Heretic Here

Nah, you'll be just fine here. There are many of your kind to help you defend and apologize for the incompetent TV game show host you all support.

And frankly, we could not care less about your disappointment. :laugh:

Frank has assured me that I will flourish here ..I fucking better be fine!
He said....completely correctly...

True/Not True....all the rest is conversation.

You find it hard to admit that you're just another run-of-the-mill Trumpanzee. That's understandable. We're here for you. Have you met our other fine #COVID45 fan club members yet? You're in good company.
Frank has assured me that I will flourish here ..I fucking better be fine!

Oh yes, you're among kin now. You'll love Teflon Don, Truth Defect... er Detector, CFM, Text Drivers, Bobb, Stone, Havana-now-something-else, and the many other Trump toadies.

So will you dazzle us with brilliant displays of wit, logic, and irrefutable reasons why IMPOTUS is the best most beautiful precedent ever? So far all I've seen is the usual sad hero worship with nothing behind it.
Oh yes, you're among kin now. You'll love Teflon Don, Truth Defect... er Detector, CFM, Text Drivers, Bobb, Stone, Havana-now-something-else, and the many other Trump toadies.

So will you dazzle us with brilliant displays of wit, logic, and irrefutable reasons why IMPOTUS is the best most beautiful precedent ever? So far all I've seen is the usual sad hero worship with nothing behind it.

Trump Groupie is at most 3.9% of what I am politically, and unless I miss my guess Frank remembers enough of what I have said over the years to have a clue.

You however...who ever you are....have not the first fucking clue who I am..

Shut Up....
Trump Groupie is at most 3.9% of what I am politically, and unless I miss my guess Frank remembers enough of what I have said over the years to have a clue.

You however...who ever you are....have not the first fucking clue who I am..

Shut Up....

Brilliant comeback! "I don't like what you said so STFU." Yes, you'll do well here as a typical Trumpanzee. :laugh:

Disappointing -- I thought that "heretic" might signal originality. How wrong I was.
Well unfortunately the majority only care about the truth so far as it favors their team.:|

If the other guy does X he should he hung or impeached, if their guy does it, well he had good reasons~ one measure for others, & another for their team.

It isn't unusual to see many folks bashing something they favored not long ago, simply applying the necessary mental gymnastics necessary to deal w/ the obvious contradictions & maintain the illusion of consistency & then only to ones self & team...

So common you would think it easy...View attachment 15130

you talking about #metoo and Biden misdeeds and media double standards?
Pretty close. He was living in a small place on his college tutor salary. No health insurance, etc.. He/Michelemichele had this love/hate thing going on.
Right, I remember. Those sure were some funny times back then. Even funnier is I thought your handle symbolized your real name - never made the connection to WMD until later. lol
Vera Lynn. Great song covered by many. I have several WWII songs on my playlist. White Cliffs of Dover, Glenn Miller.

Written in 1936, but popular though the war is Benny Goodman's cover of "Sing, Sing, Sing (with Swing)":

That's when music was music, Unk.

Beautiful piece.
Right, I remember. Those sure were some funny times back then. Even funnier is I thought your handle symbolized your real name - never made the connection to WMD until later. lol
NOBODY did. I thought it was obvious! It was so current at the time. Everyone thought my name was William.
Jesus Christ you're such a whiny pussy. Fucking grow a pair or your "Legina" nickname will stick.

Like these folks?

