Hey Cawacko!

I watched the game last night and what I saw was that one group of players was clearly out classed by the other group. Not sure what Kiffin could have done absent playing the game himself.

The head coach can do plenty. Starting with recruiting to get the most talented athletes, formulating a game plan, motivating the players, overseeing what the O Coordinator and the D Coordinator are doing, to adjusting the game plan as needed. Even the basics of making sure every player has the fundamental skills needed at his position.

Yeah, Kiffin is worthless.
Pretty interesting to read several top recruits have not included USC back on their list of potential schools because Kiffin is gone. That guy was just toxic.

This from Mike Farrell at Rivals.com:

"I don't think I've ever seen a reaction like this from recruits where they all want USC to return to prominence and they all want Lane Kiffin gone," Farrell said. "Usually, their comments are very vanilla. With kids looking at the school, you initially get kids eliminating a program after a coach gets fired. In this case we've found kids who are putting USC back on their list or higher on their list, and that never happened before, ever.
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Cawacko lives in Alabama now? I wonder where he really lives. For a long time he said San Francisco but then one time I caught him slipping up about Boston, and he was like, oh yeah I am living in Boston for one year for business. I guess it doesn't matter...but Alabama, wow.

curious... where did you get Alabama from?
I wouldn't get to excited. USC's track record with head coaches has been kind of spotty in recent years. From 1960 to 83 your did well with McKay and Robinson....then it was one sucky coach after the other until you landed Carol. He took the team back to prominence but ran like hell when his pay for play scam fell apart leaving the program under serious sanctions.

So I wouldn't get to excited until you find out who's replacing Kiffin...though I can't blame you for getting excited. USC would be hard pressed to do worse.
I wouldn't get to excited. USC's track record with head coaches has been kind of spotty in recent years. From 1960 to 83 your did well with McKay and Robinson....then it was one sucky coach after the other until you landed Carol. He took the team back to prominence but ran like hell when his pay for play scam fell apart leaving the program under serious sanctions.

So I wouldn't get to excited until you find out who's replacing Kiffin...though I can't blame you for getting excited. USC would be hard pressed to do worse.

LOL, pay for play?

Yes, having a wanna be agent pay your star player's family money to get him to leave your school early was a brilliant move by Pete. SMH.
LOL, pay for play?

Yes, having a wanna be agent pay your star player's family money to get him to leave your school early was a brilliant move by Pete. SMH.
Hey I'm on your side there. What happened at USC is pretty much what has happened at Alabama, Ole Miss and Tennessee. Ya'll lost 30 scholarships and other sanctions. Haven't heard one squeek from the NCAA on those three SEC teams who at the worst are just as guilty of lack of insitutional control as USC was. Then there is scam Newton, Auborn gets a complete pass on that for completely unfathonable reason...unless that is the NCAA is trying to protect the SEC.
Hey I'm on your side there. What happened at USC is pretty much what has happened at Alabama, Ole Miss and Tennessee. Ya'll lost 30 scholarships and other sanctions. Haven't heard one squeek from the NCAA on those three SEC teams who at the worst are just as guilty of lack of insitutional control as USC was. Then there is scam Newton, Auborn gets a complete pass on that for completely unfathonable reason...unless that is the NCAA is trying to protect the SEC.

Mott, as you are quite aware I'm sure, there is a HUGE difference between paying a player to come to your school vs. an agent paying a player's family to leave your school.

The most obvious recent case was Cam Newton. His father asked Mississippi St for $180K for Cam to go there. Does anyone really think his father asked for nothing for Cam to go to Auburn?

USC didn't pay Reggie Bush to come to the school. An agent paid Reggie's family to get him to leave. That is not pay for play.
Mott, as you are quite aware I'm sure, there is a HUGE difference between paying a player to come to your school vs. an agent paying a player's family to leave your school.

The most obvious recent case was Cam Newton. His father asked Mississippi St for $180K for Cam to go there. Does anyone really think his father asked for nothing for Cam to go to Auburn?

USC didn't pay Reggie Bush to come to the school. An agent paid Reggie's family to get him to leave. That is not pay for play.

Just like your USC professor, the title and Heisman came and went.