Herman Cain: Communities should be able to ban mosques


Well-known member
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said Sunday that any community should be able to ban mosques because there is a big difference between Islam and "our other traditional religions."

Last week, Cain came out again a proposed mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee on the grounds that it was an "infringement and an abuse of our freedom of religion."

"They have operated, Muslim worshipers at another site there for more than 20 years," Fox News Chris Wallace noted in an interview with Cain. "What is your objection for them building a new mosque?"

"Our Constitution guarantees separation of church and state," Cain explained. "Islam combines church and state. They are using the church part of our First Amendment to infuse their mosque in that community and people in the community do not like it, they disagree with it. Sharia law is what they are trying to infuse... What I am saying is American laws in American courts."

"Couldn't any community then say we don't want a mosque in our community?" Wallace asked.

"They could say that," Cain admitted. "They are objecting to the fact that Islam is both a religion and set of laws, Sharia law. That is the difference between any one of our other traditional religions where it's just about religious purposes. The people in the community know best. I happen to side with the people in the community."

"You are saying any community if they want to ban a mosque," Wallace pressed.

"Yes, they have the right to do that. That is not discriminating based on religion against their particular religion," Cain insisted.

spamming the board with multiple threads....just because you're too much of a coward to answer questions in the other thread you have to start another thread on the SAME TOPIC

spamming the board with multiple threads....just because you're too much of a coward to answer questions in the other thread you have to start another thread on the SAME TOPIC


All this energy devoted to personal insults and not a second dedicated to actually discussing the topic.

Silly me...i thought if I removed the extraneous nonsense smothering the other thread attempting to discuss this, it might make a difference...

I might have known.
All this energy devoted to personal insults and not a second dedicated to actually discussing the topic.

Silly me...i thought if I removed the extraneous nonsense smothering the other thread attempting to discuss this, it might make a difference...

I might have known.

nah...you engage in the insults as much as anyone...you're just too much of a pussy to answer post 27. you got caught big time and to answer post 27 would prove you're a liar....so you ran away and thought that by posting this thread you could hide your embarrassment

you just entered another thread and did nothing but attack, spending no time on the thread topic....yet another massive hypocritical whine fest by sappy
I like Cain and I agree the spread of Islam is a bad thing, but he's 100% dead wrong on this issue. It would be an obvious violation of the 1st and 14th amendments. Furthermore, once the "community" has the power to stop the building of mosques, they can just as easily stop the building of any other house of worship.
Islam is almost as deadly as Christianity.

When was the last time a Christian walked into a pizzeria, club, or wedding reception and blew themselves up, killing dozens of innocent people?

Things like that happen (e.g. militant anti-abortionists), but it's extremely rare. That's because Christians, by and large, are tolerant of other beliefs, whereas a significant portion of Muslims are not. Jesus didn't teach His followers to kill unbelievers. Muhammad did.
When was the last time a Christian walked into a pizzeria, club, or wedding reception and blew themselves up, killing dozens of innocent people?

Things like that happen (e.g. militant anti-abortionists), but it's extremely rare. That's because Christians, by and large, are tolerant of other beliefs, whereas a significant portion of Muslims are not. Jesus didn't teach His followers to kill unbelievers. Muhammad did.
Depends on which books you read. Jesus was a badass in Thomas.
I like Cain and I agree the spread of Islam is a bad thing, but he's 100% dead wrong on this issue. It would be an obvious violation of the 1st and 14th amendments. Furthermore, once the "community" has the power to stop the building of mosques, they can just as easily stop the building of any other house of worship.