So one of the head right-wing chickenshits has decided to use their "awesome forum honcho" power to shut down dissenting opinion. Big surprise. I wonder which one of them tucked tail and went running to the mods while pissing in their diaper. So much for those imaginary "JPP standards" we heard some weak chirping about earlier. Right-wingers and Trumptards are the biggest chickenshit scum to ever slither and crawl on their bellies through life.
He should have his mod powers stripped then. He obviously doesn't deserve to be entrusted with them.
I thought the War Zone was where we could go to air our petty differences and now we are even being censored there! Censorship on this board is strange.
censorship is still a problem at this site. its destroying the site. how many left leaning posters here are unaffected by grinds hate of the left?
Just that. I can ignore or not just fine. I don't need daddy to tell he who I am allowed to talk to. On a related note, what about the ignore list I proposed? I just started at least 2 other threads without banning the putrid pile of vile entrails (tom).
The Mods ADMITTING they CENSOR what the regular folk can and cannot read. Who's excited to see what bullshit excuse they come up with this time in order to deny what Bullshit Billy JUST WROTE?
Because they side WITH the Mods. It's only posters who the Mods HATE that get what they can and cannot read censored.
Well that's just plain old horseshit...but everyone except for Grind's little circle jerk buddies knows this to be true. I haven't asked for ANYONE to be banned in MONTHS, yet I am still being CENSORED. I have NEVER "gone psycho" everyday on someone in every thread, yet I am being CENSORED. Why? It's simple...the MODS hate me. There is no other explanation. The ridiculous list of "hoops" the MODS demand I jump through in order to end their CENSORSHIP includes rules NOT ONE OTHER POSTER HERE has to follow...I am being singled out for punitive punishment.
I don't see the Mods giving me the same second chance they've given all the others.
Oh, you mean all those EXTRA RULES not one other poster here has to follow? You're right...If you're going to arbitrarily make up rules that I alone have to follow and single me out for punitive punishment then your petty double standard is going to get highlighted again and again until I am treated the same as every other poster.
I told you Rune, the mods simply hate me too much to treat me like they treat everyone else here.
Amorphous things impossible to quantify like: If the Mods determine I am "lying" about other posters and/or's back on forced ignore. How can that be determined honestly with the partisan Mods we have here? Posters here make up bullshit lies about me and each other every single day and the Mods don't have a problem, but God help me if I try to defend myself from their attacks, then the Mods will single me out with arbitrary rules no one else has to follow...
I'm not allowed to "complain" about comments made by others...Translation: No more calling out partisan clowns for their narrow-minded stupidity. Just one more thing every single poster here is allowed to do...everyone but me. I'm also required to stay "on topic" even though other posters go off topic every day in nearly every single thread started, I'm not allowed the same freedom or it's back to being CENSORED. Grind and the Mods don't want this discussed out here where their petty double standard makes them look like the hate-filled little tyrants they are.

