Hey everyone


New member
Short and sweet :) Im a political middle of the roader and I happily take turns pissing both sides off. I believe what im saying when I piss them off but of course I could be dead wrong but it is what I believe or what my honest opinion is.
Short and sweet :) Im a political middle of the roader and I happily take turns pissing both sides off. I believe what im saying when I piss them off but of course I could be dead wrong but it is what I believe or what my honest opinion is.

Aboard, welcomed are you!
Short and sweet :) Im a political middle of the roader and I happily take turns pissing both sides off. I believe what im saying when I piss them off but of course I could be dead wrong but it is what I believe or what my honest opinion is.

Consider yourself well in, lol.
Met him in a swamp down in Dagobah...
Where it bubbles all the time like a giant carbonated sooooodaaa...
S.O.D.A Sooodaaa....
Not sure probably a search
