Hick Speaks - This is Never Good

Dixie, if you are going to tell me that the ONLY people you hear using the "N" word anymore is liberals, then either you do not live in the south or you are a liar.

You can believe what you want to, maybe it's because I live in Montgomery, Alabama, where it's about 90% black? I don't hear the N-word.

I have heard a half a dozen people (most of whom know me well enough to know it goes against my nature) say "Vote Right, Vote White".

Why are you associating with racist people?

As far as the "perception" of Bull Connor, I got that VERY clearly when he turned the fire hoses and dogs on a peaceful demonstratrion.

yeah, in 19fucking64! How long ago was that, Sol? Are ANY of those people of that era still alive, even? Things have changed dramatically in the South since 1964, but for some odd reason, liberals like yourself, want to keep propagating this myth that life hasn't changed a bit, we still hose down blacks in the streets of Birmingham, and bomb their churches! It's this kind of ignorance and bigotry I deplore.

I got what David Duke and Lester Maddox were about when I was old enough to understand what the KKK was. And if you try and defend that despicable organization, you are nuts.

Again, you are going back to something that happened 40 years ago or more, and trying to make it the standard of how life is in the South today, and that simply isn't the case, and only serves to feed the myth propagated by liberal elites. Why do you do this? You, of all people, should be able to comprehend, that isn't how things are in the South anymore, and hasn't been like that in a while now. How do we move past this stereotype, when people like you want to cling to the past?

I know damn well there are plenty of those ignorant redencks who fly the confederate flag, or paste in the rear window of their pickup as a RACIST statement. You ask them about history or try and discuss the ACTUAL history, and they give you a blank look.

Oh, I know... I see them too! They are becoming increasingly more rare in these parts, and the few who remain, are ostracized and isolated from the rest of the culture in the South, for the most part. I deplore the attachment made of the Confederate flag to racist groups as much as the stereotypes placed on it by elitist liberals. To me, it is part of our history and heritage, and should be respected as such, the good and the bad. It's not a symbol of racism, it is the symbol of defiance and rebellion against federalism, and represents the brave men who went to war and died fighting for that cause.

I have seen the southern baptists march against gay rights like it was theirs to remove from anyone in this country.

What would you suggest we do? Hose them down and sick dogs on them?

I have seen the sign in the grocery store in Double Springs Alabama not 2 years ago that said "Nigger don't let the sun set on your black ass in Double Springs". That is not ancient history, that is the way things are in many places TODAY. You can try and deny it and blame it on liberals all you want. I can guarantee that the owner of that store in Double Springs has a lot more in common with your ideaologies than he does with mine.

No you didn't. That sign once stood in Cullman, Alabama, the state headquarters of the KKK, until the State legislature made them take it down in 1969. I've never argued that racism doesn't exist in Alabama, but it is no longer institutionalized, and hasn't been for more than a few decades now.

And this continued bullshit that you think I somehow take stands based on my desaire to seek approval from one side or the other of the political spectrum. There is not a single instance in which I posted seriously that was not based SOLELY on what I believe. I am hard pressed to think of a single regular poster that I have not argued with. So if there is ANYONE here who is working on "perceptions" instead of reality, it is you, sir.

I just know what I see you post. Seems to me, you want to be "liberal" enough to be liked by the elite liberals, who think you are a redneck Alabamian. I have some 'liberal' viewpoints as well, but because my moniker is "Dixie" and I have a confederate flag in my avatar, I get typecast and stereotyped by bigoted liberals here, including you. It doesn't really bother me, I know what I am and what I believe, and I don't have to defend it to a bunch of bigoted hypocrites here.
You can believe what you want to, maybe it's because I live in Montgomery, Alabama, where it's about 90% black? I don't hear the N-word.

Why are you associating with racist people?

yeah, in 19fucking64! How long ago was that, Sol? Are ANY of those people of that era still alive, even? Things have changed dramatically in the South since 1964, but for some odd reason, liberals like yourself, want to keep propagating this myth that life hasn't changed a bit, we still hose down blacks in the streets of Birmingham, and bomb their churches! It's this kind of ignorance and bigotry I deplore.

