Hillary supporter: Conservative whites too racist to vote for a black man


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The forces of Hillary are pulling out all the stops.

No need for any facts to back up the assertion, of course.



Clinton ally: Some whites 'not ready' for Obama

Pa. governor says that was a factor in his race against black candidate

updated 43 minutes ago

HARRISBURG, Pa. - Gov. Ed Rendell, one of Hillary Rodham Clinton's most visible supporters, said some white Pennsylvanians are likely to vote against her rival Barack Obama because he is black.

"You've got conservative whites here, and I think there are some whites who are probably not ready to vote for an African-American candidate," Rendell told the editorial board of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in remarks that appeared in Tuesday's paper.

To buttress his point, Rendell cited his 2006 re-election campaign, in which he defeated Republican challenger Lynn Swann, the former Pittsburgh Steelers star, by a margin of more than 60 percent to less than 40 percent.
The forces of Hillary are pulling out all the stops.

No need for any facts to back up the assertion, of course.



Clinton ally: Some whites 'not ready' for Obama

Pa. governor says that was a factor in his race against black candidate

updated 43 minutes ago

HARRISBURG, Pa. - Gov. Ed Rendell, one of Hillary Rodham Clinton's most visible supporters, said some white Pennsylvanians are likely to vote against her rival Barack Obama because he is black.

"You've got conservative whites here, and I think there are some whites who are probably not ready to vote for an African-American candidate," Rendell told the editorial board of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in remarks that appeared in Tuesday's paper.

To buttress his point, Rendell cited his 2006 re-election campaign, in which he defeated Republican challenger Lynn Swann, the former Pittsburgh Steelers star, by a margin of more than 60 percent to less than 40 percent.

Americans are blind....Rendell speaks the truth...

If you say Americans are racists....they will deny it flat out.... but American history has proven again and again that racism has always played a big role in politics....

The South will not vote for a black candidate...Saying the honest truth is hard...because Americans pretend that they are colourblind when they are all prejudiced...

When I was studying in the US at a liberal university...even some of my buddies made jokes about it....

Its inherent in American culture....

What pollsters have found is if you ask the question:

Would you possibly vote for a black candidate? The answer is usually 95-100%

If pollsters ask the question:

Do you think your friends would be willing to possibly vote for a black candidate? The answer is usually 40-50%

Basically the 2nd question is a trick the pollster uses to find out if YOU are racist or not...

CK your country is pathetically racist. I visit Montreal all the time and see how badly certain groups like the French speaking are treated like scum.

We are merely 40years past martin Luther king and likely going to elect a black president.
The hard truth is that America has changed and taken a giant step to the left.

The question of whether whites will vote for a black man have already been answered. Utah, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Conneticut is all you need to know.

If the argument is that racist whites won't vote for a black man .. who the fuck cares? Racist whites apparently do not make up the majority of whites in America.

The reality of America's metamorphsis is causing all Americans to come to terms with the end of the right-wing grip on American politics and society. Even the Republican Party has had to face this reality .. it's why the hate McCain. Romney isn't really a die hard conservative, but he's all they had to offer.

Morning in America.
Whatever this has been proven wrong. He won a majority of white men over Clinton.

He also won in such states as GA.

This is the Clinton campaign fearmongering.
It surely is.

The grip of the corporate money on our necks has weakened. With the right legislation we may be able to put them in their place and have our country back. Paying off the debt these assholes forced on us will be much easier to stomach if we at least know the country will belong ot our childern and not the corporations.

A new day in American may just be coming.
CK your country is pathetically racist. I visit Montreal all the time and see how badly certain groups like the French speaking are treated like scum.

We are merely 40years past martin Luther king and likely going to elect a black president.

Umm.....7 of the 9 past prime ministers of Canada are from Quebec....


Aka Paul Martin, Jean Chretien, Pierre Trudeau, Joe Clark etc...
You are talking about the Democrat voters....

The Republican voters are alot more racist....

And the white male vote in Democratic party is alot less as a % as the white male vote in the Republican party...

