Hi im new, whats up?

Please...get Phan to check on True Companion for you;) Then, you can apologize for being wrong so many times...I look forward to it;)
Wasn't Dr Watson,one of Mason's sock army at Amazon?

--->I will NOT be tricked into another ban by Captain Billy over doxxing<---

(I must retire. I wanted to borrow the Darkie from next door to mow the rental property, but TTQ began screaming 'White Privilege', so I said 'Fuck it', and just mowed it myself)
--->I will NOT be tricked into another ban by Captain Billy over doxxing<---

(I must retire. I wanted to borrow the Darkie from next door to mow the rental property, but TTQ began screaming 'White Privilege', so I said 'Fuck it', and just mowed it myself)

I don't know what doxxing means
Top told me I had a new sock this morning,than I came back from the pool,and found,this is my new account!

Was that your "sock pool"??

Let's do this...if True Companion is mine, I'll leave....
(you keep me posted, OK?;)

It's yours. We all know it. And you'll never, ever leave. You're as addicted to a forum where you can find ppl to hate on as Toadstool is addicted to porn stars. It's okay though, nothing wrong with that. It keeps you away from real-life ppl. :laugh:
True Companion is not mine;) Feel free to check...you have connections, after all. I'll leave it you can prove it's mine;)
20 minutes left of Remember the Titans...you all should watch it...E channel...have a great night;)
"Trust the soul"...never the look:)
(We were very honored to meet Herman Boone after a very inspiration keynote speech ;)