hip hip hooray for government regulation


For a few years, Mike Haege’s sister lived in north Minneapolis. He knows the neighborhood at least a little bit, and when a tornado tore through the area on Sunday, May 22, he took notice.

On the news he saw trees strewn about lawns and streets. Then inspiration struck. He wanted to help. His schedule for Monday, May 23, was wide open. And, since he operates Custom Cut, a tree trimming business here, he figured his services could be put to good use.

“I thought it would be the perfect chance to help,” he said. “I knew there would be people needing help.”

He was just going to volunteer and was not charging residents for his services.

What happened next shocked Haege.

A city inspector arrived at the scene. She told Haege he had to leave. Immediately.

“You have to leave right now,” the inspector told Haege. “You’re not licensed to be here.”

“I said, ‘I’m just a volunteer,’ and she didn’t believe me.”

Haege went back to his truck and got his volunteer paperwork. Still, that did little to get the inspector off his back.

“I don’t want to see you up here,” she told him.

“She just didn’t believe me,” he said.

A volunteer from the Urban Homeworks, who had been with Haege since he signed up to volunteer that morning, did his best to convince the inspector that Haege wasn’t charging for his services.

Residents then came out of their doors in his defense, telling the inspector that he had just performed work at their house and hadn’t charged them a dime. Still, the defense fell on deaf ears.

The inspector told him to get out of the city.


Haege got more bad news in the mail Wednesday afternoon. He received a $275 fine from the City of Minneapolis.
It is a fact of life that one may not conduct a business activity, either for profit or otherwise, without license. In almost every jurisdiction, tree removal requires the employment of a licensed contractor and a specific permit issued by the municipal authority. The reason for these regulations is for the protection of the public; and it is particularly applicable in times of calamity such as in the recent tornados, floods and wild fires that have swept across the country leaving tens of thousands of people displaced and great swaths of devastation in their wake, and when recovery activity may be placed under federal, state and local government supervision. That’s the way it is; and, not to put too fine a point on it, that’s the way it ought to be.
It is a fact of life that one may not conduct a business activity, either for profit or otherwise, without license. In almost every jurisdiction, tree removal requires the employment of a licensed contractor and a specific permit issued by the municipal authority. The reason for these regulations is for the protection of the public; and it is particularly applicable in times of calamity such as in the recent tornados, floods and wild fires that have swept across the country leaving tens of thousands of people displaced and great swaths of devastation in their wake, and when recovery activity may be placed under federal, state and local government supervision. That’s the way it is; and, not to put too fine a point on it, that’s the way it ought to be.
That's the way it ought to be? we must resign ourselves to dependence upon government approval for our own municipal survival and cleanup?
That's the way it ought to be? we must resign ourselves to dependence upon government approval for our own municipal survival and cleanup?

and some have murdered with a chainsaw....
Need must it be so. The danger to the public at such times mandates direct government intervention and strict supervision. In addition, strict control must be imposed to prevent fraud and abuse. In my area, that was recently the subject of wild fire destruction of hundreds of homes, there were numerous instances of unscrupulous persons who took advantage of many unfortunate people at the time of their distress; and there was criticism that the government did not exercise proper regulatory authority to protect the public.

It is a common complaint, whenever someone gets their nose bloodied by some life experience, that: “There ought to be a law!” Well, the truth is that there is; and it ought to be enforced.
It is a fact of life that one may not conduct a business activity, either for profit or otherwise, without license. In almost every jurisdiction, tree removal requires the employment of a licensed contractor and a specific permit issued by the municipal authority. The reason for these regulations is for the protection of the public; and it is particularly applicable in times of calamity such as in the recent tornados, floods and wild fires that have swept across the country leaving tens of thousands of people displaced and great swaths of devastation in their wake, and when recovery activity may be placed under federal, state and local government supervision. That’s the way it is; and, not to put too fine a point on it, that’s the way it ought to be.
You're such a fucking moron you should run for office. I have lived in Kansas and have watched people help other people with chainsaws, water pumps etc. To say that someone cannot help in a community because they are not licenced is the height of beauracratic dumbfuckery and that you would defend it leads me to believe you might actually be king of the dumb fucks.
Need must it be so. The danger to the public at such times mandates direct government intervention and strict supervision. In addition, strict control must be imposed to prevent fraud and abuse. In my area, that was recently the subject of wild fire destruction of hundreds of homes, there were numerous instances of unscrupulous persons who took advantage of many unfortunate people at the time of their distress; and there was criticism that the government did not exercise proper regulatory authority to protect the public.

