Hick Speaks - This is Never Good


Hicks not stupid, backwards, racist, sexist, did I mention stupid? It's just a stereotype pushed by New Yawkers and San Fransissycans, who "don't know much".

South Carolina mayor ‘just curious’ if Obama is the antichrist.

Fort Hill, SC Mayor Danny Funderburk said he forwarded a chain email suggesting Barack Obama is the antichrist because he was “just curious” if it was true:

“I was just curious if there was any validity to it,” Funderburk said in a telephone interview. “I was trying to get documentation if there was any scripture to back it up.”

I've had quite a few conversations on this board that the South "isn't what we think."

The South is eating this stuff about Obama up. It's in the South that you see churches with signs outside saying "Obama doesn't stand for the pledge." I guarantee you that if we separated polls, a much larger # in the south would say "he's a Muslim."
I will never deny that there are idiots in the south.

But what I do argue is the notion that the south is all idiots.

I am sure I could find plenty of "surfer-dude" morons in CA and cliche new yorker types as well.

But I don't classify all new yorkers or californians by those sterotypes.

Not everyone living in the south is like dixie.
I will never deny that there are idiots in the south.

But what I do argue is the notion that the south is all idiots.

I am sure I could find plenty of "surfer-dude" morons in CA and cliche new yorker types as well.

But I don't classify all new yorkers or californians by those sterotypes.

Not everyone living in the south is like dixie.

No but once you figure in the bible belt types the number is very noticable Sol.

No necessarially bad people but when your precher equates liberals and satan from the pulpit.
No but once you figure in the bible belt types the number is very noticable Sol.

No necessarially bad people but when your precher equates liberals and satan from the pulpit.

That is strictly about control.
Fort Hill, SC Mayor Danny Funderburk said he forwarded a chain email suggesting Barack Obama is the antichrist because he was “just curious” if it was true:

Don't be ridiculous. Race plays no significant role in southern politics, as I have been assured by a few rightwing posters.

At best, only an infintesimally small percentage of people even consider race while voting there. That's what I've been told anyway.
I will never deny that there are idiots in the south.

But what I do argue is the notion that the south is all idiots.

And no one think that we're all idiots after they've met you and me Sol.

But I think the rate of stupidity and ignorance is in general much higher. You can attribute it to a lot of unfortunate factors but it's still not good.
Not everyone living in the south is like dixie.

I would like an explanation Solitary. What exactly, makes me different from you, other than our political ideology? It seems to me, what you are doing, is arguing with bigoted closed-minded liberals, that their stereotypes of Southerners are inaccurate because all people of the South are not like the closed-minded bigoted stereotype you've placed on me. Aside from our differing political viewpoints, there is no difference between you and I. Does the fact that you cozy up to, and largely agree with, bigoted prejudiced people, who think all southerners are hicks, and the fact that I don't, mean that I am something I'm not? I don't understand that... can you explain?
I would like an explanation Solitary. What exactly, makes me different from you, other than our political ideology? It seems to me, what you are doing, is arguing with bigoted closed-minded liberals, that their stereotypes of Southerners are inaccurate because all people of the South are not like the closed-minded bigoted stereotype you've placed on me. Aside from our differing political viewpoints, there is no difference between you and I. Does the fact that you cozy up to, and largely agree with, bigoted prejudiced people, who think all southerners are hicks, and the fact that I don't, mean that I am something I'm not? I don't understand that... can you explain?

Ok, I'll explain it and I'll use really small words so you can folllow.

The stereotypical southerner exists. You know them and I know them. They are still upset that the confederacy lost. They still cheer Wallace's stand in the doorway at the Univ of Alabama. They still vote based on the color of skin and the words from the pulpit. They think any change is bad. They haven't read a book since they were in school. They couldn't name the heads of 3 other countries, but they can sing the lyrics to every song Willie Nelson or Lynyrd Skynyrd ever did. They have only the vaguest idea about what the hell is going on. They bitch about how much they get cut in taxes, but spend that big tax refund check on junk year after year after year.

