Hey Superfreak? Whats up with Solar?

Better yet lets talk about oil. dirt cheap huh? how about the multiple wars and massive military we have to keep it flowing? where is that cost calculated in? Having a cost analyst mentality I tent to look at ALL IN costs including non direct.
I'm all for that. I'm on record stating that congress should add up all the military and diplomatic costs of managing the mid-east and create a tariff on OPEC imports to pay for it all. The high prices would ensure good profits for American oil companies and provide a huge incentive to drill here, drill now, and for the public to tell the greenies to shut up.

Solar's reached a grid parity! It costs $0.075 per kilowatt hour for solar as opposed to $0.09 per kilowatt hour for convential. This is a huge milestone for Solar, which is a big reason to invest.

That's actually surprisingly good. Although to be fair this was in the Nevada desert (quite possibly the area in the US that gets more sun than any other) and that this is only the price WHEN they are producing it. They won't produce any at night or with bad or even cloudy weather.