Hillary & Obama


Another reason why I can't vote for either of these two clowns. They have got to be kidding me here.

July 9, 2007, 8:28 pm
Debate Is On Without Them
By Jeff Zeleny

No matter where they go, the Democratic presidential candidates face questions about the war in Iraq.
But as the Senate opens a two-week debate on the war, not all of the leading presidential candidates serving in the Senate will be sitting at their desks on Capitol Hill.
When the Senate convenes today to start considering policy options on Iraq, two of the Democratic candidates will be far away from the legislative action, delivering speeches in Iowa.
The two, Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois, both of whom are supporting measures to press President Bush to bring the war to a close, are scheduled to be delivering speeches at precisely the same time in Des Moines. Mrs. Clinton’s speech is on Iraq, while Mr. Obama’s is on the economy. If the voting in the Senate takes place late enough in the day, aides said, they may make it back in time to cast votes.
And on Thursday, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama are scheduled to be in Detroit addressing the N.A.A.C.P. convention.
But Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican whose presidential candidacy has been complicated by his support for the war, will be on hand for his day job. Having just returned from Iraq, he is scheduled to deliver a speech about the war — from the Senate floor — today.
I'm with Hillary all the way, there is no perfect candidate, no really good candidate, only the best among lameasses.
I wonder what he'll say. I'm looking forward to this.

Who McCain?

I really don't care, since he is delusional, but, at least he is going to show up. It's a sad state of affairs when we have to give a United States Senator credit for that, but at this point, it's a big deal! Ohhh, he's going to take time out of his campaigning schedule to bother to show up for a vote on the single most important issue facing us, one that people are DYING over? Wow.
I'm with Hillary all the way, there is no perfect candidate, no really good candidate, only the best among lameasses.

If she can't be bothered to stop campaigning long enough to show up for a goddamned vote on the Iraqi war, she can go f herself, and take Obama with her.
meaningless votes, her actions to become President and be able to do something about it are way more important.
I guarantee you if her vote was the deciding one to get the boys home she make it there faster than Rove can make you laugh by dancing.
Who McCain?

I really don't care, since he is delusional, but, at least he is going to show up. It's a sad state of affairs when we have to give a United States Senator credit for that, but at this point, it's a big deal! Ohhh, he's going to take time out of his campaigning schedule to bother to show up for a vote on the single most important issue facing us, one that people are DYING over? Wow.
It will still be interesting regardless of any perceived delusions.
If she can't be bothered to stop campaigning long enough to show up for a goddamned vote on the Iraqi war, she can go f herself, and take Obama with her.
I would feel the same. It would be like Tancredo not showing up for a border vote.
Yeah, the guy who could have stopped this war, I mean, the one guy who actually could have stopped this war, and kept his mouth shut until now.

No thanks.
Great acting! You almost had me beliving that there is any candidate at all with an R by their name that you would ever vote for...
I like Powell. I've wanted him to run the past three times. Why would I change now because he got forced into that display? Seriously, he left soon after why? Not because he loved working there, that is for sure.
I like Powell. I've wanted him to run the past three times. Why would I change now because he got forced into that display? Seriously, he left soon after why? Not because he loved working there, that is for sure.

He wasn't forced, he was strongly pressured, and he caved. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. You're free to still like him.
Draft Powell 2008!!

COLIN Powell???

You've gotta be kidding.

That slime bastard has the blood of tens of thousands of dead and wounded US troops on his hands. He KNEW the evidence he was presenting at the UN was a fraud, but like the asshole bastard that he is, he sent US troops to their needless deaths anyway.

He did the same cowardly, no principle, no backbone act during Vietnam when he was the buffoon they sent ot make up a lie about the MyLai massacre.

Now the son-of-a-bitch is trying to wash the blood away.

President .. he should face a firing squad.
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COLIN Powell???

You've gotta be kidding.

That slime bastard has the blood of tens of thousands of dead and wounded US troops on his hands. He KNEW the evidence he was presenting at the UN was a fraud, but like the asshole bastard that he is, he sent US troops to their needless deaths anyway.

He did the same cowardly, no principle, no backbone act during Vietnam when he was the buffoon they sent ot make up a lie about the MyLai massacre.

Now the son-of-a-bitch is trying to wash the blood away.

President .. he should face a firing squad.

You're quite insance, Black.

Is there any Demopublican you would hold your nose and vote for in '08? I've never seen you speak positively about... well.. just about anyone. I really think you have critiscisms of the Socialist party hidden somewhere.
You are the "Buffoon"

COLIN Powell???

You've gotta be kidding.

That slime bastard has the blood of tens of thousands of dead and wounded US troops on his hands. He KNEW the evidence he was presenting at the UN was a fraud, but like the asshole bastard that he is, he sent US troops to their needless deaths anyway.

He did the same cowardly, no principle, no backbone act during Vietnam when he was the buffoon they sent ot make up a lie about the MyLai massacre.

Now the son-of-a-bitch is trying to wash the blood away.

President .. he should face a firing squad.

Powell had abosolutely nothing to do with the Lt.Calley incident..pa-lease what rank was Powell at the time of this incident...surely not the rank of Staff officer..I am so sorry black but ya have staff officers confused in this case..Powell was a Junior Officer during this period...trust me...this was my time period...well actually I got out before the Tet offensive..and before the Lt.Calley incident..but the results are the same...Powell was a Junior Officer during this period and had no influence whatsoever...Try again!