

Was here before. Forgot email and pass. Signed up new. Letting everyone know for transparency's sake and so no one thinks I am a sock puppet. That being said, Hi!
Nah, I remember. Rough around the edges and sometimes wacko but that's ok cause so am I sometimes. ����

Well, Tim, good luck and have fun then.
We haven't had much new blood lately.

I don't know whether you have a tried and true schtick in place
or whether you're winging it,
but either way,
it's only the internet so what can happen?
There are those who have your best interests as decided by you at heart....and those who dont....if you cant tell the difference then you are completely fucked....and you deserve it.
Thanks for all the grand welcomes. I really appreciate it. Think I'll jump into the big pool now and see what the waters like. See ya round the forum. ��
COVID-19 was first discovered in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. This fact comes from early case reports and scientific research, including studies on the virus's genes, all pointing to Wuhan as the starting point. So, yep. It comes from China.

Everyone agrees it came from China as most Flu viruses often do. The debate was over whether it originated in a lab and escaped or originated in a wet market like Ebola. Lots of conspiracy theories from there.