she's going as VP, that's what they are working for now. Did you hear all the talk of it's important for a dem (not her) to win.
I thought she was comical and freak show scary at the same time.
she's going as VP, that's what they are working for now. Did you hear all the talk of it's important for a dem (not her) to win.
I thought she was comical and freak show scary at the same time.

I don't know if she wants vp, or if she just wants to weaken him. I thought that Claire McCaskill was very impressive last night. If he needs to placate older white women, let him go with her. The rest of us don't want a Clinton on the ticket, period.

Whatever, it's his call now, he is the nominee. She might still make a lot of sound and fury, but it will more and more, signify nothing.
I'm starting to think the longer she stay's the more a liability she becomes.
Her delivery has to grade as no more than a D compared to an A+ on Obama last night.
The NY Post has a huge headline under Hillary's picture...."TOAST!"

No way he should pick her. He'd be getting 2 VP's, and 2 nutjobs who would try to undermine him at every turn & assert their own power.

Gotta make a clean break from the past; that's what his campaign is about, anyway...
On that I agree Lorax, he needs someone who's a policy wonk like Richardson.
But you've got me hands down on the political savy, I'm sure you've got a better suggestion than my Glaucoma med champion.
The NY Post has a huge headline under Hillary's picture...."TOAST!"

No way he should pick her. He'd be getting 2 VP's, and 2 nutjobs who would try to undermine him at every turn & assert their own power.

Gotta make a clean break from the past; that's what his campaign is about, anyway...

I totally agree, and I don't think there is a chance in hell he's going to pick her. If those poll number of bitter older white women hold up and they will vote for McCain out of spite, he might have to go with McCaskill. But never Hillary.
who do ya'll think he should pick?

I'd love Biden, personally, for several reasons. One of them being that he can lay the cards down like few others. I used to roar when he was the only with the balls to scoff at Rudy's candidicy, literally scoffing at it during the debates, and correctly terming Rudy the "least qualified candidate on either stage". i also loved how he came right out and said that the guy on the CNN youtube debate who called his uzi his "baby" had "problems". So i think that Biden can put that same boot right across McCain's ass with no problem.

But, I also have no problem with McCaskill if he needs that demographic. She came out early for him and she has worked hard for him, and she's a very impressive woman. Frankly, other than Hillary I don't give much of a crap who he picks. They'll crunch their numbers and go with who they believe can help them the most. I'm just happy he's the nominee.
I was watching him on camera last night......I can't wait for him to replace Bush. I mean, I'm to the point of giddiness.

Much to my pleasure, hitlerly sounded despondent last night. Like she was rode hard and put away wet.
"Like she was rode hard and put away wet"

The board's beloved new catch phrase...I love it!

She was really mailing it in last night. It was nice to see; she's taking today off, and - even though conventional wisdom is that she'll fight this to the bitter end - there is just a small chance that she'll decide she's broke & it's over....
"Like she was rode hard and put away wet"

The board's beloved new catch phrase...I love it!

Tell me about. I'm just mad I e-heard it the first time last week.

She was really mailing it in last night. It was nice to see; she's taking today off, and - even though conventional wisdom is that she'll fight this to the bitter end - there is just a small chance that she'll decide she's broke & it's over....

Can we talk about something that has been bothering me, and I think Jon Stewart nailed it last night. Her new folksy accent and her complete dismissal of top economists opinion of the gas tax holiday. She really is becoming Bush.
"We've come from behind. We've broken the tide and thanks to you it's full speed on to the White House!" she told supporters.




This just keeps getting funnier.... what number are we on now for excuses to stay in? 4,325?

Now they have two sources saying she will fight until the convention?

LMAO... what does he have to do to get rid of her?
Edwards wouldn't be a bad pick either. He could totally pull the working class white vote.