Again, you are going back to something that happened 40 years ago or more, and trying to make it the standard of how life is in the South today, and that simply isn't the case, and only serves to feed the myth propagated by liberal elites. Why do you do this? You, of all people, should be able to comprehend, that isn't how things are in the South anymore, and hasn't been like that in a while now. How do we move past this stereotype, when people like you want to cling to the past?

Oh, I know... I see them too! They are becoming increasingly more rare in these parts, and the few who remain, are ostracized and isolated from the rest of the culture in the South, for the most part. I deplore the attachment made of the Confederate flag to racist groups as much as the stereotypes placed on it by elitist liberals. To me, it is part of our history and heritage, and should be respected as such, the good and the bad. It's not a symbol of racism, it is the symbol of defiance and rebellion against federalism, and represents the brave men who went to war and died fighting for that cause.

What would you suggest we do? Hose them down and sick dogs on them?

No you didn't. That sign once stood in Cullman, Alabama, the state headquarters of the KKK, until the State legislature made them take it down in 1969. I've never argued that racism doesn't exist in Alabama, but it is no longer institutionalized, and hasn't been for more than a few decades now.

I just know what I see you post. Seems to me, you want to be "liberal" enough to be liked by the elite liberals, who think you are a redneck Alabamian. I have some 'liberal' viewpoints as well, but because my moniker is "Dixie" and I have a confederate flag in my avatar, I get typecast and stereotyped by bigoted liberals here, including you. It doesn't really bother me, I know what I am and what I believe, and I don't have to defend it to a bunch of bigoted hypocrites here.

I'm going to have to defend Dixie here....

At least with Dixie you know where he stands.... He is a true red state Conservative....

Somebody like Solitary who most of the time is also just as conservative as Dixie but somehow wants to pretend he is not, to get some respect from democrats like Thorn and USCitizen....

Really Solitary is a disingenious concern troll who pretends to be non-partisan when he is just as likely as Dixie to suck up to the Republican machine....

At least Dixie willingly admits it, Solitary is a fraud in every sense of the word...

If your a conservative, which most of the people on this board are.... Why are you afraid to say so? If your a Lieberman Democrat like Desh and Care4all why be afraid to admit it?

There isnt a negative connotation with being a Conservative or a Lieberman Democrat.... Yet we still have cowards on here who wont admit who they are.... And yet still love to concern troll others....

Take for example, me, I am a proud liberal. I am not a Democrat like USC, Darla, TianaT, Care4all, or all those other Ds....

I am not a conservative or a republican. I'm not independent or a libertarian...

I believe in liberalism and I'm not afraid to admit it..

"No you didn't. That sign once stood in Cullman, Alabama, the state headquarters of the KKK, until the State legislature made them take it down in 1969. I've never argued that racism doesn't exist in Alabama, but it is no longer institutionalized, and hasn't been for more than a few decades now."

It may well have been in Cullman. But I saw it in a grocery store in Double Springs as recently as 2001 or 2002. (canoe trip on the Sipsey River) And I will see if I can find a picture of it. But the fact that you seem to claim to know what was or was not posted in every store every where in the state only adds to the validity of what I have said.

To pretend that all of that went on in 1964 is either blindness or stupidity.

David Duke, to refresh you memory, has been in the news for his racism and anti-semitism in the last few years. I am sure it was since 2004. So I am not quoting ancient history, I am showing a clear path from then until now.

"What would you suggest we do? Hose them down and sick dogs on them?"

I am suggest that all people who value justice and freedom should oppose such a blatant display of hatred and bigotry. I suggest that when one group of us is not allowed freedoms and rights granted others, that we are all the poorer for it.

I am suggesting that I would oppose any movement which would hinder their ability to worship as they chose.

CK, I might respond if you weren't such a joke. That you think I pander to anyone only means you haven't paid attention to what I post.
CK, I might respond if you weren't such a joke. That you think I pander to anyone only means you haven't paid attention to what I post.

Solitary you are a big fraud and a bigger concern troll....
And just because dumb Lieberman Democrats like USCitizen and Thorn fall for it... Doesnt make it so....

