Heretic Here


ButterMilk Man
I have over the last dozen years posted over 100,000 posts to either Able2Know or DebatePolitics. A2K no longer wants me and DP is now of such low quality that I do not want it. I know Frank Apisa from both places, and he referred me here.

I am a mouthy unusually trained outside the box thinker. First and foremost I care about True/Not True, which comes from my Zen training, the object of which is to become one with the Universe, which means two that we must understand ourselves, and two that we need to correctly measure the Universe. As a heretic I tend to take a lot of abuse, as heretics always do in Dark Ages...and make no mistake....we are living in a dark age.

To give a feel for me here are the top people I am currently listening to, in no particular order:
Jordan Peterson, Gad Saad, Dave Rubin, The Weinstein Brothers and Bret's Wife, Camille Paglia, Christina Hoff Sommers, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Thomas Moore (Care of the Soul).

I call myself a Zen Socialist which I claim is on the Left but I have no use for the Regressive Left, which is evil, which is the ideology of the Victim Culture Cult.

I also have been a Trump Groupie since 9.10.15
Did you ever post on the old Bill Maher board??

No, but I once posted on RailFan Forums and Sexual Abuse forums....I have been doing this since 1998.

I am still technically a railfan but Amtrak is too depressing for words. I have not been on a train in about a decade. We were in Germany for six years during the 90's, where I rode trains all around, after that Amtrak was hard to take.
Welcome aboard.. There was a great posters back then, 98 or so on that board w/ that name.........

Have a fun time, I think you'll like it here..
I have over the last dozen years posted over 100,000 posts to either Able2Know or DebatePolitics. A2K no longer wants me and DP is now of such low quality that I do not want it. I know Frank Apisa from both places, and he referred me here.

I am a mouthy unusually trained outside the box thinker. First and foremost I care about True/Not True, which comes from my Zen training, the object of which is to become one with the Universe, which means two that we must understand ourselves, and two that we need to correctly measure the Universe. As a heretic I tend to take a lot of abuse, as heretics always do in Dark Ages...and make no mistake....we are living in a dark age.

To give a feel for me here are the top people I am currently listening to, in no particular order:
Jordan Peterson, Gad Saad, Dave Rubin, The Weinstein Brothers and Bret's Wife, Camille Paglia, Christina Hoff Sommers, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Thomas Moore (Care of the Soul).

I call myself a Zen Socialist which I claim is on the Left but I have no use for the Regressive Left, which is evil, which is the ideology of the Victim Culture Cult.

I also have been a Trump Groupie since 9.10.15
Welcome to the board, be sure to read our rules, enjoy
Welcome aboard.. There was a great posters back then, 98 or so on that board w/ that name.........

Have a fun time, I think you'll like it here..

I have given up almost all social media due to low quality, but Frank assures me that this place is worthy of my time.
I have given up almost all social media due to low quality, but Frank assures me that this place is worthy of my time.

LOL, hopefully Frank is correct..

You been around a while & know what's out there & what to expect.. There are several fruitCakes & jackoffs, as to be expected but there are also some good & great posters as well..

IMHO good & great tends to be those less prone to team plays aka my team good, bad or ugly, more of those that can see the strengths & weakness & set their own lanes...
Welcome to the board, be sure to read our rules, enjoy

Thanks. The apparent lack of ability to edit is going to be a problem, because of a long time glitch at A2K I am in the habit of posting and then going back to add quality, plus I have a spelling problem....which is the result of a brain glitch.
LOL, hopefully Frank is correct..

You been around a while & know what's out there & what to expect.. There are several fruitCakes & jackoffs, as to be expected but there are also some good & great posters as well..

IMHO good & great tends to be those less prone to team plays aka my team good, bad or ugly, more of those that can see the strengths & weakness & set their own lanes...

"Want to see" is what tends to be missing, as well as "want to tell the truth". We live in a post truth post decency age...a dark age. I claim that those of us who care about truth and decency are The Better People, at which point I get rung up for lack of humility. I am with Gad Saad here....those who dont care about truth and decency can shove off, we who do are truly better people.
"Want to see" is what tends to be missing, as well as "want to tell the truth". We live in a post truth post decency age...a dark age. I claim that those of us who care about truth and decency are The Better People, at which point I get rung up for lack of humility. I am with Gad Saad here....those who dont care about truth and decency can shove off, we who do are truly better people.

Well unfortunately the majority only care about the truth so far as it favors their team.:|

If the other guy does X he should he hung or impeached, if their guy does it, well he had good reasons~ one measure for others, & another for their team.

It isn't unusual to see many folks bashing something they favored not long ago, simply applying the necessary mental gymnastics necessary to deal w/ the obvious contradictions & maintain the illusion of consistency & then only to ones self & team...

So common you would think it easy...icon_handjob.gif
Well unfortunately the majority only care about the truth so far as it favors their team.:|

If the other guy does X he should he hung or impeached, if their guy does it, well he had good reasons~ one measure for others, & another for their team.

