Hey Rob... How does it look beneath the Democrat Bus?

ok well that is one area where mbl may be right about me... I think we should have nukes but I also think many nations shouldn't have them. It all goes to self interest.
I can't do a damn thing about it, I know... go ahead, please continue your discussion, don't let me get in your way!

Thank you. Can we please move on now?


Anyhow, back to the topic,

ok well that is one area where mbl may be right about me... I think we should have nukes but I also think many nations shouldn't have them. It all goes to self interest.

Self interest? You are an isoaltionist right? So how can you feel that other nations should be precluded from having whatever their own means provide? Isolationism is wholly different than non-interventionism. Perhaps you are non-interventionist rather than isolationist?
I don't understand what you mean, I posted a thread about Democrats turning on the homosexual community, it had nothing to do with my sig line. I see where a couple of lazy fat ass pinheads decided to chit-chat about something they could've started a new thread about, if they had any manners or integrity.

The posted quote from Darla explains right below it, that this is her articulation of Democrat policy on nuclear proliferation. Is that not showing up or something? If so, why do you need to divert my thread off into a debate over the philosophical aspects behind this concept? I just posted a Pinhead Quote of the Moment, like I've been doing for a while now, nothing new... nothing to cause philosophical pinhead debate... just your usual pinhead idiocy I find amusing to post.

THIS THREAD, is not for that debate. I know you both have been around message boards long enough to understand how to begin new threads, and it's fairly annoying for someone to hijack your thread, with complete disregard and contempt, the way you have done here. Yah... I can't do a damn thing about it, I know... go ahead, please continue your discussion, don't let me get in your way!

I addressed your original post on this thread. What are you, blind or something?

And I don't think I care for your tone Dixie. I might very well take this thread into a discussion of my new boots.
*sigh* Does everything have to be an extreme?

I don't know if you'd call them "extreme", but thanks for the compliment anyway. I kind of like the idea, "my new extreme boots."

They're black, and they're high boots, and they have the faux tie look up the front. I'm very pleased with them. They look absolutely fabu with wrap dresses, which I am partial to.

I had no idea you'd be interested in the topic though Damo!
mbl do you want iran and north korea to have nukes?

maybe I am a non-interventionist..I certainlly don't want rouge terrorist states having nukes... true.
Anyway, the blogger that I saw on a 24/7 news show said that he planned or his group planned to out ALL of the gay congressmen and Senators in Congress THAT HAVE BEEN HYPOCRITICAL...ONLY.

That there will be BOTH Democratic and Republican outings of those in Congress that are hypocrits regarding "Gay related" legislation...

he did imply that there are quite a few that are in the closet that WOULD NOT BE OUTED, because they were not Hypocrites in their vothing on Gay rights legislation.

Why you are saying it is the "democrats" that are doing this is BEYOND ME....The Gay community is involved in this INCLUDING THE Log Cabin Republicans....I thought he said or I had read?

I thought he said? Right. I'm sure you let everybody get away with that one... :rolleyes:
ok .....must have misunderstood though i can't find any recent 2006 comments on how they satand on this but found a 2004 article abouy gay outings and it said log cabiners DID NOT think it was advantageous ro do this back in 2004...so, i guess this has been going on for a while?
Dixie, you are a fool... Any Democrat would have been just as outraged had the sex of the victims in the Foley case been girls.
Dixie, you are a fool... Any Democrat would have been just as outraged had the sex of the victims in the Foley case been girls.

He's a dangerous fool if he would find nothing suspicious about a man in his 50's emailing his teenaged daughter asking her for pictures and what she wants for her birthday.

It has nothing to do with orientation. That should raise any responsible adult's eyebrows.
He's a dangerous fool if he would find nothing suspicious about a man in his 50's emailing his teenaged daughter asking her for pictures and what she wants for her birthday.

It has nothing to do with orientation. That should raise any responsible adult's eyebrows.

I think we have pinpointed the essence of the problem here!
He's a dangerous fool if he would find nothing suspicious about a man in his 50's emailing his teenaged daughter asking her for pictures and what she wants for her birthday.

It has nothing to do with orientation. That should raise any responsible adult's eyebrows.