Yes, you and I differ on political ideaologies. But for some reason you think I am sucking up to the people I agree with. But you seem to think you agree with people because they are smart. Nothing could be further from the truth.

There are plenty of smart, well balanced, and deep thinking people in the south. I know quite a few of them. But every time the news needs a southerner on camera they find some in-bred redneck with a mouthful of snuff standing in front of a worn-out double-wide.

I am tired of that being the representative of the southerner. I am ready for people to remember Faulkner and forget James Earl Ray. I want them to think about the south and think of Emory, Vanderbilt, and the UofA. But instead they think of Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, and David Duke. And its not because those latter three are more important. Its because generations of ignorant hillbillies think they have the right to speak for everyone south of the Mason-Dixon.

I have not called you ignorant because we differ in our political positions. But you have certainly been all too quick to call anyone who disagrees with you a "pinhead". And you have the gall to try and sound offended that I am not wanting to be grouped with the white trash rednecks that seem to crawl out of the woods whenever the news wants to get someone to say the word "nigger" on cue? Get a life, sparky.

I am damn proud to be a southerner.

But your absolute rudeness and crass behavior would make true southerners shake their heads. You have differing opinions? Thats fine. But you are simply too much of an asshole for me to claim kinship with you based on geography.
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Well said Sol.
I might only add that many typical southerners are great folks except at election time and then they tend to be one or two issue voters.
You don't have to use small words, I have a degree from Alabama. Yes, the stereotypical Alabamian exists, just like the stereotypical New Yorker, and Californian exists. I'm not stereotypical in any way. I am not upset that the South lost the Civil War, that isn't why I pay respect to the Confederate flag, it is because I have ancestors who shed their blood and gave their lives in battle fighting under that flag, and it is out of respect for them. None of them supported, condoned, or owned slaves, and I deplore the current 'politically correct' assertion they did. I am defiant against IGNORANCE! I'm not proud of George Wallace (A DEMOCRAT), and I don't date my cousin, chew tobacco, or even drive a pickup truck! Yet, you want to lump me in to the "stereotype" to pacify your liberal buddies here. I don't like the stereotype any more than you do, but it's not conservative republicans propagating this stereotypical view, it is elitist liberals who think their shit doesn't stink, and people like YOU who support them!

I do indeed call pinheads "pinhead" because that is an appropriate descriptor. I got it from Bill O'Reilly... best I can tell, he is certainly NOT a Southerner! The only people I have seen using the "N-Word" are liberals, who seem to look for excuses to post it in message boards, and thugish rappers, who seem to think it makes them cool. This 'perception' of Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, and David Duke, is perpetrated by the LIBERALS you support and condone regularly, not by me or conservative republicans. The media who seeks out the toothless idiots to interview, are bigoted elitist liberals, who want to continue propping up a stereotype, which you claim to dislike. I won't even get into the fact that these examples are 40 years old or more, and not widely apparent in the fabric of everyday life in the South. How are we supposed to 'move beyond' these stereotypes, when people like yourself, won't let them go? When people like you, continue to support and condone the bigotry and hate of elitist liberals who see us all as a bunch of hicks and rednecks? You're not a part of them, you never will be. They don't accept you any more than they accept me, or any other Southerner. We are all the same to them, and you can kiss their liberal asses all you like, it won't make a bit of difference to their bigoted and prejudiced opinions of Southerners.
this liberal pinhead considers Sol to be a good person.

Right... because he agrees with you politically. Nothing more! You don't know him from Adam, you have no clue what he does or doesn't do in real life, or how he thinks or acts. Your basis for determining how you feel about him, is his liberal political viewpoint, and nothing more.

