Heretic Here

You should see this on the bottom of that list [View all Subscribed Threads] That should give you access to every post/thread you made here..

Well thanks but I have not made any threads (Other than a welcome thread...surely that is special....though some of the conduct there has been depressing) , and dont intend to put in that kind of effort unless I can find at least 10 people here who are willing/able to listen....which would be something this deeply into the next Dark Age.

10 quotes? ........that will never work for me.....which is a real shame....I hate to ignore people like that for no other reason than this place was never correctly organized.
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Bill, do you remember Phoenix from the BM board and how she nicknamed Heretic "Cellar Dweller?"
Pretty close. He was living in a small place on his college tutor salary. No health insurance, etc.. He/Michelemichele had this love/hate thing going on.
Pretty close. He was living in a small place on his college tutor salary. No health insurance, etc.. He/Michelemichele had this love/hate thing going on.

Cool...but what about me.....this is supposed to be all about definition.
Oops...sorry, Hawkeye...never saw this thread. Thanks for the shout out in your original post.

Great to see you here...and I am looking forward to how your very up-front style is greeted.

This place will give you more freedom of expression than any other forum on the Internet.

We do eventually show up in the same places, don't we?

Sorry I missed this thread...especially since my name has popped up so often.

See you around.

........OH...I forgot:

Oops...sorry, Hawkeye...never saw this thread. Thanks for the shout out in your original post.

Great to see you here...and I am looking forward to how your very up-front style is greeted.

This place will give you more freedom of expression than any other forum on the Internet.

We do eventually show up in the same places, don't we?

Sorry I missed this thread...especially since my name has popped up so often.

See you around.

........OH...I forgot:


Well much for the theory that you are infected with TDS!
Well much for the theory that you are infected with TDS!

You're gonna love it here, Hawkeye. It gets heated...but lots of quality posters around. You will get to know the ones (those who agree and those who disagree with you) that are worth dealing with. Some are just annoying...and ya just gotta ignore them. They are gnats.

One great thing is that you can bust balls more here than in most places.

Looking forward to you starting a thread or two.
You're gonna love it here, Hawkeye. It gets heated...but lots of quality posters around. You will get to know the ones (those who agree and those who disagree with you) that are worth dealing with. Some are just annoying...and ya just gotta ignore them. They are gnats.

One great thing is that you can bust balls more here than in most places.

Looking forward to you starting a thread or two.

Ya...I have been through both A2K and DP....I demand to see evidence that there are at least ten people here who can/will listen before I put in that sort of work....previous disappointments being what they are!
I remember you from DP, where Frank was actually a decent person. Here, not so much. Welcome aboard.

Frank was beyond awesome at A2K....if he has slipped I am going to be sad....we go back a long way....we have been through a lot together...
Ya...I have been through both A2K and DP....I demand to see evidence that there are at least ten people here who can/will listen before I put in that sort of work....previous disappointments being what they are!

Proof of the pudding is in the tasting.

Post for a while...and you will see there are many people here willing to listen, think, respond, debate...and all that kind of shit.

Good place...lots of great people.
Proof of the pudding is in the tasting.

Post for a while...and you will see there are many people here willing to listen, think, respond, debate...and all that kind of shit.

Good place...lots of great people.

OK....are you or are you not infected with TDS as charged?

I have seen no evidence, and if you were why would you invite me here, me being one of Trumps Premier Groupies?

The charge makes no sense.