Heretic Here

Click on his profile; you can read every post he has made. You might be shocked at how triggered and retarded the guy is. You might have known him before Trump was elected. ;)

That the nation elected Trump has destroyed the minds and decency of so many, and there is no getting around the fact that those who have collapsed because the nation picked a President that they dont approve of shows conclusively that they were in trouble BT...Before Trump.... because those who dont have such weakness dont collapse over that.
I welcomed the Amazonians,but some like PMP were intimidated!


I want to take this opportunity to mention that a week or two back Frank contacted me, that we have had some conversations since where he sounded fine, and that he not once but twice told me that I should come here....that this place is worthy of my time.

And he knows fully who I am, to include Trump Groupie....due to our long history.

This does not sound like someone infected with TDS.
We maybe his mind has been warped in recent years, I have not seen his posts since he departed DP two or so years ago, so who knows...

We have had some recent conversations however, and he seemed fine.

Time will tell, if I stick around anyways, which has not been decided.

He uses the IA function a lot, which is why Francis is a pussy.
Ya....I have heard of that here....but I dont know what that is....

Go to the member list, click on any member, on the upper left there is a list of actions, one of which is "add to ignore list". It has a legitimate use to discourage trolls, however Francis uses it to pretend that folks who have destroyed his arguments don't exist.
I sure dont like how Thread Starters get to decide who is not allowed in....Robert wanted to do that at A2K but I talked him out of it....

For me we should all be equal, and those who are of so poor quality that they need technical nanny servicing set up for them to do what they should have managed to accomplish to learn to do on their own by the age of eight can go pound sand....I am interested in mingling with the Better People...because I am already hyper educated and I am here to learn, which is more likely to happen when I am around the Better People rather than invalids.

Surely you know know where I stand....

BTW: With me being a heretic....and with the way we are hunted down and cancelled now this deeply into this dark age...this function is likely to become a problem for me.
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Ya, I figured that out....but for some reason I never noticed an edit button till after 20 posts or so, and I looked. I am happy that I can edit, it might not gave been able to take up residence here if there was no edit button.

My next complaint is that I took yesterday off and upon arrival got told that I have over 30 quotes, but I can only see about ten. I tend to be way too popular for ten to work...DP gives 25 as I recall.

You should see this on the bottom of that list [View all Subscribed Threads] That should give you access to every post/thread you made here..
Yes, I recall that name......

He was pretty popular..... He could have been, I don't recall much more about him or whatever happened to him.......

He posted at all.hours of the night. He was writing science fiction novels and last I heard he got published. That was years ago.
He posted at all.hours of the night. He was writing science fiction novels and last I heard he got published. That was years ago.

Oh, I do recall hearing that..... He was real geeky in that way... Not that there is anything wrong w/ that.........:wha: