He's ONLY out for Himself!


New member
Over the weekend, I've heard MANY different opinions on Rev. Jerimiah Wright's decision to go PUBLIC, to speak out, on Bill Moyers' childish wiffle-ball, sorry, NERF ball, questioning show. Moyers: "You were taken out of context, weren't you?" GIVE ME A BREAK, I'M GONNA PUKE!!!! Anyway, many people have "weighed in", on the "Rev's" decision to not "fade into the woodwork", seeing he was such an EMBARRASSMENT to B.Hussein Obama.

I have to give Wright credit for ONE thing, though- He may not act much like a REVEREND, (anger, rage, hatred, pride), but as a MAN, he's got BALLS. Instead of coming out, and cowering, or trying to "cover up" what he's been saying for 20 years, he FURTHER BASHED AMERICA, Haha! He was saying, basically, America is a Racist and Evil country, and the problem is not HIM, it's the fact that when he TELLS US HOW EVIL AND RACIST WE ARE, that WE don't want to HEAR it, so therefore WE are the PROBLEM, haha!

Like I said, BALLS! He also said lots of other stuff, like "Only little Black Boys get made fun of, for not speaking "proper English", when we had a PRESIDENT (JFK), who couldn't SPEAK ENGLISH, he said "Cuber", instead of Cuba, and "pock the caaa", instead of Park the car. Now Wright is ridiculing slain, assassinated Presidents!
And Obama says "WE GOT HIM ALL WRONG",??? and "He's really a good and gentle man????? I don't THINK so.
Moyers also asked him "How did you feel when Obama said he DISAGREES WITH YOU, on MANY of your statements and opinions?" Wright looked into the camera and said with a smirk, "HE is a POLITICIAN". "I am a PASTOR." The inferrence was CLEAR. That "Politicians" (Obama) will say ANYTHING THEY HAVE TO, WHEN THEY'RE IN TROUBLE. Haaaaaaaahahahahaha, it was GREAT! Especially with the smirk and smile, after that sentence! He pretty much SAID, "Look, he HAD to lie, he was on the spot"!

I heard one commentator say today, that Wright went out there, and maybe didn't CARE how much DAMAGE he would do to Obama, maybe WANTED to do damage, because if Barack was now to WIN, now, after playing DOWN the need to Bash Whites, and say that we live in this Evil, Racist Nation, then Rev. Wright would have a PROBLEM.

He HIMSELF, might have to "tone down" his Anti-American rhetoric, his "All Whites are Racist" rhetoric, and THEN, he wouldn't be ABLE to raise as much MONEY, wouldn't have a Congregation so "Whipped up into a Frenzy", to do whatever he asked them, and to GROW his church into a Super-Church, and we KNOW how much money THEY make. Sounds plausible to me!

Just LOOK at the $MILLIONS$ that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have raised, never had to do a Hard Day's Work in their LIFE! Jesse Jackson having $3 Million OF TAXPAYER, HARD-EARNED DOLLARS DISAPPEAR DOWN A RABBIT HOLE with his "Operation Push", and the Federal Government has NEVER called him to account for WHERE IT WENT. So now that Obama has said "publicly" that he "disagrees" with Wright, I don't think Rev. Wright much CARES what he says, whether it will hurt Obama.
This weekend we went camping. While I was out camping I noticed that my Girlfriend's Dad's dog had impacted anal glands. Should I try to clear that up myself or take her to a vet? I am not sure that squeezing anal glands is a DYI chore or not? Thoughts?
This weekend we went camping. While I was out camping I noticed that my Girlfriend's Dad's dog had impacted anal glands. Should I try to clear that up myself or take her to a vet? I am not sure that squeezing anal glands is a DYI chore or not? Thoughts?

I’d take it to the vet, you freak!
Take it to the vet, that is a nasty stinky job!

but another question one of my cats is pulling its's hair out on it's back. No fleas or anything like that. whassup ?
Vet gave him an allergy shot, but that does not seem to have worked.
This weekend we went camping. While I was out camping I noticed that my Girlfriend's Dad's dog had impacted anal glands. Should I try to clear that up myself or take her to a vet? I am not sure that squeezing anal glands is a DYI chore or not? Thoughts?

Isnt someone on here a Vet? Cypress maybe? A good question for him if I am recalling that correctly. But definitely something I would get taken care of.... poor dog.
It’s funny nobody has anything to say about my pedicures! Don’t bother yourselves, I’ll figure it out myself.
Take it to the vet, that is a nasty stinky job!

but another question one of my cats is pulling its's hair out on it's back. No fleas or anything like that. whassup ?
Vet gave him an allergy shot, but that does not seem to have worked.

Just put it down. Only good cat.... dead cat.

Take it to the vet, that is a nasty stinky job!

but another question one of my cats is pulling its's hair out on it's back. No fleas or anything like that. whassup ?
Vet gave him an allergy shot, but that does not seem to have worked.

First, Soc, take that poor dog to the vet. You don't want to try expressing anal glands yourself. Trust me on that!

USC, the problem probably isn't allergies; poor kitty may have picked up some bug or other and may have a skin disorder. It's probably treatable but without more info I'd say take him back to the vet pronto and get a skin scraping done to check for one of the several forms of dermatitis or mange. You don't want to let that go; it won't get better by itself, I'm guessing from what you've said.
First, Soc, take that poor dog to the vet. You don't want to try expressing anal glands yourself. Trust me on that!

USC, the problem probably isn't allergies; poor kitty may have picked up some bug or other and may have a skin disorder. It's probably treatable but without more info I'd say take him back to the vet pronto and get a skin scraping done to check for one of the several forms of dermatitis or mange. You don't want to let that go; it won't get better by itself, I'm guessing from what you've said.

I can’t believe it. Et tu Thorn? No word on the pedicures?
First, Soc, take that poor dog to the vet. You don't want to try expressing anal glands yourself. Trust me on that!

USC, the problem probably isn't allergies; poor kitty may have picked up some bug or other and may have a skin disorder. It's probably treatable but without more info I'd say take him back to the vet pronto and get a skin scraping done to check for one of the several forms of dermatitis or mange. You don't want to let that go; it won't get better by itself, I'm guessing from what you've said.

yeah I need to take him to a more expensive vet I think. Not mange per one vet, but there is something there causing him to pull his hair. Mid back to base of tail.

And for the cat killer..well I never thought I would have cats, but I took pity on the poor little orpanned stray fuzzballs a year or so ago and now they are my furry buddies. Dogs are still better though.
Mange? No you took it to a vet he would have seen that. Maybe your cat has borderline personality disorder and this is just attention seeking behavior?

Back to the Anal gland squeezing. I have heard it can be a nasty job, but I have a clothes pin for my nose, a full face sheild and a painters jump suit. I think that should adequately save me from the high pressure hershey squirts and permiating smell. So I think I have sold my self on DIY