High school instructor telling kids Obama is not a US citizen


My son went to a party the other day and he said there was a kid there who's instructor told him that Obama was not a citzen.

Should the instructor be in trouble?
So we have hearsay of hearsay? In what context did he make the remarks?

If I were a political science teacher giving examples and ended one of the if-then statements with 'in this scenario, Obama is not a citizen'...

then some kid went home to tell his friend to tell his mother than I said, "Obama is not a citizen." should I be fired?

What if I were a Gym teacher?

What if I taught Geographical Sociology?

I need a bit more than what you gave me before I could judge on whether the dude might be in need of a bit of reprimand or sacking...
My son went to a party the other day and he said there was a kid there who's instructor told him that Obama was not a citzen.

Should the instructor be in trouble?

At least your son will get to be smarter than you are....:clink::clink:
Obams is a citizen folks.

I did not say fire them.

I think it could be investigated dont you?

If they are teaching kids LIES for political reasons then I dont think they should be teaching do you?
Obams is a citizen folks.

I did not say fire them.

I think it could be investigated dont you?

If they are teaching kids LIES for political reasons then I dont think they should be teaching do you?

You start looking into false political statements teachers/professors make you are going to lose A LOT of teachers. There are websites dedicated to political bias/lies told by teachers. Be careful about the can of worms you want to open up.
Obams is a citizen folks.

I did not say fire them.

I think it could be investigated dont you?

If they are teaching kids LIES for political reasons then I dont think they should be teaching do you?

what proof do you have? the same proof as john mccain?
The proof is a child said he was told this by his teacher.

He was telling my son this like he thought it was the gods honest truth.

Every judge that has looked at the evidence has said its a trash case.
The proof is a child said he was told this by his teacher.

He was telling my son this like he thought it was the gods honest truth.

Every judge that has looked at the evidence has said its a trash case.

Desh, don't pay attention to them, if a teacher had told their students that bush lied us into a war, they'd be freaking out, and screaming 'FIRE HIM FIRE HIM, KILL HIM, CUT HIS HEAD OFF'

If you really believe it happened, go to the principal or superintendent. That's what Damo and Cawacko would do if the shoe were on the other foot, and you can bet on that.
My sons girfriend had a gov teacher rip off the walls anything positive about the dems. She had R stuff all over the walls.
Desh, don't pay attention to them, if a teacher had told their students that bush lied us into a war, they'd be freaking out, and screaming 'FIRE HIM FIRE HIM, KILL HIM, CUT HIS HEAD OFF'

If you really believe it happened, go to the principal or superintendent. That's what Damo and Cawacko would do if the shoe were on the other foot, and you can bet on that.

yes, bury your head in the sand....darla....
I would watch that teacher. Republican teachers must have mental issues anyway.
Unless of course they teach business or law. Those professions come with their own set of mental issues.
The proof is a child said he was told this by his teacher.

He was telling my son this like he thought it was the gods honest truth.

Every judge that has looked at the evidence has said its a trash case.

what proof do you have obama is a citizen? a child said so...thought so....
Desh, don't pay attention to them, if a teacher had told their students that bush lied us into a war, they'd be freaking out, and screaming 'FIRE HIM FIRE HIM, KILL HIM, CUT HIS HEAD OFF'

If you really believe it happened, go to the principal or superintendent. That's what Damo and Cawacko would do if the shoe were on the other foot, and you can bet on that.

First you try and say I can't get a date and now you are saying I have kids?
Desh I apologize my dear for having a gentleman who is not familiar with the inside of a classroom speaking for you. So I ask you Ms. Desh.