So lets see how it happens in the general....

It surely is.

The grip of the corporate money on our necks has weakened. With the right legislation we may be able to put them in their place and have our country back. Paying off the debt these assholes forced on us will be much easier to stomach if we at least know the country will belong ot our childern and not the corporations.

A new day in American may just be coming.

'the country will belong to our children and the corporations'. What does that actually mean? That's an honest question. Is that code for something like we will move towards a more socialized economy?

I know all people in politics like to throw around slogans and not all of them have actual meaning. Is this one of them?
You are talking about the Democrat voters....

The Republican voters are alot more racist....

And the white male vote in Democratic party is alot less as a % as the white male vote in the Republican party...

So lets see how it happens in the general....


So you are saying Republican voters would usually vote for a Democrat but won't this time because the Democrat is black?
'the country will belong to our children and the corporations'. What does that actually mean? That's an honest question. Is that code for something like we will move towards a more socialized economy?

I know all people in politics like to throw around slogans and not all of them have actual meaning. Is this one of them?

She's just a nutcase, like bac.

They have to have some explanation for why the corporations that are supposedly so opposed to the left and in total control might allow the Dems to regain power. See she comes up with this stuff about the corporations having weakened their grip? Why? How? Oh let's skip that and move on to more dark sinister nonsense.

It's all naugahyde to me.
So you are saying Republican voters would usually vote for a Democrat but won't this time because the Democrat is black?

No dumbass....what I'm saying is Republicans are alot more racist...and very few would be inclined to vote for black candidates....

Its called the crossover conservative vote....

And why does this matter? I'll explain it...There are simply alot more conservative Americans than liberal Americans.....

If conservatives can just rally their voters they cant lose....

As you saw in the last election....Bush has a floor of 48% and a ceiling of 52% of American voters.... Kerry had a floor of 45% and a ceiling of 51%.... There was no way Kerry could beat Bush if Bush got all his voters out....

Twice as Many Americans Conservative as Liberal
James Joyner * Sunday, March 11, 2007

So 41% of the country self-identifies as “conservative,” 34% as “moderate,” and only 21% as “liberal.” Further, 14% consider themselves “strong conservatives” vice only 6% “strong liberals.” So, not only are there twice as many who consider themselves “conservatives” as “liberals,” but two thirds as many “strong conservatives” as “liberals,” period.

This, from a survey sample where 47% are Democrats or Democrat leaners vice 43% Republicans or Republican leaners, where 68% think the country is on the wrong track, and 65% disapprove of President Bush’s job performance.

Clearly, the powerful association with the word “conservative” persists even with great disaffection with the leadership of the Republican Party, and the negative connotation of the word “liberal” continues even after the public has swept Democrats into control of both Houses of Congress.

This is especially interesting considering that the public seems to continue to demand liberal policies, opposing even nominal market-based reform of Social Security, continuing to push for the socialization of health care, expecting instant bail-outs for poor financial decisions, and generally wanting more federal spending on a variety of social programs.
'the country will belong to our children and the corporations'. What does that actually mean? That's an honest question. Is that code for something like we will move towards a more socialized economy?

I know all people in politics like to throw around slogans and not all of them have actual meaning. Is this one of them?

It means that you live in a plutocracy and the corporate will has replaced the will of the people. A great many Americans recognize this today, hence the shift away from the right.

If you don't recognize the hold corporations have on American government and society you would indeed be blind to the meaning of his statement.
She's just a nutcase, like bac.

They have to have some explanation for why the corporations that are supposedly so opposed to the left and in total control might allow the Dems to regain power. See she comes up with this stuff about the corporations having weakened their grip? Why? How? Oh let's skip that and move on to more dark sinister nonsense.

It's all naugahyde to me.

It would be naughahyde to someone who supports a corporate shill who thinks removing all restrictions, limitations, and regulations on corporations is the definition of freedom.

Iraq is a corporate war for profit.

Count me in with the "nutcases" who support a candidate that actually has a chance to win.

How should you be counted?