More petty, impotent whining from another Mod. If only you could ban me for violating the laundry list of arbitrary rules you created to keep me on forced ignore...BUT YOU CAN'T!
Just a reminder of the arbitrary rules the Mods have applied to me alone...
No...all this is about the Mods CENSORING what I can and cannot read and then establishing arbitrary rules ONLY I HAVE TO FOLLOW if I want it to end.
I'm still being CENSORED. Someone ask Grind about all the arbitrary rules the MODS have put in place for ME ALONE...because the little coward refuses to discuss them out in the open.
Someone ask Grind how many other posters have to follow these arbitrary rules: If the Mods determine I am "lying" about other posters and/or's back on forced ignore. How can that be determined honestly with the partisan Mods we have here? Posters here make up bullshit lies about me and each other every single day and the Mods don't have a problem, but God help me if I try to defend myself from their attacks, then the Mods will single me out with arbitrary rules no one else has to follow...I'm not allowed to "complain" about comments made by others...Translation: No more calling out partisan clowns for their narrow-minded stupidity. Just one more thing every single poster here is allowed to do...everyone but me.
I'm also required to stay "on topic" even though other posters go off topic every day in nearly every single thread started, I'm not allowed the same freedom or it's back to being CENSORED. Grind and the Mods don't want this discussed out here where their petty double standard makes them look like the hate-filled little tyrants they are.
I notice how you don't say word one about the arbitrary rules Grind and the MODS have in place for ME alone. I certainly don't expect one of Grind's little friends to discuss the MODS double standard. regarding posters here.
Odd that I never saw those "special rules" listed anywhere in the rules section. In essence, that is EXACTLY what Grind did. I received a PM stating that I must adhere to rules not one other poster is required to obey.
Posters that are BANNED from this site return with no added behavioral requirements for having been penalized. Those posters who were banned broke the rules and had NO ARBITRARY RULES put in place to ensure they show "good faith" to the MODS.
One of the mods recently confessed to treating Zappa differently than the rest of the board. It is a prole move the way they treat him.
And let's not forget Billy's "unbiased" comment regarding me and Forced Ignore...There it is in Billy's OWN WORDS. Nothing I do will ever be good enough for the hate filled Mods here...they will ALWAYS find some excuse.
It will all end as soon as the arbitrary restrictions placed on ME ALONE are lifted and I am free to read whichever posts I decide and treated the same as every other poster here.
I checked with Darla, and she confirmed what I suspected. She had no ridiculous, arbitrary rules she alone had to follow, forced on her upon her return. I wasn't ever banned and I am singled out by the Mods for special punishment.
I guess just commenting one the ridiculous rules Grind set is just too much to ask, huh? As I pointed out and ThreeDee confirmed, every other poster here is allowed to complain about me without reprisal.
More proof of the bias the Mods display towards me. It doesn't matter what the rules are that Grind has set. It doesn't matter if I follow each and everyone of them to the letter. I have so enraged the MODS and so disturbed the calm of their little forum, Billy the MOD will NEVER agree to remove me from Forced Ignore.
The mods only use it to CENSOR those they disagree with.
And that is precisely what the Mods have done...the CENSOR what I can and cannot read, but those who I am blocked from reading are free to read and respond to my comments. It's one-sided, punitive punishment for being a thorn in Grind's side.
If you had stopped by JPP a year ago, you'd have found this place had almost twice as many frequent posters than it does now...and nearly every single person who left did so due to the partisan Mods allowing truly vicious trolls free reign while enforcing aribitrary rules like this Forced Ignore nonsense.
What Grind won't mention is, that at this point, I have repeatedly asked to be REMOVED from forced ignore, only to be told by Grind that I must now adhere to a bunch of arbitrary rules not one other poster here must follow, if I want the Mods to stop censoring what I can read. Of course, if you believe what our fair and impartial Moderator IWI Tavor said, I will NEVER be removed from forced ignore no matter WHAT I do. Take a moment, ask Grind what the rules are I must agree to before he will treat me the same as every other poster...he refuses to post them since he knows doing so will highlight the partisan hatred that drives our Mods.
If Grind is willing to acknowledge that the rules I posted are the actual rules he expects me to follow, then he wouldn't have to post them himself. The only problem is Grind wont do that, because if he did, it would be tantamount to admitting he's trying to force me to abide by rules not one other poster has to follow.
It's always a good thing, in ConservLand, when opponents are sent to the Gulags.
Some of the mods talk about screwing someone's mother.
Sorry Quetzalcoatl is a moderator/admin and you are not allowed to ignore him or her. Fuck you, Q. You'd better fuck with my posts because you sure can't stand up to them. Asshole
I'm just posting temporarily until Q blocks me, Jack. It's just a matter of time. Once these brain-dead assholes start fucking with your posts, the ban is right behind it.
We maybe his mind has been warped in recent years, I have not seen his posts since he departed DP two or so years ago, so who knows...

We have had some recent conversations however, and he seemed fine.

Time will tell, if I stick around anyways, which has not been decided.

Frank is just fine and sharp as a tack. He doesn't like trump and that's a no-no in Dark Soul's narrow little world.
Frank is just fine and sharp as a tack.


I work for Golf Operations in this country...and we have 5 courses...ALL GREAT.
At our premier Course...we have an indoor facility which I can play at a very reduced price. (These things get a bit pricey.)

The course where I work is within a ten minute drive of Trump National in Bedminster.

I'm over 80.

I work a couple days a week for some run-around cash.

Had our re-organizational meeting yesterday, and we open the course on the 21st. Ahhh...finally back to work. No more cabin fever.

I was a broker...a stock broker for Bache...the second largest firm (to the Thundering Herd) on the street at the time.

I've managed two a shot and a beer joint and the other a fairly active club with big bands and very large crowds. I also was the head instructor (with 10 or more instructors working for me) at the largest Bartenders School in the world in NYC. There was a day when I knew well over a hundred bartenders in the Big Apple...and they knew me by name...and knew what to serve if I asked for "my usual."

I did work on Wall Street...for just a couple of years back in the early 1970's. It was a blast...and I enjoyed it. Made decent money...and pissed it away. I've had at least 50 different jobs in my life...and quit at the drop of a hat. I got almost every job I ever applied I figured it was no big deal to quit one on a whim...or to play golf. I was wrong...and I am living below the poverty level. (I make do, but I am very, very selective about any charity contributions.)

