
What was your name on the old boards?
very similar to what it is now, it was blackandwhite321
You must be very conservative, strongly anti-abortion, a religious fundamental, or some combination of these if you p.o.'d Zoom and Rana.

Btw, how did you know "Rana" is someone from Netscape since she didn't use that name at the time?

And you also wrote "at a table near to me was someone who resembled, and thus reminded me of, someone who used to post on the Netscape message boards", does that mean you actually met Rana or Zoom?
No, I have not met either in person, and we live in completely different states. When I searched "budnfrog", in that search, someone here said that Rana used to be known as budnfrog. That's how I found out what she is known as currently. And I know what she looks like because back in 2002, a user by the name of Apatheana sent me a photo collage that she made of several Netscape users that she had become friends with, and told me who each of them were. Zoombwaz was also in that photo collage, so I also know what he looks like. I have a strong memory, and so when I saw saw someone who resembled budnfrog back in those days, I was reminded of the email apple sent me a few years ago, and here I am. :)
very similar to what it is now, it was blackandwhite321

No, I have not met either in person, and we live in completely different states. When I searched "budnfrog", in that search, someone here said that Rana used to be known as budnfrog. That's how I found out what she is known as currently. And I know what she looks like because back in 2002, a user by the name of Apatheana sent me a photo collage that she made of several Netscape users that she had become friends with, and told me who each of them were. Zoombwaz was also in that photo collage, so I also know what he looks like. I have a strong memory, and so when I saw saw someone who resembled budnfrog back in those days, I was reminded of the email apple sent me a few years ago, and here I am. :)

I'm sure Rana will see this sometime and verify your identity, maybe ask you a few leading questions.

Btw, how'd I do on this part? "You must be very conservative, strongly anti-abortion, a religious fundamental, or some combination of these..."
I'm sure Rana will see this sometime and verify your identity, maybe ask you a few leading questions.

Btw, how'd I do on this part? "You must be very conservative, strongly anti-abortion, a religious fundamental, or some combination of these..."
well, if you enjoy putting people in a box, labeling them, and then shipping them off in some manner, then I'm whatever you want me to be ;) I'm sure that's how some people would like to label me... but I usually see words like: "very" and "strongly" placed in front of other words and wonder what the intention behind that was. To one person, "very conservative", simply means: "ultra bigot", to another it's simply a person with "strong, time-tested convictions"... And although I do have strong convictions about things, I'd just rather things play out naturally rather than unnaturally place myself into categories where I don't have control over their meaning. Sorry if I just sounded like a total dork answering what you thought was a simple question... :palm:
black it's all good. christie gets suspicious of new people. keep it real. we are happy to have you
well, if you enjoy putting people in a box, labeling them, and then shipping them off in some manner, then I'm whatever you want me to be ;) I'm sure that's how some people would like to label me... but I usually see words like: "very" and "strongly" placed in front of other words and wonder what the intention behind that was. To one person, "very conservative", simply means: "ultra bigot", to another it's simply a person with "strong, time-tested convictions"... And although I do have strong convictions about things, I'd just rather things play out naturally rather than unnaturally place myself into categories where I don't have control over their meaning. Sorry if I just sounded like a total dork answering what you thought was a simple question... :palm:

"...but I usually see words like: "very" and "strongly" placed in front of other words and wonder what the intention behind that was."

I've known zoom, apple and rana since the Netscape days and am familiar with their "hot buttons", and the three things I mentioned fit that description.

"...but I usually see words like: "very" and "strongly" placed in front of other words and wonder what the intention behind that was."

I've known zoom, apple and rana since the Netscape days and am familiar with their "hot buttons", and the three things I mentioned fit that description.

Indeed it was... and yes, most of my posts in the Netscape days were in the Creation vs Evolution forum. What was your screen-name over there? I thought I remember seeing a Christie with a bunch of numbers following, but it's been so long and you already said you really didn't hang out there so I don't know if that was you.
Indeed it was... and yes, most of my posts in the Netscape days were in the Creation vs Evolution forum. What was your screen-name over there? I thought I remember seeing a Christie with a bunch of numbers following, but it's been so long and you already said you really didn't hang out there so I don't know if that was you.

I've always used this screen name christiefan915 but didn't post on EvC. People like zoom, razd8 and telstar intimidated me with their brilliance (although you may have a different opinion about that!)