Hey Desh: Sorry to say your bailout aint working!

Desh was saying that she wouldnt be able to get loans to buy more rental properties without the sellout.... i mean bailout of $700 billion to the banks....

She only cares about her own greed and is willing to throw the American taxpayers under the bus...


You are not just stupid but a liar too?

Your some real fucking hero huh guy?
You are not just stupid but a liar too?

Your some real fucking hero huh guy?


Now that Desh is caught flat footed....She comes back with the false outrage....

Hello Desh, how are you today. Does it feel good ripping off American taxpayers?

I never said what you claim and the rescue plan was never sold as a immediate fix all not to mention the the money is NOT YET in the system you assclown.
CanadianKid gets props from me for still finding buyers for his trollery here. Jesus.
Nothing at all. All people have color.

the irony of his comment is quite funny... given that the whiter you are, the more color you possess...

CK...lesson for ya... white is the presence of all colors.

Black is the absence of all color.

for all the racists out there....

Black is the purist of all pigmentations.
HaHa, I wonder when they will call the "Black Hole" in Oakland racist too?

No not racist, though it does describe the intellect of Raiders fans.

Just lose baby!

The only team to lose more than the Lions under Millens reign of terror.... Al Davis's Raiders.
They are both saying that this is a quick fix that WON"T stop a deep recession. So what's the point at throwing money at it? Mort Zuckerman says preety much the same thing.
Anyway, I respect your opinion, although I disagree with your positive outlook on it.

Agreed. The bailout has committed at least 2 generations to a debt they didn't create. It's not going to work, whatever has to happen to the economy is going to happen, now we have this enormous bill on top of it. BTW, did you hear that the AIG big shots had a great weekend? Nearly $600 a night rooms. Must be nice.
You still don't getthe reference? Perhaps I was mistaken in thinking you could hold up your end of the conversation.
He has random bouts with SOCRCD (Sudden Onset Canadian Reading Comprehension Disorder). It's when he thinks he's found your button and wants to keep pressing it.

Don't worry, we know the saying.
Desh was saying that she wouldnt be able to get loans to buy more rental properties without the sellout.... i mean bailout of $700 billion to the banks....

She only cares about her own greed and is willing to throw the American taxpayers under the bus...

Fuck you.

Hello concern troll. Nice to meet you.

You're such a douchebag.

What do you have against people of colour? Please explain.

And a dumbass.

Anyhoo, I agree with you that the bailout was retarded at best. Now, perhaps the Congress can grow up and decide not to cause more fuck-ups that will "validate" socialism in the future.