In another thread, Havana Moon and I got to discussing Frank Sinatra. I mentioned an essay I had written (that got published by a couple of newspapers)...and decided to post it here. It was a personal remembrance of Sinatra on the anniversary of his death. The voice was unmistakable even though he was speaking rather than singing. He was saying, “Excuse me, sir. Sir!” I turned and saw Frank Sinatra heading across the lawn toward me. He had his arm extended in my direction—a half-filled rocks glass in his hand. “Would you mind freshening this for me, please,” he said, “just some ice, no more booze.” The part about “no more booze” was delivered with that mischievous grin he used at least once in almost every movie he ever made. The thought that ran through my mind was, “Would I mind? I’ll brag to my friends about it!”, but the professional bartender in me took control and all I actually said was, “Sure thing, Mr. Sinatra.” Bartenders and waiters doing gigs at posh parties often get to rub shoulders with the stars and movers of our world—and I was encountering the great Frank Sinatra at this particular get-together. It was being held on a magazine-cover estate in the Hamptons owned by Mrs. I-Got-Lotsa-Bucks who was just back from China with a couple of lion statues that everybody was gushing over. Sinatra was the guest of honor—accompanied by his wife Barbara, Gregory Peck and his wife. Peck, by the way, declined my offer to get him something from the bar with, “No thank you. A young lady is already getting me a beer.” His voice was the same deep, mellow velvet you hear in his movies and I swear to you, it sounded like a line from Shakespeare. At the time, I was an instructor at a bartending school in Manhattan. The call for five experienced waiter/bartenders for the private party had come in two weeks earlier and I quickly put together a crew of three instructors, myself being one, and two advanced students. Mrs. Lotsabucks had called the school personally and had gone out of her way to stress that Sinatra was to be her guest of honor—so as you can imagine, we were all very excited. And she had made an unusual request: Would we make up a drink to honor her distinguished guest? Well, we were the largest bartending school in the world and on any given day there were more than 100 student bartenders working behind three very well stocked (with colored water) bars. We certainly had plenty of talent to work on the request; so we had a competition. As the supervising instructor, I was the sole judge. And in an incredible stroke of good fortune, I also won the contest. Hey! Lemme tell you about it and you decide if my decision was on the mark! During the setup to the contest, I told everybody to concentrate on the name of the drink. Ingredients are secondary to names when dealing with fad drinks. A Harvey Wallbanger, Fuzzy Navel, Sex on the Beach and all that lot didn’t get popular by tasting better than other drinks. They just had names that attracted. Nobody listened to me. They all put together weird concoctions (mostly with Jack Daniels, Sinatra’s favorite liquor, as a main ingredient) and almost none of them tagged a name to their entry. I, on the other hand, simply dropped a shot of Blue Curacao liqueur into a standard Vodka Collins and claimed victory. Blue Curacao is a liqueur made from the peels of tiny blue oranges grown on the Caribbean Island of Curacao; including it gives every drink a beautiful, pale blue color. So we had a pale blue drink in a frosted glass filled with ice…and the name, Ol’ Blue Ice!” Tell me that ain’t a winner. Sinatra never did get to taste one. In fact, when we got to the gig, which featured two beautiful mermaids (they wore tails, but no tops) sitting on a structure built into the center of the swimming pool, the hostess decided not to go with the special drink and didn’t even want to know what we had come up with. I guess she didn’t want the other famous guests (Peck and Cary Grant were there) thinking they were not special. At one point late in the party, Frank and Barbara Sinatra again approached me. He didn’t want anything; she did, but didn’t know just what. While she was mulling over her choices, I had the perfect opportunity to suggest an Ol’ Blue Ice, but lost my nerve. I think the hostess and I both screwed up big time. Now he’s gone, he would have turned 100 in December of (the year I wrote this) and all I have is this story. I enjoyed the PBS special on him last month; I suspect many people my age did. Anyway, sometime this week I’ll make myself an Ol’ Blue Ice and sip it down in his memory. I know where I keep the Sinatra CD’s…now I gotta remember what I did with the Blue Curacao?

You also said Desh is "a normal, decent and caring human being".

I think Desh is a normal, decent and caring human being.
Frank is just fine and sharp as a tack. He doesn't like trump and that's a no-no in Dark Soul's narrow little world.

Not liking Trump is no problem...Free Men get to like what we is the lack of intellectual honesty and lack of decency that so often comes with the Trump Haters that I have a problem with. The West does not live with this much dishonesty and cruelty. We should not put up with this much dishonesty and cruelty.

Be Aware: Cruelty is a red line for me.