Hillary is smoking crack

Funny how when Republicans pull tricks like this they are respected for being shrude campaigners and the Democrats they pull it on are blamed for not fighting back just as dirty. But when Senator Clinton does it, it reflects poorly on her ethics.

If she were doing this to a republican, I'd happily cheer her on. She's politically canabalizing the party by trying to defeat the for all intents and purposes, the nominee for own political gain.

she doesn't give a rat's @$$ about the party. She wants him to lose in the general so that she can run in 2012. Plain and simple. She's an unethical slimy b!trch.
If she were doing this to a republican, I'd happily cheer her on. She's politically canabalizing the party by trying to defeat the for all intents and purposes, the nominee for own political gain.

she doesn't give a rat's @$$ about the party. She wants him to lose in the general so that she can run in 2012. Plain and simple. She's an unethical slimy b!trch.

As I thought, you can't cite any examples of Republicans doing the kind of thing Hillary has done here. Why am I not surprised?

They sprang into action in 2000 when Bush was running in the primaries against John McCain. After getting beat in New Hampshire by McCain, Bush’s first event was at Bob Jones University in South Carolina. Standing next to Bush on the stage was a veteran who went right at McCain, questioning his Vietnam service while Bush remained silent. A whisper campaign told voters that McCain had a black child. (The McCains have an adopted daughter from Bangladesh.) McCain lost the primary; the veteran became a Bush administration appointee.

I think it only "reflects poorly on her ethics" to those who are opposed to her in the first place. Evidently there are millions out there who are not bothered by this at all as they continue to support her. For instance I can't say that I think it "reflects poorly on her ethics" to make this claim. It seems to me, as one on the outside looking in, a shrewd, perhaps desperate, political ploy of one who wants to win no matter what, but it in no way appears unethical. Illogical maybe, but not unethical.

It is no worse than many of the things Bush did in 2000 and 2004.
It does, it tells me for the sake of this nation, we can nolonger be above this kinda crap. The good guys will never win if they are too good.
It does, it tells me for the sake of this nation, we can nolonger be above this kinda crap. The good guys will never win if they are too good.
There you go Jarod. Another one over to the darkside. I think that Darla has seen the beauty in the darkness as well. Come on Desh you too. I'll hold your hand till you get your nite vision. You to BAC. We are playing politics, not Chutes and Ladders here. Lets get nasty dirty dark and mean.
There you go Jarod. Another one over to the darkside. I think that Darla has seen the beauty in the darkness as well. Come on Desh you too. I'll hold your hand till you get your nite vision. You to BAC. We are playing politics, not Chutes and Ladders here. Lets get nasty dirty dark and mean.

Dont forget unethical and base.
i mean seriously. hillary's husband cheated on her and she stayed with him for political advancement reasons. you think she would ever hesitate to put herself in front of the dem party?
i mean seriously. hillary's husband cheated on her and she stayed with him for political advancement reasons. you think she would ever hesitate to put herself in front of the dem party?
Um... No! I will say right now and in the open that the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy was right. I don't think she killed Foster, but I do think that the two of them would do ANYTHING to get and keep power short of murder. In the 90's it was a choice between them or Bush and Dole and I couldn't vote for them. I have a small amount of buyers remorse for 96.
It does, it tells me for the sake of this nation, we can nolonger be above this kinda crap. The good guys will never win if they are too good.

I've never been above this kind of crap and have been waiting for the national party to catch up. And I don't thik the DNC is "above" this crap, I think they are slow and stupid, that's all.

But, Tiana is right, you do not cannibalize your own.
i mean seriously. hillary's husband cheated on her and she stayed with him for political advancement reasons. you think she would ever hesitate to put herself in front of the dem party?

You have some inside knoledge as to why she stayed with him?
Standing next to Bush on the stage was a veteran who went right at McCain, questioning his Vietnam service

Of course, that veteran did nothing of the kind. He pointed out that McCain opposed measures dealing with Agent Orange and Gulf War syndrome (statements that were true), and concluded that McCain had come home from Vietnam and "forgotten us". He never said anything that "questioned McCain's Vietnam service".

Not even close to Hillary's suckering Obama into believing she would stay out of the race in Michigan and Floriduh, and then keeping her name on the Michigan ballot and campaigning in Florida after Obama left, and then demanding that the results of those "elections" be counted in her totals.

As I expected, no one is able to cite any examples of Republicans doing the same kind of things as Hillary.

That was easy.... :D
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Of course, that veteran did nothing of the kind. He pointed out that McCain opposed measures dealing with Agent Orange and Gulf War syndrome (statements that were true), and concluded that McCain had come home from Vietnam and "forgotten us".

Not even close to Hillary's suckering Obama into believing she would stay out of the race in Michigan and Floriduh, and then keeping her name on the Michigan ballot and campaigning in Florida after Obama left, and then demanding that the results of those "elections" be counted in her totals.

As I expected, no one is able to cite any examples of Repblicans doing the same kind of things as Hillary.

That was easy.... :D

That's interesting...I thought Lady T's post was a little longer than that originally.

Feet tired, yet?
Um... No! I will say right now and in the open that the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy was right. I don't think she killed Foster, but I do think that the two of them would do ANYTHING to get and keep power short of murder. In the 90's it was a choice between them or Bush and Dole and I couldn't vote for them. I have a small amount of buyers remorse for 96.

Well, but so would and do the vast right wing machine, so that’s a wash.