So why lie? Its a simple question. Why do you lie about your conservative Republican agenda Solitary?

Right... because he agrees with you politically. Nothing more! You don't know him from Adam, you have no clue what he does or doesn't do in real life, or how he thinks or acts. Your basis for determining how you feel about him, is his liberal political viewpoint, and nothing more.

Dixie you do not have a clue.
And it is a waste of time to try and teach you.
Solitary you are a big fraud and a bigger concern troll....
And just because dumb Lieberman Democrats like USCitizen and Thorn fall for it... Doesnt make it so....

So why lie? Its a simple question. Why do you lie about your conservative Republican agenda Solitary?


Why would I lie? To impress people on an internet forum? Yeah, thats the kind of profound validation I live for.

CK, go back an reread my posts. You will find them in favor of the 2nd Amendment being individual right, in favor or the Fair Tax Act, in favor of a secure border, and in favor of a conservative fiscal policy,

You will also find them in favor of gay marriage, in favor of hispanic workers, in favor of easing most drug laws, in favor of government medical programs for the poor, and in favor of women's rights.

If you pick just right you could ALMOST make me look like a conservative. But not much would support the republican party as it exists today (or for the last decade).
"No you didn't. That sign once stood in Cullman, Alabama, the state headquarters of the KKK, until the State legislature made them take it down in 1969. I've never argued that racism doesn't exist in Alabama, but it is no longer institutionalized, and hasn't been for more than a few decades now."

It may well have been in Cullman. But I saw it in a grocery store in Double Springs as recently as 2001 or 2002. (canoe trip on the Sipsey River) And I will see if I can find a picture of it. But the fact that you seem to claim to know what was or was not posted in every store every where in the state only adds to the validity of what I have said.

To pretend that all of that went on in 1964 is either blindness or stupidity.

If there was such a sign in a store, it was copied from the sign which long stood on Main Street in Cullman. I've been to Double Springs, at night, with black people, so the sign apparently doesn't apply to black people accompanied with white folk. And I don't have to pretend that Bull Connor hosed down black people rioting in Birmingham in 1964, because that is when it happened. If you want to pretend it happened last year, you're a moron.

David Duke, to refresh you memory, has been in the news for his racism and anti-semitism in the last few years. I am sure it was since 2004. So I am not quoting ancient history, I am showing a clear path from then until now.

David Duke isn't from Alabama, and has no connection to Alabama as far as I know. And he is one person, not an entire group of people. There are countless examples of single people who are fucking nuts... Charles Manson.... not from Alabama... Louis Farrakahn... not from Alabama... William Ayers... not from Alabama! I don't understand what you point is... are we supposed to allow stereotypes to stigmatize the South until all nut cases are out of our midst? As I see it, that is a pipe dream.

"What would you suggest we do? Hose them down and sick dogs on them?"

I am suggest that all people who value justice and freedom should oppose such a blatant display of hatred and bigotry. I suggest that when one group of us is not allowed freedoms and rights granted others, that we are all the poorer for it.

I am suggesting that I would oppose any movement which would hinder their ability to worship as they chose.

And I suggest we allow people to peaceably assemble and protest in America, any damn time they want to, as long as they obey the law. It's called the First Amendment, and to try and subject groups you don't like, to a different standard, is no different than what people like Bull Connor did.

CK, I might respond if you weren't such a joke. That you think I pander to anyone only means you haven't paid attention to what I post.

I'm not CK, and I won't argue that he is often a joke, but I think he nailed you. It seems you pander quite a bit to the left. I would just about bet you, that if you and I got into some deep personal conversations away from this board, where we could discuss issues on a case by case basis, we are probably not too different in what we think. The biggest difference between us is, you want to suck up to liberals to get them to like you, and I don't give a shit if they like me. My political views are somewhat moderate, somewhat conservative on fiscal issues, and somewhat libertarian on most social issues. I bet there isn't much difference in what you and I believe, but here in this vacuum of opinionated bullshit, you feel compelled to put on your liberal hat and do the liberal kabookie dance, while I wave my Confederate flag and see how many pinheads I can piss off in a day. That's the main difference!