you just want to keep Iraq a partisan political hammer to bash over Bush's head?

If you would be supportive of impeaching Bush and Cheney in January, President Pelosi would run the fucking war. Shy of that, we really can't RUN the fucking war until January 2009 when we reclaim the white house from you inept incompetent bunch of keystone cops. There is no universal consensus as to how to extricate ourselves from this terrible terrible mess you all have gotten us into...there WAS, however, consensus that something better change and it was clear to Americans that the do-nothing republican congress would not take any active role in determining that new direction or even acknowledging that a new course was needed. That's why you lost. Democrats in congress will force Bush to sit down and develop a new plan for Iraq and the war on terror in conjunction with those democrats.
Committees are designed to bring forth ideas, not to make decisions. Hence my assertion that Committees do not lead.
damo...I agree.... we are resigned to have Bush lead this administration for the next two years. Democrats will be able to provide input and oversight, but he is not compelled to take the input and may very well balk at the oversight.
You should direct this query to Dixie, the quotation is from his post. I don't know what the hell he is talking about there or what this abstract langauge refers to, my guess is he doesn't know either.

My mistake, apparently I misunderstood the post.
No, it's an obvious and rather obtuse point. No offense intended, but it's so, just the same.

"Leading" -- however you intend that word -- is not what committees are for. The orginal premis was absurd.

Yes, another apparent on the same thread!
Committees are designed to bring forth ideas, not to make decisions. Hence my assertion that Committees do not lead.

I agree with what you are saying, but Bush can't lead, he is a lame duck now, and has absolutely no political capital. No decision he makes is going to pass muster with the big head Democrats now, and the only solution I could think of, was to let the Democrats form their little power-trip cabal, and come up with a universal health care plan for Iraq!
except the constitution doesn't really allow for such an approach, and one doubts the pissant cowboy that you love so much in blue jeans is going to allow for that much democratic input.

We will have oversight, however, so he best not fuck up too badly. Ooops...forgot...he already HAS. So I guess the investigations will begin...from Haliburton to Katrina and everything in between!
I agree with what you are saying, but Bush can't lead, he is a lame duck now, and has absolutely no political capital. No decision he makes is going to pass muster with the big head Democrats now, and the only solution I could think of, was to let the Democrats form their little power-trip cabal, and come up with a universal health care plan for Iraq!
Ironically enough, an effective universal health care plan for Iraq might actually help. Unfortunately, their economy can't support such a system without aid yet and we're unlikely to fund it -- healthcare being against the prezzy's principles as it is.

You really want to know what we need to do to "win" (sic) in Iraq? I'll tell you, knowing full well that neither the president nor Congress have the guts to address the issue. We need to hire Iraqis to rebuild Iraq, not contract American corporations to do so.

Why has all the money for Iraqi "reconstruction" gone to American, English and multi-national corporations? You're a good ol' southern boy: doesn't the word "carpetbagger" mean anything to you? How about "profiteer"?

Last time I looked, Iraqi unemployment was running somewhere around 50% . . . and that's in a country where women are discouraged from working outside the home. We could have gotten far better value for our billions hiring Iraqi companies directly, as primary contractors, to do major reconstruction projects AND reduced social stress in Iraq by reducing unemployment.

Too late now, alas.
What should Bush do about Iraq? - Deny responsibility for everything that has occurred.

That's worked out well.

Now, what will Bush do? Blame everything on the Democrats? That seems the most likely option.

What should Bush do? In a word...accept some responsibility (even though that appears to be 3 words, our intelligence agencies told us it was only one word and we were so eager not to be traitors to our country that we accepted the complete fabrication wholesale). Democracy, 9/11, al Qeada, they hate our freedom...(Chorus - repeat ad infinitum)
except the constitution doesn't really allow for such an approach, and one doubts the pissant cowboy that you love so much in blue jeans is going to allow for that much democratic input.

We will have oversight, however, so he best not fuck up too badly. Ooops...forgot...he already HAS. So I guess the investigations will begin...from Haliburton to Katrina and everything in between!

Well, yeah, the Constitution really does allow for whatever approach the president wants to take, with the approval of Congress. I can think of no better system of oversight than what I suggested. And this has nothing to do with my personal feelings toward president Bush.

If you are more interested in investigating Katrina and Haliburton than solving the problems in Iraq, the American people will reject you so badly in '08, your party will never recover. That isn't a "prediction", it's common sense. No one (except you) voted for two more years of investigation and impeachment, they mostly all voted for change in Iraq, according to your polls.

What is amazing is, I can suggest a bipartisan committee to forge a solid Iraq policy and strategy, and you express absolutely ZERO interest in something like that. Why is that? Could it be, you don't really want to solve the problems in Iraq, because Iraq is such an attractive and effective political hammer for you? That is pretty despicable and disgusting, if you ask me.
Ironically enough, an effective universal health care plan for Iraq might actually help. Unfortunately, their economy can't support such a system without aid yet and we're unlikely to fund it -- healthcare being against the prezzy's principles as it is.

I guess I should have put "universal health care plan" in quotes, so that you morons understood, I didn't literally mean a universal medical health care plan for Iraq. In essence, I meant a plan that would be universally accepted among Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, for the future care of the health of Iraq democracy.