I like Cain as well, at at first glance, I agree it makes you cringe... but I actually think he makes a valid point. When does something 'cross the line' of being a religion, and being totalitarian rule? If this were Baptists trying to implement Baptist Law, you wouldn't stand for that... oh no, that's a violation of the separation of church and state... but because it's MUSLIMS you think it's acceptable? This religion seeks to impose and implement Sharia Law on every American! Do you comprehend how that is different from any traditional religion in America? They don't just "like" Sharia Law... they don't just think Muslims should adhere to it... they actively seek to have Sharia Law made the law of the land for every American citizen, it is their ambition and stated goal to do so. I think this crosses a line with regard to our Constitutional principles and can't be allowed. The people have every right to reject it, and if you want to call it 'trampling on their religious freedom' then so be it.
I like Cain as well, at at first glance, I agree it makes you cringe... but I actually think he makes a valid point. When does something 'cross the line' of being a religion, and being totalitarian rule? If this were Baptists trying to implement Baptist Law, you wouldn't stand for that... oh no, that's a violation of the separation of church and state... but because it's MUSLIMS you think it's acceptable? This religion seeks to impose and implement Sharia Law on every American! Do you comprehend how that is different from any traditional religion in America? They don't just "like" Sharia Law... they don't just think Muslims should adhere to it... they actively seek to have Sharia Law made the law of the land for every American citizen, it is their ambition and stated goal to do so. I think this crosses a line with regard to our Constitutional principles and can't be allowed. The people have every right to reject it, and if you want to call it 'trampling on their religious freedom' then so be it.

You are absolutely right that I wouldn't stand for it, if it were baptists. And I won't stand for it from muslims. Our laws should never be based on religious dogma.

But that does not mean the religion should not be allowed (by the community or the nation) to have a house of worship. The simple solution is to only allow laws that are constitutional. By that test, banning mosques is not an allowable law.

That a community has mosques does not mean Sharia Law is inevitable.
I like Cain as well, at at first glance, I agree it makes you cringe... but I actually think he makes a valid point. When does something 'cross the line' of being a religion, and being totalitarian rule? If this were Baptists trying to implement Baptist Law, you wouldn't stand for that... oh no, that's a violation of the separation of church and state... but because it's MUSLIMS you think it's acceptable? This religion seeks to impose and implement Sharia Law on every American! Do you comprehend how that is different from any traditional religion in America? They don't just "like" Sharia Law... they don't just think Muslims should adhere to it... they actively seek to have Sharia Law made the law of the land for every American citizen, it is their ambition and stated goal to do so. I think this crosses a line with regard to our Constitutional principles and can't be allowed. The people have every right to reject it, and if you want to call it 'trampling on their religious freedom' then so be it.

What WinterBorn said. "That a community has mosques does not mean Sharia Law is inevitable."

According to your logic Christian churches should be banned as many of those followers come straight out and say the US is a Christian nation and should follow Christian teachings.
When was the last time a Christian walked into a pizzeria, club, or wedding reception and blew themselves up, killing dozens of innocent people?

Things like that happen (e.g. militant anti-abortionists), but it's extremely rare. That's because Christians, by and large, are tolerant of other beliefs, whereas a significant portion of Muslims are not. Jesus didn't teach His followers to kill unbelievers. Muhammad did.

when was the last time a muslim dropped a guided missle on a shack with a family in it?
Jesus was a long haired capenter who smoked weed, the christians dropping bombs in his name are not exactly following his teachings. Christians are the most murderous religion by far. You are just richer and have better killing apperatus.

when was the last time a muslim dropped a guided missle on a shack with a family in it?
Jesus was a long haired capenter who smoked weed, the christians dropping bombs in his name are not exactly following his teachings. Christians are the most murderous religion by far. You are just richer and have better killing apperatus.

interesting....I never even knew the Church had guided missiles......was it the Catholics or a Protestant denomination?.......
interesting....I never even knew the Church had guided missiles......was it the Catholics or a Protestant denomination?.......

"[Holding the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch]
King Arthur: How does it... um... how does it work?
Sir Lancelot: I know not, my liege.
King Arthur: Consult the Book of Armaments.
Brother Maynard: Armaments, chapter two, verses nine through twenty-one.
Cleric: [reading] And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths, and carp and anchovies, and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit-bats and large chu...
Brother Maynard: Skip a bit, Brother...
Cleric: And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.
Brother Maynard: Amen.
All: Amen"

when was the last time a muslim dropped a guided missle on a shack with a family in it?

Your statement puzzles me. When did a Christian bomb a shack with a family in it? Can you name a specific incident?

Tell me, what kind of country would you feel safer living in: a Christian country like the US, Canada, Switzerland, etc., or an Islamic country like Pakistan or Iran?

when was the last time a muslim dropped a guided missle on a shack with a family in it?
Jesus was a long haired capenter who smoked weed, the christians dropping bombs in his name are not exactly following his teachings. Christians are the most murderous religion by far. You are just richer and have better killing apperatus.

Well, Obama has been dropping a lot of bombs lately ;)