Hillary Clinton on the Supreme Court?

No I don't think that they would. She's made a lot of friends up there among Republicans. Professional courtesy will prevail over their fanatical base's nonsense.

When is the last time professional courtesy prevailed over their base's nonsense?
Do you honestly think the Senate Republicans wouldn't filibuster HILLARY CLINTON?

Unless you think that the Democrats will have 60 REAL Democrats not counting Blue Dogs, I don't see how you could even begin to convince yourself of that.
Here is your problem with the filibuster, when the repubs were in charge of the senate and the dems were filibustering all the judge nominations, the republicans threatened "the nuclear option". While the gang of 14 seemed to put to rest any futher talk of the nuclear option, I can guarentee you that the Dems would not be so inclined. They would exercise the option and Hilary's nomination would go to a simple vote. I love how this whole conversation causes sleep disturbances on the right, even better would be a Bill Clinton nomination to the court, I think that some right wing heads would actually explode like on Scanners.
dont be rediculous. shes not fit to be a Supreme court judge.

I'm not suggesting she would be my choice for the Court .. however, she'd be a vast improvement over some of the assholes currently on the court .. and her appointment would heal the rifts.
It's on my brother.


To be clear on the terms, I am saying:

1) That if Obama wins the Presidency he probably won't nominate Hillary at all.


2) That if he does, and she faces a vote in the Senate she will be defeated or filibustered.


1) McCain wins Presidency.
2) No SCOTUS position opens

Agreed? I'm willing to wait til the end of Obama's term to give you the full benefit of the doubt.
Here is your problem with the filibuster, when the repubs were in charge of the senate and the dems were filibustering all the judge nominations, the republicans threatened "the nuclear option". While the gang of 14 seemed to put to rest any futher talk of the nuclear option, I can guarentee you that the Dems would not be so inclined. They would exercise the option and Hilary's nomination would go to a simple vote. I love how this whole conversation causes sleep disturbances on the right, even better would be a Bill Clinton nomination to the court, I think that some right wing heads would actually explode like on Scanners.


So true.
To be clear on the terms, I am saying:

1) That if Obama wins the Presidency he probably won't nominate Hillary at all.


2) That if he does, and she faces a vote in the Senate she will be defeated or filibustered.


1) McCain wins Presidency.
2) No SCOTUS position opens

Agreed? I'm willing to wait til the end of Obama's term to give you the full benefit of the doubt.


It's on.
Here is your problem with the filibuster, when the repubs were in charge of the senate and the dems were filibustering all the judge nominations, the republicans threatened "the nuclear option". While the gang of 14 seemed to put to rest any futher talk of the nuclear option, I can guarentee you that the Dems would not be so inclined. They would exercise the option and Hilary's nomination would go to a simple vote. I love how this whole conversation causes sleep disturbances on the right, even better would be a Bill Clinton nomination to the court, I think that some right wing heads would actually explode like on Scanners.

LOL. that is totally what I love about it too!

Frankly, I don't think I'd care for some of her business decisions, but I know she would protect woman's rights. We could do worse, and if that's what it takes, fine.

But the biggest draw of the whole entire idea, is right wing heads exploding like rotten cantelopes all over the place.
You're comparing apples and oranges my brother.

Myers was a nobody put up by the worst presdident in human history.
First, apples and oranges are both fruit and are easily comparable by flavor and texture. In this case I am comparing apples that were picked from the same tree. They might have different bruises but they are both apples.

I am comparing two people who are wholly unqualified to be on the SCOTUS regardless of who puts them forward. Hillary is very much unqualified, at least as much as Harriet Myers.
On what grounds would a significant # of Senators oppose Hillary? It wouldn't happen. As has been mentioned, she has earned a lot of respect among Republicans there, and has friends in the GOP.

They can't just vote against because she's Hillary. That doesn't happen at confirmation hearings. I think she'd be confirmed fairly easily.
wow... for once I deserved to be called a zucchini and you didn't even go with it. Impressive. Most impressive.


I was going to make a big deal out of it, but I thought it would be more embarrassing for you if I underplayed it. I did snicker as soon as I read it.
On what grounds would a significant # of Senators oppose Hillary? It wouldn't happen. As has been mentioned, she has earned a lot of respect among Republicans there, and has friends in the GOP.

They can't just vote against because she's Hillary. That doesn't happen at confirmation hearings. I think she'd be confirmed fairly easily.


I think the better question is what WOULD qualify her to be on SCOTUS?

Lets see, she has shown (even to the kool-aid consuming Dems) that she is...

1) Obsessed with power
2) Will do anything and say anything to bring more power to herself
3) Is willing to betray her own party for potential personal gain

coupled with...

Zero experience as a judge (yes, I understand that is not a requirement, but when was the last time someone with ZERO experience as a judge was put on SCOTUS?)

She would get nixed in a heartbeat.