Heretic Here

I have over the last dozen years posted over 100,000 posts to either Able2Know or DebatePolitics. A2K no longer wants me and DP is now of such low quality that I do not want it. I know Frank Apisa from both places, and he referred me here.

I am a mouthy unusually trained outside the box thinker. First and foremost I care about True/Not True, which comes from my Zen training, the object of which is to become one with the Universe, which means two that we must understand ourselves, and two that we need to correctly measure the Universe. As a heretic I tend to take a lot of abuse, as heretics always do in Dark Ages...and make no mistake....we are living in a dark age.

To give a feel for me here are the top people I am currently listening to, in no particular order:
Jordan Peterson, Gad Saad, Dave Rubin, The Weinstein Brothers and Bret's Wife, Camille Paglia, Christina Hoff Sommers, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Thomas Moore (Care of the Soul).

I call myself a Zen Socialist which I claim is on the Left but I have no use for the Regressive Left, which is evil, which is the ideology of the Victim Culture Cult.

I also have been a Trump Groupie since 9.10.15

Francis is a pussy. Did you know that?
And if you haven't gathered anything yet from the few posts above, "anything but the truth" is more often than not full of personal insults but lacking in content

But he can be entertaining, when he hits you with the corny copy and pastes and OD's on the insults that means he's done, nothing more to offer, like the towel hitting the canvas

I am almost completely done with social media on account of the low quality. On the plus side it takes finding only a few quality content providers to make my time worthwhile. I am hoping to find some here. Frank has assured me that I will.
Francis is a pussy. Did you know that?

Do you mean Frank Apisa? I have known him for over a decade, and even though we agree on almost nothing he has come through for me. He is a guy that I would greatly love to sit out on the front porch with and share a pitcher of lemonade.
They have content arescheese; you have to have a brain to comprehend them. That leaves low IQ liying leftist assholes like you out.

That wasn't an insult; it was an accurate description of your lie filled smarmy, arrogant, dumb posts. ;)

I wish you could say that your dimwitted, lie filled moronic posts were entertaining. But stupid and pathetic are the only adjectives that come to mind. ;)

And then he goes out and proves the point, beautiful
Do you mean Frank Apisa? I have known him for over a decade, and even though we agree on almost nothing he has come through for me. He is a guy that I would greatly love to sit out on the front porch with and share a pitcher of lemonade.

Yeah, that guy. Francis the pussy.
Yeah, that guy. Francis the pussy.

Here is your problem...I know him very well, we have had a personal relationship where I have found him to be a decent human being....and I know you not all all.

Also this is a welcome thread, so your behavior here is disappointing.

Also that I am a big fan of pussies.

So...You Know...
Here is your problem...I know him very well, we have had a personal relationship where I have found him to be a decent human being....and I know you not all all.

Also this is a welcome thread, so your behavior here is disappointing.

Also that I am a big fan of pussies.

So...You Know...

Frank's behavior has been disappointing, so there's that.
Frank's behavior has been disappointing, so there's that.

We maybe his mind has been warped in recent years, I have not seen his posts since he departed DP two or so years ago, so who knows...

We have had some recent conversations however, and he seemed fine.

Time will tell, if I stick around anyways, which has not been decided.
We maybe his mind has been warped in recent years, I have not seen his posts since he departed DP two or so years ago, so who knows...

We have had some recent conversations however, and he seemed fine.

Time will tell, if I stick around anyways, which has not been decided.

Click on his profile; you can read every post he has made. You might be shocked at how triggered and retarded the guy is. You might have known him before Trump was elected. ;)