It is a common complaint, whenever someone gets their nose bloodied by some life experience, that: “There ought to be a law!” Well, the truth is that there is; and it ought to be enforced.

Are you retarded? Your entire commentary on this subject certainly is.
Need must it be so. The danger to the public at such times mandates direct government intervention and strict supervision. In addition, strict control must be imposed to prevent fraud and abuse. In my area, that was recently the subject of wild fire destruction of hundreds of homes, there were numerous instances of unscrupulous persons who took advantage of many unfortunate people at the time of their distress; and there was criticism that the government did not exercise proper regulatory authority to protect the public.

It is a common complaint, whenever someone gets their nose bloodied by some life experience, that: “There ought to be a law!” Well, the truth is that there is; and it ought to be enforced.

No, there's always the extraordinary circumstances to cover those in times of crisis that will respond. They are willing to help, without compensation. They differ from you and me in that they are capable.
Retarded? My commentary states the law; and if you can't accept the law, then don't be surprised when its sanction is imposed on you. Then you'll see for yourself who is retarded.
Retarded? My commentary states the law; and if you can't accept the law, then don't be surprised when its sanction is imposed on you. Then you'll see for yourself who is retarded.

First of all, in my state, which just happens to be the most educated as well as one of the most regulated states, there is no licensure for tree work. There are certified arborists, but you do not need to be certified to cut down trees legaly.

Second, as a sea farer I have been called upon to assist the Coast Guard innumerable times. Your theory is a crock, you cite no actual laws and you support moronic complancency.
Retarded? My commentary states the law; and if you can't accept the law, then don't be surprised when its sanction is imposed on you. Then you'll see for yourself who is retarded.

you comments were more than the law, they were a shameful support over reaching by the government....
so his posts are not troll posts...lmao...proof positive you and he are either lovers or the same troll

true story

Yurt, ask your mom to wake you up, you are having a daydream.

You can extrapolate whatever fantasy you want from the nine words you quoted above, but it is proof positive of nothing but you, as usual, leaping to conclusions.

For a few years, Mike Haege’s sister lived in north Minneapolis. He knows the neighborhood at least a little bit, and when a tornado tore through the area on Sunday, May 22, he took notice.

On the news he saw trees strewn about lawns and streets. Then inspiration struck. He wanted to help. His schedule for Monday, May 23, was wide open. And, since he operates Custom Cut, a tree trimming business here, he figured his services could be put to good use.

“I thought it would be the perfect chance to help,” he said. “I knew there would be people needing help.”

He was just going to volunteer and was not charging residents for his services.

What happened next shocked Haege.

A city inspector arrived at the scene. She told Haege he had to leave. Immediately.

“You have to leave right now,” the inspector told Haege. “You’re not licensed to be here.”

“I said, ‘I’m just a volunteer,’ and she didn’t believe me.”

Haege went back to his truck and got his volunteer paperwork. Still, that did little to get the inspector off his back.

“I don’t want to see you up here,” she told him.

“She just didn’t believe me,” he said.

A volunteer from the Urban Homeworks, who had been with Haege since he signed up to volunteer that morning, did his best to convince the inspector that Haege wasn’t charging for his services.

Residents then came out of their doors in his defense, telling the inspector that he had just performed work at their house and hadn’t charged them a dime. Still, the defense fell on deaf ears.

The inspector told him to get out of the city.


Haege got more bad news in the mail Wednesday afternoon. He received a $275 fine from the City of Minneapolis.
Jesus fuck. What a hypocrite. If the guy had cut down a tree and property damage or injury had occurred you'd be the first one screaming for the guys head and yelling "Why the fuck didn't government do something to stop this guy."

You don't even bother to learn why such regulations are in place...it's just an anti government knee jerk for you.

This is why no responsible person trusts Libertarians in a posistion of public responsibility. Any fucking problem that comes along you're response is to do nothing and whine "it's not my job!". Ya'll are just a self fullfilling prophecy for incompetent government.