It isn't unusual to see many folks bashing something they favored not long ago, simply applying the necessary mental gymnastics necessary to deal w/ the obvious contradictions & maintain the illusion of consistency & then only to ones self & team...

So common you would think it easy...View attachment 15130

I am from the Truth Tellers Tribe....that is I do my best to tell the truth always, or as Jordan Peterson says at least not lie....are there very many like me here?
Hello and welcome Hawkeye10,

I have over the last dozen years posted over 100,000 posts to either Able2Know or DebatePolitics. A2K no longer wants me and DP is now of such low quality that I do not want it. I know Frank Apisa from both places, and he referred me here.

I am a mouthy unusually trained outside the box thinker. First and foremost I care about True/Not True, which comes from my Zen training, the object of which is to become one with the Universe, which means two that we must understand ourselves, and two that we need to correctly measure the Universe. As a heretic I tend to take a lot of abuse, as heretics always do in Dark Ages...and make no mistake....we are living in a dark age.

To give a feel for me here are the top people I am currently listening to, in no particular order:
Jordan Peterson, Gad Saad, Dave Rubin, The Weinstein Brothers and Bret's Wife, Camille Paglia, Christina Hoff Sommers, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Thomas Moore (Care of the Soul).

I call myself a Zen Socialist which I claim is on the Left but I have no use for the Regressive Left, which is evil, which is the ideology of the Victim Culture Cult.

I also have been a Trump Groupie since 9.10.15

Good handle. I loved MASH.

First of all, I'd like to acquaint you with the way I roll here, as I insist on polite posting:

Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate!

If that is acceptable then I hope we have lots of great discussions. If not, then we won't be talking.

I am generally liberal, but fiscally conservative. Frank and I get along well. When I showed up here 2 years ago he told me I would not last, that my style wasn't right for the board. None the less I persisted and have carved myself out a nice niche. I get along well with anyone who can be polite to me regardless of how they treat others. Political persuasion does not matter. I have people from both extremes on Ignore. Anybody who wants to tell me off is free to do so once; and then they will be swiftly placed on permanent Ignore.

I am an atheist with strong morals. Academic posting is my thing. Not much into the personal stuff. Attack my points, fine. Attack me, we are done. I, too, seek the truth, but I recognize it is elusive. What one person considers the truth I may consider to be their opinion. I like to look at both sides of an issue. I can and do admit it when I am wrong.

I know people personally who support DT, but I do not. I don't hate. I struggle to make sense of the president's supporters' reasons for their support and for his Elvis-like fanatical following. I know there are good people who support him. My best understanding of that is that they have bought into his con. I consider him the world's greatest con man.

If you get along with Frank, and you can avoid getting personal with me, then we should get along just fine. I hope so. Welcome.
I love mash as well, in fact the wife and I are currently on season 2.

Hawkeye is from my railroad forum days, growing up in Rockford Ill I lived in a house overlooking the Illinois Central tracks where the Hawkeye once roamed.

Be assured that most of us who support Trump are aware of his flaws. It should scare you that Trump with his deep flaws is considered my many of us to be in spite of his flaws the best option. It is a reflection on how deeply this country has failed, at how badly our elites have failed.

Very Dark Days are ahead.
Thanks. The apparent lack of ability to edit is going to be a problem, because of a long time glitch at A2K I am in the habit of posting and then going back to add quality, plus I have a spelling problem....which is the result of a brain glitch.
No problem, there are a few Anal Andy’s and Annie’s who will goad you about it, but it stems from their low self esteem and the need to feel superior. I make errors, and I just ignore them when they feel the need to point it out.
I love mash as well, in fact the wife and I are currently on season 2.

Hawkeye is from my railroad forum days, growing up in Rockford Ill I lived in a house overlooking the Illinois Central tracks where the Hawkeye once roamed.

Be assured that most of us who support Trump are aware of his flaws. It should scare you that Trump with his deep flaws is considered my many of us to be in spite of his flaws the best option. It is a reflection on how deeply this country has failed, at how badly our elites have failed.

Very Dark Days are ahead
Well put .
Thanks. The apparent lack of ability to edit is going to be a problem, because of a long time glitch at A2K I am in the habit of posting and then going back to add quality, plus I have a spelling problem....which is the result of a brain glitch.

it's temporary.......when you have a few posts under your belt you will be upgraded automatically........if you are a Trumpgroupie I am surprised Frank invited you here......unless he hopes to scream and yell at you......
Thanks. The apparent lack of ability to edit is going to be a problem, because of a long time glitch at A2K I am in the habit of posting and then going back to add quality, plus I have a spelling problem....which is the result of a brain glitch.

?? You can edit your posts, I dunno for how long but it is @ least a few days I believe.... Certainly w/in an hour or two-been so long I don't recall if that was priv you needed to have X amount of posts to get??