hey cowgirl lets discuss elections


from cowgirl

I was wondering what your ideas would be for reducing any cheating, intimidation or fraud that happens with elections. For example when people vote twice or when someone feels pressured or when ballots are "lost", things like that. Disclaimer, I will be voting in my first elections next year for the primary and the main election and so I cant share any personal examples or give first hand experience but here are some things that I think could help.

1. Making ID's mandatory and matching that ID with your address that the state has on file.
2. Make voting machines identical across the country so that there arent areas that have confusion. So test a variety of machines and use the one that performed the best
3. It would be great if you could vote online but I think hackers could easily manipulate that, but it would still be cool to consider.

What do you think?
first you have to know what you need to protect the election from

FACTS need to be looked at so you don't spend and waste money that merely does more damage than fixing.

there is in FACT not a problem in this country with voters cheating the system.

the election cheating does NOT come from voters.

It comes from the parties
cowgirl did you realize there are no studies to back a need for such things as voter IDs?

there is only unbased claims for such a need.
Hi, thanks for the conversation. If you give me like about another hour or so then I'll have a little more time to type out some opinions and contribute. I have about seven more stalls to clean and prep and so once I'm done with that I should have some time before I need to do some other things. Thanks! I'll be back soon.
No problem

Ill come back to this thread whenever I can.

I will get you some studies to prove my claims
Hi, thanks for the conversation. If you give me like about another hour or so then I'll have a little more time to type out some opinions and contribute. I have about seven more stalls to clean and prep and so once I'm done with that I should have some time before I need to do some other things. Thanks! I'll be back soon.

Warning; engaging the DeshTARD into a never ending circle of stupidity will be a complete waste of your time.

You have been warned.

Carry on.
Hi, thanks for the conversation. If you give me like about another hour or so then I'll have a little more time to type out some opinions and contribute. I have about seven more stalls to clean and prep and so once I'm done with that I should have some time before I need to do some other things. Thanks! I'll be back soon.

Don't feed the troll evince (aka...desh).

You will just get trolled.
cowgirl did you realize there are no studies to back a need for such things as voter IDs?

there is only unbased claims for such a need.

It's just common sense to me that you should verify who you are as a legal citizen if you want to vote for the people that will be in control of our country. I wouldn't want someone from Kansas coming to Texas to vote in our primary for example and so checking IDs would make it so that just Texans can vote for Texas leadership. The same goes for a presidential election. Only Americans citizens should be able to vote for the American president and so a simple check of a valid ID would ensure that sort of thing.
Warning; engaging the DeshTARD into a never ending circle of stupidity will be a complete waste of your time.

You have been warned.

Carry on.

Don't feed the troll evince (aka...desh).

You will just get trolled.

Thank you for the heads up but I have to participate in some way since I was interested in the topic. It wouldn't be right to create the topic and not discuss it with someone that wants to talk about it with me. It will be my lesson to learn if I'm wrong. Thank you though.
I think it would be safe to assume that both of the major parties will try to quietly find ways to influence an election in their favor. In either case it shouldn't happen and is harmful to freedom.

this is NOT evidence of the dems cheating.

It is evidence of the republican party cheating in elections.

If we are going to go by FACTS you have to produce FACTS that show the dems doing this also.

You cant not in honesty just claim the dems do it too.
It's just common sense to me that you should verify who you are as a legal citizen if you want to vote for the people that will be in control of our country. I wouldn't want someone from Kansas coming to Texas to vote in our primary for example and so checking IDs would make it so that just Texans can vote for Texas leadership. The same goes for a presidential election. Only Americans citizens should be able to vote for the American president and so a simple check of a valid ID would ensure that sort of thing.

they do that when they register.

then they get a voters card and use that car to vote.

why should citizens have to show IDs when there is no proven need ?

why hound voters for nothing?
cowgirl ,

those posters don't want you to find out the FACTS on this issue

I give them FACTS they don't like so they hate me.

I'm being nice and I am providing cold hard facts .

dont believe those haters
this is NOT evidence of the dems cheating.

It is evidence of the republican party cheating in elections.

If we are going to go by FACTS you have to produce FACTS that show the dems doing this also.

You cant not in honesty just claim the dems do it too.

Have you ever looked for evidence of the democratic party cheating? Please don't take this the wrong way but most people look past cheating or possible cheating if it's something that they agree with. I'm not saying that you do but if you are a hardline democrat or a hardline republican it would be fairly natural in my opinion to condemn one but look past the other. I think it would be a little bit dishonest to say that only one party has ever cheated in an election.The goal shouldn't be to catch the other in the act but instead to eliminate it altogether.
they do that when they register.

then they get a voters card and use that car to vote.

why should citizens have to show IDs when there is no proven need ?

why hound voters for nothing?

Your photo isn't on your voter card though from my knowledge. It's the same way that people get other students to cheat and take a test for them sometimes by showing an ID without a photo or something to compare to and not having it verified by test test administrator. I would personally have no problem showing my photo ID along with my voter registration card at the voting area if it meant maintaining the integrity of the poll.
they do that when they register.

then they get a voters card and use that car to vote.

why should citizens have to show IDs when there is no proven need ?

why hound voters for nothing?

So how do they know that the person presenting the card is the one who it belongs to?
I only asked; because this seems to escape you and I know you're not going to answer, because you're scared and afraid of the truth.