I base how I determine a 'good or bad' person on character, as Dr. King suggested we should all do. For instance, Robdawg... a gay liberal... about as fucking far from my personal viewpoints and politics as one can be... but I think Robdawg is a "good person" in spite of our differences. Lady T.... seldom do I agree with her, she is about as pinheaded as they come, but I think Lady T is a "good person" anyway, because I base this on her attributes of character. Threedee is fairly conservative, close to my own political ideology, but he has shown me some serious flaws in character, and I don't think he is a "good person" because of that. There are a lot of other people here, who I don't agree with politically, but I refrain from making determinations on whether they are "good people" or not, because I judge this by issues of character, not political ideology or stereotypes.
You don't have to use small words, I have a degree from Alabama. Yes, the stereotypical Alabamian exists, just like the stereotypical New Yorker, and Californian exists. I'm not stereotypical in any way. I am not upset that the South lost the Civil War, that isn't why I pay respect to the Confederate flag, it is because I have ancestors who shed their blood and gave their lives in battle fighting under that flag, and it is out of respect for them. None of them supported, condoned, or owned slaves, and I deplore the current 'politically correct' assertion they did. I am defiant against IGNORANCE! I'm not proud of George Wallace (A DEMOCRAT), and I don't date my cousin, chew tobacco, or even drive a pickup truck! Yet, you want to lump me in to the "stereotype" to pacify your liberal buddies here. I don't like the stereotype any more than you do, but it's not conservative republicans propagating this stereotypical view, it is elitist liberals who think their shit doesn't stink, and people like YOU who support them!

I do indeed call pinheads "pinhead" because that is an appropriate descriptor. I got it from Bill O'Reilly... best I can tell, he is certainly NOT a Southerner! The only people I have seen using the "N-Word" are liberals, who seem to look for excuses to post it in message boards, and thugish rappers, who seem to think it makes them cool. This 'perception' of Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, and David Duke, is perpetrated by the LIBERALS you support and condone regularly, not by me or conservative republicans. The media who seeks out the toothless idiots to interview, are bigoted elitist liberals, who want to continue propping up a stereotype, which you claim to dislike. I won't even get into the fact that these examples are 40 years old or more, and not widely apparent in the fabric of everyday life in the South. How are we supposed to 'move beyond' these stereotypes, when people like yourself, won't let them go? When people like you, continue to support and condone the bigotry and hate of elitist liberals who see us all as a bunch of hicks and rednecks? You're not a part of them, you never will be. They don't accept you any more than they accept me, or any other Southerner. We are all the same to them, and you can kiss their liberal asses all you like, it won't make a bit of difference to their bigoted and prejudiced opinions of Southerners.

Dixie, if you are going to tell me that the ONLY people you hear using the "N" word anymore is liberals, then either you do not live in the south or you are a liar.

I have heard a half a dozen people (most of whom know me well enough to know it goes against my nature) say "Vote Right, Vote White".

As far as the "perception" of Bull Connor, I got that VERY clearly when he turned the fire hoses and dogs on a peaceful demonstratrion.

I got what David Duke and Lester Maddox were about when I was old enough to understand what the KKK was. And if you try and defend that despicable organization, you are nuts.

I know damn well there are plenty of those ignorant redencks who fly the confederate flag, or paste in the rear window of their pickup as a RACIST statement. You ask them about history or try and discuss the ACTUAL history, and they give you a blank look.

I have seen the southern baptists march against gay rights like it was theirs to remove from anyone in this country.

I have seen the sign in the grocery store in Double Springs Alabama not 2 years ago that said "Nigger don't let the sun set on your black ass in Double Springs". That is not ancient history, that is the way things are in many places TODAY. You can try and deny it and blame it on liberals all you want. I can guarantee that the owner of that store in Double Springs has a lot more in common with your ideaologies than he does with mine.

And this continued bullshit that you think I somehow take stands based on my desaire to seek approval from one side or the other of the political spectrum. There is not a single instance in which I posted seriously that was not based SOLELY on what I believe. I am hard pressed to think of a single regular poster that I have not argued with. So if there is ANYONE here who is working on "perceptions" instead of reality, it is you, sir.
Thank you USC & Thorn, for the votes of confidence.

You see Dixie, I have disagreed with both of those two people. But they see that I do so out of a sense of my own convictions and beliefs, instead of some artificial grouping of what is liberal and what is conservative.

That is the biggest difference bwteeen you and I. For you that line is a limitation. For me it is merely something you use to justify your nonsense.